O Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix é um shake nutricional em pó sabor chocolate holandês, com peso líquido de 780g. Este produto é uma solução prática e deliciosa para quem busca uma alimentação equilibrada e saudável. Com uma combinação cuidadosamente elaborada de nutrientes essenciais, o shake oferece até 20 vitaminas e minerais, tornando-se uma opção ideal para substituir uma refeição sem comprometer a qualidade nutricional. Ao consumir o Herbalife Formula 1, você garante uma refeição completa que não só satisfaz o paladar, mas também nutre o corpo de forma eficaz.
Além de ser uma refeição equilibrada, o Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix é especialmente formulado para auxiliar na construção e manutenção de músculos magros. Com 11 gramas de proteína de alta qualidade e fibras saudáveis, este shake não apenas promove uma sensação de saciedade duradoura, mas também contribui para o gerenciamento de peso, ajudando você a se sentir energizado e satisfeito ao longo do dia.
Na Vitaminer Shop, priorizamos a qualidade e a satisfação dos nossos clientes. Por isso, garantimos que todos os produtos sejam armazenados e enviados de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, mesmo durante os meses de verão, assegurando que você receba o Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix em perfeitas condições.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Refeição saudável e completa com vitaminas, minerais e nutrientes essenciais
- Sensação de saciedade e energia ao longo do dia
- Auxilia na construção e manutenção de músculos magros
- 11 gramas de proteína e fibras saudáveis para o gerenciamento de peso
- Garantia de armazenamento e envio adequados para preservar a qualidade do produto
Para desfrutar dos benefícios do Herbalife Formula 1 Nutritional Shake Mix, misture 2 colheres de sopa (26g) do pó com 250ml de leite desnatado ou a bebida de sua preferência. Agite bem ou bata no liquidificador até obter uma consistência cremosa. Consuma imediatamente para garantir uma refeição equilibrada e nutritiva, ideal para qualquer momento do dia.
- Fornece uma refeição completa com nutrientes essenciais
- Promove a sensação de saciedade, evitando lanches desnecessários
- Contribui para a manutenção de um peso saudável
- Ajuda na construção de músculos magros, ideal para quem pratica atividades físicas
- Fácil de preparar e consumir, perfeito para a rotina agitada
Abdu Flower –
Doesn’t really keep me full but I learned later after the purchase that it’s good to mix protein with it to keep you fuller.
The taste is nice. I purchased strawberry as well and usually I mix nesquick chocolate and strawberry together and it’s good but with this product I WILL NEVER DO THAT AGAIN lol. It wasn’t that bad but, somethings shouldn’t be mixed !
I like the fact that I can replace my meals using This, I got a Gym membership and I’m using this as a meal replacement and I can tell I lost some weight! I haven’t stepped on a scale but my pants are looser and my undies are a little bigger
Melissa Hood –
It was actually really good
I can’t tell why Amazon is selling Herbalife, but it seemed legitimate.
It’s cheaper to buy it all on Amazon. My cousin gets his from a person who sells Herbalife. He spends 500+ on all his products a month. I spends 200 tops, if that, for all of the same stuff he gets. Pills, teas, shakes, protein powder for the shakes. You name it. I have been losing weight. It is best to use the protein powder in the shakes because it’ll make you more full. I tried for a week without it and I was so cranky from being hungry (2 shakes a day for me). After adding the powder to them I felt a whole lot better. The tea is a big must for me. It helps keep the mindless snacking away. Which is a huge problem for me. I topped off at 375lbs. In about 3 months I’m at 300. So I’m happy.
I used to do beach body and wasn’t losing any weight. I did it for 6 months. Including their work outs with their shakes. Nothing. I lost maybe 5lbs. Other than that I was gaining a pound here and there. They have so much unnecessary crap in their products that it causes so many issues. Sibo, infertility, migraines, the list goes on and on.
I am always skeptical of weight lost products, but since seeing my cousin who was 400lbs get down to 190 in a year… It changed my mind about them.
Obviously portion control and working out is a must, but I think shakes with all the vitamins and protein you need in them is awesome.
Jared Osborn –
this shake is great, but for me it’s not quite sweet enough on its own.
I replace 2 meals a day with these shakes and I have found that I have been able to completely cut out my compulsive snacking and they have put a stop to my sugar cravings!
Here’s my recipe:
1 C unsweetened almond milk 30 calories
2 scoops formula 1 powder 90 calories
1T personalized protein powder 20 calories
1T coconut sugar 45 calories
1T chia seed 66 calories
I blend it with the ninja’s 16oz blender cups because this mix can be lumpy with just a shaker bottle.
I use almond milk because it’s low in calories, personalized protein powder for weight loss and appetite.
Coconut sugar has many benefits- including not causing a glucose crash which leads to sugar cravings (also if a shake is all I am going to eat 2/3 meals then I should enjoy it!!)
And chia seeds are wonderful for appetite suppression, they have tons of omega 3 and fiber!
If the mix were slightly sweeter on its own I would give this product 5 stars. As it is with my additions I love it and I do not feel deprived at all.
Great appetite suppressant
With a few additions it tastes great
low enough in calories that I can afford said additions in my allotted daily calories
Not sweet enough on its own
Does not blend well with out a blender
I will keep this powder as part of my daily routine though out my weight loss journey. I could not have cut out the snacking and cravings without it.
After 2 years of gaining weight steadily I am finally losing.
Amazon Customer –
I feel it does tastes good on it’s own but you really need to mix it with other things to hold you over and truly stick to this product. Luckily, it is low in calories/carbs, so adding things don’t make the calories get too high which is a problem with other shake products. How I make mine is; a few cubes of ice, 8oz-10oz of unsweetened almond milk, a scoop of powdered peanut butter, a half of a banana, ground flax seed and a little cinnamon and it is very tasty. That totals less than 300 calories which is not a terrible amount for a meal. I have IBS-C and this shake helps relieve some of my symptoms as well. I do feel like it curbs my appetite and keeps me on track but don’t expect to feel full after drinking it. So far, I have only had the chocolate.
smurfetterocker –
I really enjoy this! I have tried just about every meal replacement shake there is and most of them either taste gross or I get really nauseous after drinking them. These are really tasty and I enjoy drinking them. I bought the Dutch Chocolate and the Cookies and Cream. Both are good but I prefer the Chocolate. It definitely tastes best blended with ice instead of just shaken. The only thing I would say is watch your calorie count when adding stuff to it because it’s easy to get out of control without realizing it. I use unsweetened vanilla almond milk, 2 scoops Herbalife powder, 2 TBS sugar free jello pudding mix and ice and blend away. It’s really thick and creamy with no nasty after taste like some of the protein shakes. I haven’t been doing it too long but I already notice a difference in how my clothes are fitting, and it’s been about a week. I will definitely continue! It definitely keeps my hunger at bay long enough to get through the work day without snacking on junk food, then I eat a normal dinner and even a dessert and it still seems to be working. Very pleased.
Dilsad –
I didn’t see any efeckt
Phyllis –
Wasn’t looking clean enough but still intact the container looks old and scratchy with dirt