Conheça as Cápsulas de Cúrcuma Curcumin da Herbal Roots – Extra Forte – Suplemento Puro de Cúrcuma Orgânica de 1000mg, Extrato de Curcumina Padronizado em 95% com Pimenta BioPerine e Gengibre. Essas cápsulas são a escolha perfeita para promover sua saúde e bem-estar geral. Com uma fórmula superior, contendo cúrcuma orgânica, extrato de curcumina padronizado em 95%, gengibre orgânico e pimenta preta, você pode ter certeza de que está recebendo o melhor.
A Herbal Roots se destaca pela qualidade de seus produtos. Sua instalação é certificada pelas Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMP) e todos os suplementos são testados por terceiros. Isso garante que você esteja recebendo um produto de alta qualidade e confiável.
Uma das principais vantagens dessas cápsulas é a sua pureza. Ao contrário de outras marcas, a Herbal Roots não utiliza aglutinantes, enchimentos ou aditivos em seus suplementos. Isso significa que você está recebendo apenas os ingredientes puros e naturais, sem qualquer substância desnecessária.
A Herbal Roots é uma empresa familiar, de propriedade e operada por mulheres. Isso demonstra o compromisso da empresa em fornecer produtos de qualidade e cuidar de seus clientes. Você pode confiar na Herbal Roots para oferecer suplementos confiáveis e eficazes.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Promove saúde, energia e vitalidade*
- Fórmula superior com cúrcuma orgânica, extrato de curcumina padronizado em 95%, gengibre orgânico e pimenta preta
- Qualidade garantida com certificação de Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMP) e testes de terceiros
- Suplemento puro, sem aglutinantes, enchimentos ou aditivos
- Empresa familiar, de propriedade e operada por mulheres
- Propriedades anti-inflamatórias que ajudam a reduzir dores e desconfortos articulares.
- Aumento da absorção de nutrientes devido à presença de Pimenta BioPerine, potencializando os efeitos da curcumina.
- Suporte ao sistema imunológico, promovendo uma saúde geral mais robusta.
- Melhora na digestão e alívio de desconfortos gastrointestinais, graças ao gengibre orgânico.
- Contribuição para a saúde cardiovascular, auxiliando na manutenção de níveis saudáveis de colesterol.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Nick –
Just purchased my third bottle in as many months. I will continue to purchase this product until I do not need it any more. This Herbal Roots Tumeric blend product is a well-balanced combination of the most effective ingredients. The product is fresh and comes a brown glass bottle to provide the ultimate in freshness and potency. Very excellent top-grade product that has been providing verifiable medical level relief of inflammation for me this summer. It really works.
Under the care of Orthopedic Dr. I was diagnosed with a herniated disc injury after an accident moving a refrigerator. Pain was so intense that I could not sit up for more than 20 minutes and walking was almost impossible. Due to the COVID surge at the time in July and the allocation of medical resources we did not want to go into surgery and were not allowed to either. Dr. wanted to prescribe the strongest anti-inflammatory steroids plus physical therapy to reduce the swelling and pain.
Because I had just spent a month or more loosing 20lbs of body weight, steroids were not a good idea. The steroids will make most patients gain significant belly fat and weight quickly. So Dr. and the Physical Therapist both suggested trying 2000mg of high quality Tumeric as possible substitute. We all agreed if after three weeks, we did not see solid reduction in the inflammation, then steroids will be required.
Now 2 month’s later (Sep19), physical therapy is going well. Swelling is almost gone (verified by xray). Weight loss is now 53 lbs since June 4th. Registering an average of 10000 steps on my fitbit. It’s not pain free, but I can do it. Dr. and Physical Therapist agree this turmeric combo really did its job. You won’t find many reviews under my amazon account. A product really has be worth my time before I will sit down to type something up like this. This Tumeric/BackPepper/Ginger combo really appears to have been excellent quality and did its job. This is not medical advice. I am not a doctor. But I can say this is a great buy.
Gillie Bean –
I have found Herbal Roots Organic Turmeric Curcumin capsules to be one of the best turmeric products I have tried. It works for me. I’m in my senior years and want to stay away from drugs as long as I can. I prefer to take natural products, when they work I’m happy to write a review. I highly recommend this product.
I began using organic Turmeric Curcumin spice to improve my memory. I have also found it helps to lessen the pain and inflammation in my joints. I use it as a spice, along with organic Ginger and organic Black Pepper. I break open the capsule and add to whatever food I am preparing.
Bonnie Clasby –
So after ordering my bottle of Oregano Oil from Mortar and Pestle, I went to my local Health Food Store and picked up a bottle of Organic Oregano Oil from them, which was a different brand, for a 90 year old man that I take care of during the week.The price difference was a few dollars less but I’m sure that had to do with the plastic bottle, where Mortar and Pestle bottle is glass. I don’t know if that matters much to most people but the glass container was the first thing I noticed when I opened my amazon package. Now that I have this new brand for the gentleman I take care of, I opened his and gave him one and I took one as well. Let me tell you! The difference in the products were unmistakenly like night and day. Mortar and Pestle, if your lucky and you burp, you will get a clean pleasant Oregano taste in your mouth. But never open a capsule and put it on your tong. It will burn for the longest time. That’s the second thing I noticed. The pureness and the strength. I have waited at least 4 months to write a review as I am not quick to judge and I personally think they have the best products around. The reason I bought the Oregano Oil in the first place was when my Doctor handed me a prescription for a antibiotic to clear the burning flem in my cough, she suggested trying Oregano Oil instead of filling the prescription. Well I filled the prescription anyway but ordered the Oregano Oil as well. Never, even to this day have I taken the antibiotic. Took a few more than recommended, but the symptoms were gone in two or three days. I like the fact that this is also a family owned business. They seem to take a lot of pride and rightly so. I will forever order from them exclusively. Well, at least until they screw up like most companies do and try to cut corners. I hope this is never the case.
Randi V. –
This stuff really works great on my back and hip pain. Only thing I don’t like is that I had to give up my Fish Oil gel caps. Tumerin Curcumin thins the blood same as fish oil. Too much anti coagulation when combined!!
Katerina Levchyk –
Really good product but don’t take to long ,it will cause blood to be tin
Feedingdreams –
I like the price
Rhonda In Oregon –
I have been taking Turmeric now for 7 years…. and it is an excellent product…. I was having to take so much because of my back pain (I later realized was a result of the High Blood Pressure Med, Lisinopril that has the VENOM of the Brazilian Viper Snake In It)…. and that Medication was hurting my Kidneys for the last 8 years…. I quit taking that POISON… the pain in my back Went Away (not before the doctor’s put me on Gabapentin for the back pain that I thought was related to the Arsenic Poisoning that happened to me from a well when renting a place in the country) but that is what Doctor’s do… one drug tries to fix one thing and you have side effects from that and the good ole DOC’S give you Another Drug to deal with that problem and on and on it goes!!!! NO DRUGS NOW WHATSOEVER FOR ME…… I use natural herbs to curtail and help with the HBP… that work and give me great benefits as well for other issues in my body…. I am 70 yrs young and buy the Turmeric powder and make my own Capsules, 216 at a time,,,, with the benefits of this great Herb I found it absolutely beneficial to make my own capsules…. it is amazing and I do the same with Ginger (make my own capsules)… as this Herb Also Helps With HBP…. be smart and use what God has given us on this earth and not the Poison the Doc’s push you to take…. they are programed to write those drugs for you… it is $$$$ in their pocket!!! No Thanks…..You won’t be sorry using Turmeric…..
Happy Grandma