Herbal Clean QCarbo32 Same-Day Premium Detox Drink, Sabor Tropical, 32 Fl Oz
O Herbal Clean QCarbo32 Same-Day Premium Detox Drink é um produto de desintoxicação poderoso e eficaz, coberto pela Herbal Brands, Inc. Garantia de Satisfação de 45 dias nos EUA. Esta bebida é a melhor opção no mercado de desintoxicação, superando até mesmo os chás detox. Sua fórmula exclusiva contém uma poderosa combinação de ervas que proporcionam efeitos de limpeza e desintoxicação no mesmo dia, eliminando toxinas provenientes de escolhas de estilo de vida.
Além de limpar o corpo, o Herbal Clean QCarbo32 também repõe os nutrientes perdidos, trazendo o equilíbrio de volta ao organismo. Sua fórmula é enriquecida com vitaminas, minerais e ervas, incluindo vitamina C, vitamina B12, cardo de leite, pimenta caiena e muito mais.
É importante ressaltar que os produtos Herbal Clean não são destinados a qualquer uso ilegal, e não endossamos qualquer representação ou referência a tal uso por qualquer parte, incluindo distribuidores, varejistas e consumidores.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Efeito Same-Day: O Herbal Clean QCarbo32 é uma bebida de desintoxicação com efeito imediato, proporcionando resultados no mesmo dia.
- Fórmula Poderosa: Com uma combinação única de ervas, vitaminas e minerais, esta bebida é a melhor opção entre as opções disponíveis no mercado.
- Reposição de Nutrientes: Além de desintoxicar, o QCarbo32 repõe os nutrientes perdidos, trazendo equilíbrio ao corpo.
- Sabor Tropical: Com um delicioso sabor tropical, esta bebida torna o processo de desintoxicação mais agradável.
- Garantia de Satisfação: Coberto pela Herbal Brands, Inc. Garantia de Satisfação de 45 dias nos EUA, você pode experimentar o produto sem riscos.
O Herbal Clean QCarbo32 oferece uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina de bem-estar. Primeiramente, sua ação rápida permite que você se sinta renovado em poucas horas, ideal para quem busca uma desintoxicação eficaz antes de eventos importantes. Em segundo lugar, a reposição de nutrientes essenciais ajuda a manter o corpo equilibrado, evitando a fadiga e promovendo energia. Além disso, o sabor tropical torna a experiência de desintoxicação mais prazerosa, eliminando a aversão que muitos têm a produtos desse tipo. Outro ponto importante é a garantia de satisfação, que proporciona segurança na compra. Por fim, a fórmula natural e livre de substâncias nocivas garante que você esteja cuidando da sua saúde de forma segura e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, siga as instruções de uso do Herbal Clean QCarbo32 Same-Day Premium Detox Drink. Agite bem antes de usar. Beba todo o conteúdo da garrafa em um ritmo constante, mas não rápido demais. Após 15 minutos, encha a garrafa com água e beba novamente. Certifique-se de urinar com frequência para ajudar na eliminação de toxinas. Evite alimentos e bebidas não essenciais por pelo menos 4 horas antes de consumir o produto. Para melhores resultados, evite a ingestão de toxinas por pelo menos 48 horas antes de usar o produto.
Qasim Qayyum –
To eliminate THC from body but got drug test positive, don’t believe in that product its a scam.
Lindsey –
I tried many detox products to be fair, but none worked. I’m a bigger girl (250lbs, 5’7), I smoke strong medicinal products everyday, I don’t exercise, and I work at an office job sitting at a desk the entire time. I found out about a drug test and had 4 days to get clean(ish). I did everything right. I drank tons of water on all 4 days. Since this wasn’t the only detox I tried within those 4 days, I can’t blame this product specifically.
Now my other complaint is the bottle wasn’t sealed right it was leaking before I even opened it. And it is spicy, but not as bad as some make it seem. I have IBS so spicy and me don’t mix well. This actually wasn’t harsh on me like I thought it would be. I didn’t have stomach pain like with some other brands I’ve tried.
The positive part of this product is that it doesn’t taste as bad as every one makes it to be. I kept mine in the fridge overnight and it wasn’t hard to drink down with a straw at all. Not taste wise at least.
I want to make note that just because this did not work for me, don’t mean it won’t for anyone else. I’m just sharing my experience to help others judge if they should give it a shot. If my lifestyle matches yours and are around my size, then I recommend getting synthetic urine as a backup plan.
Atti –
Does not work makes pee light green, failed three home tests same day. Save your money.
