Herbs Etc. ChlorOxygen é um suplemento alimentar concentrado de clorofila em cápsulas softgel, contendo 120 unidades por frasco, o que garante um suprimento para 60 dias. Este produto é reconhecido como o número 1 em vendas de clorofila nos Estados Unidos, no setor de alimentos saudáveis e naturais. Sua fórmula exclusiva foi desenvolvida para promover a construção de um corpo saudável. Com o Herbs Etc. ChlorOxygen, você pode capturar mais oxigênio a cada respiração, o que naturalmente aumenta seus níveis de energia. Além disso, este suplemento ajuda a reduzir a fadiga durante o exercício físico, permitindo que você se exercite por mais tempo e com menos cansaço. Outro benefício incrível é a capacidade de se adaptar rapidamente a locais de alta altitude, tornando-se uma opção ideal para quem pratica esportes de montanha ou viaja para regiões elevadas.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Aumenta os níveis de energia naturalmente
- Reduz a fadiga durante o exercício físico
- Permite uma adaptação rápida a locais de alta altitude
- Promove a construção de um corpo saudável
- É o número 1 em vendas de clorofila nos EUA
- Melhora a oxigenação do corpo, contribuindo para um desempenho físico otimizado.
- Auxilia na desintoxicação, promovendo um sistema digestivo mais saudável.
- Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças e infecções.
- Equilibra o pH do organismo, favorecendo um ambiente interno saudável.
- Aumenta a resistência e a vitalidade, permitindo uma rotina mais ativa e produtiva.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas de Herbs Etc. ChlorOxygen por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições. É importante seguir as instruções de uso e não exceder a dose diária recomendada. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação. Para melhores resultados, mantenha uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo, integrando o uso deste suplemento à sua rotina diária.
E. Burke –
These are very helpful for anyone traveling from sea level to spend time at higher altitudes, prevents sickness & dizziness. Our whole travel group started using Chlor a few days ahead of a trip, and we all enjoyed a very comfortable transition, no illness, easy breathing, etc. The one “funny” possible side effect was a non-issue, LOL!
ReviewGal78 –
I truly believe that ChlorOxygen works well for overall health, digestion and detoxification as well as aids in healing. I began taking this supplement 3 years ago during and after undergoing chemotherapy and radiation for breast cancer and had wanted to recover quicker from the treatments and the multiple surgeries that I had. The doctors were always checking red blood cell counts before any surgery and mine always came out great. I took this for about a year and a half throughout the ordeal and I do think it helped me, I was obviously tired at times but never actually sick, or what I’d expected as sick, and worked as a dental hygienist throughout all of my treatments. Afterwards I quit taking it once I ran out and kind of forgot about it. Lately I’ve been feeling tired, fatigued easily and just overall not great. I try all kinds of natural treatments to increase health, but lately I just didn’t feel good no matter what I tried. I ordered these again after almost a year without taking them and within a week I’ve had a significant increase in energy and I don’t wake up tired before my day has even started. I really think that this is making a big difference in how I feel and I usually don’t write a review on something like this that I don’t completely understand how the physiology of it works but this makes me feel GOOD. Period. My honest opinion and experience over 3 years with and without using it. I don’t care about vegetarian, organic, etc as many people have been concerned about with this product… I know it works amazingly well for me. The only side effects I’ve had are improved digestion and increased energy. I’m a lifelong customer at this point! Hope this helps someone out there who is going through what I have and wants to feel better.
Update: 2-6-18. I am ordering these again today, I’m planning a ski trip for spring break and don’t want to have altitude sickness and these just work great for me!! I also realized that I’ve been tired for a few months again and it directly correlates with when I ran out of these. I’m a customer as long as these are available and need to quit letting myself run out! I wanted to update my review because this is one product I still love and don’t want to be without.
gina klemen –
I am so excited about giving a review on this product, I just couldn’t wait, cause this product does so many things, that I’m sure doctors don’t even know of yet. But I actually started taking these chlorophyll pills a couple years ago for some stomach issue I was having, and it did help, but what I was most impressed of is how several weeks after I started using it, my hair started growing longer, I was getting compliments from all kinds of people saying how beautiful and long my hair was getting, people were asking me what have I been doing to make it grow, I told them nothing, cause I honestly wasn’t doing or taking anything new that would be directed to making my hair grow suddenly. But then I remembered that the only thing new I was taking was these pills, but not to make my hair grow. So I thought, could there be a connection? Well I continued taking these pills for a few more months, one a day, and it actually got to the point where my hair was growing way too long, I didn’t want it any longer, cause I knew it meant more maintenance, so I stopped the pills. After that my hair stayed at its new long length, and I was very happy. That was several years ago. Well last year about 4 months after getting covid, I was saddened to see my hair start falling out (caused from covid), I was getting depressed cause it was falling out so much that I could actually see my scalp, I was getting bald patches, I couldn’t stand the thought of going bald. I looked online about this and it said that a majority of people who’ve had covid started losing their hair, and that it would fall out from 6 months to one year after getting covid, I wasn’t about to let that happen to me, so I remembered how these chlorophyll pills made my hair grow long several years ago. So I thought it won’t hurt to take these again and see if it’ll work. Well I ordered them from Amazon, started taking them right away, and I swear that just a few weeks later I started seeing a difference, you could no longer see patches on my scalp, it was growing back thick and long. I was so so happy, now I know and I am convinced that this product really really works for growing hair. Ask any doctor and they may tell you otherwise or they may not believe in this, but I am living proof that this works. Also I want to add that my 82 year old mom was losing her hair, started getting a receding hair line, and patches of baldness, I decided to start her on these pills too, and miraculously it also worked on her, now it hasn’t made her hair grow long, maybe cause her age, I don’t know, but it definetely has made her hair much thicker on top, hair has grown over her bald patches, and no longer has a receding hair line. I highly recommend this product for hair growth. LOVE THIS
Amazon Customer –
I am pregnant and my midwife suggested I get these to help with my blood health and iron. I feel they have worked and helped me increase all of that. Also, really good for heavy metal detox. But I would combine With spirulina, if trying to do a heavy metal detox.
JEdlund –
I took this chlorophyll in addition to Altitude RX to prevent elevation sickness on a mountain hiking vacation. I started taking both about five days before our trip and continued for the duration of the vacation. I experienced no side effects and I’m happy to say that both worked very well and I had zero elevation sickness!