Dani Tom –
Okay so people on here made me so nervous about using this, but a friend of mine tried it, and it worked for them, so I bought it. I am roughly about 260 lbs and I smoked almost daily for months. I stopped smoking about four days before my test but I don’t know if that was a factor. Test was scheduled for one o’clock, and I downed the thing starting around 11:30 and finished before 12. It was a hefty ask because it’s HUGE. I normally don’t drink a lot of water but the days before id had at least 30 oz a day. After drinking the disgusting drink (tastes like carrots and apple cider vinegar) I filled it back up with water and tried to drink most it but damn I was so full of liquids. I peed about three times until it was less saturated with the neon yellow but still yellow. Went for the test- and let me just say this is going to tear your stomach up for the day- and it was a stressful pee. It was a little clear so I was nervous but my results were all negative. So basically: drink two hours before your test within 30 minutes, drink more water after that, pee a COUPLE of times, and you sound be golden if it’s just thc you’re worried about.
Christopher Griffith –
Followed the instructions to the letter. It didn’t work.
Amazon Customer –
Anyone who claims this didn’t work for them did not follow the directions properly. 6’2 240lbs, and a heavy smoker. I have been using this product 1 – 2 times per year when needed for about 10 years now, zero issues and 100% success. My only complaint is the taste, which no doubt sucks. It is important to understand how this product works in order to use it properly. This is not a detox, it is a masking agent. It simply dilutes you to the point that the THC content of your urine is below the threshold of the test, and it contains enough creatine to fool the concentration reference point of the test. Again, qcarbo does not help you pass by “detoxing” xyour body. It simply uses a lot of water, a lot of creatine, and some vitamin B to fool the test into thinking you are clean, but it will work every single time if you take it properly:
Drink the entire bottle at least 2 hours, but not more than 4 hours before your test. Fill the empty bottle with water and drink the entire thing again. 64oz or nearly 2L of fluids total. Take an over-the-counter vitamin B pill to make everything yellow again. *very important* pee several times before your test.
bandersnatch29 –
Daily smoker 3 years. Quit 2 weeks before test. Didn’t exercise or even try and flush really. I did a pre-run with the 16 oz and I do NOT recommend that product as it’s lacking one of the ingredients the 32 oz has. The 16oz showed a very faint 2nd line. Only at the 1 hr 15 min mark and nothing again (I tested myself every 30 minutes). I was freaked that it was so weak. But since I only saw 2 lines at one point I knew the window needed to be adhered to. Morning off, I drank this, filled with water, drank. Pee’d 30 min after, no line & green like color. Then 1.5 hour after saw a very very faint 2nd line and less greenish more yellow, and that was it! I got dressed and rushed to the testing site. Then I got paranoid it would be a glowing color still, but I couldn’t turn back. It was bright but not odd. I was done, my fate was in the cup. Then they told me I had to wait a week and that was worse. I basically convinced myself I failed and to prepare to lose my dream job. Well, I’ve been at the job for a month now, woo hoo! And I don’t smoke anymore because I prefer the clear head. I’m so grateful I didn’t rely on the 16oz or the other brand I bought that showed only a faint 2nd line for a very short window too. I would recommend stopping smoking the day you start searching for jobs. I had no clue they’d ask me to test until I got the job offer. The whole thing was so stressful and all the extra junk I drank doing trial runs and then this one caused my menstrual cycle to spot between monthly cycles. But at least I got the job! Good luck everyone and vote 🔵 blue so we can stop unnecessary testing for this substance!!
S. Harrison Mr fix it. –
For anyone who is skeptical as bad as I am, I can tell you this product works well. I’ve been in a car accident and been healing with THC recommended by my doc. I am taken my CDL training and for do t allow THC in your system and I had to find a way to pass this physical exam. I stop smoking for 12 days and on my day of the test my appointment was at 3 pm. I took the entire bottle at 12.08 pm and drunk about 3 liters of water after . I honestly peed tree times after. It’s been said 2 to 3 hrs before your test to take and I did just that. I had a home kit from Amazon and at 2.40 I tested myself and the negative results showed instantly after 5 minutes. So I head to the Test and cvs cancelled on me at that moment so I had to find another place which was about 20 minutes away. Regardless as I entered the place I spoke with the receptionist and told her I needed to pee since I’ve been holding it. They say me about 3:45 and I still end up passing with no issues. So I do recommend this if used properly.
Ryan cook –
Took it 2 hours before drug test And passed. Took a 6 day break from Weed before hand drank the whole bottle with 2 bottles of water and test came back negative! Good product