Herbal Clean QCarbo16 Detox Cleanse
Coberto pela Herbal Brands, Inc. Garantia de satisfação de 45 dias – veja abaixo para mais detalhes.
O Herbal Clean QCarbo16 Detox Drink possui uma poderosa combinação de ervas para efeitos no mesmo dia, limpando e desintoxicando o corpo e eliminando toxinas provenientes de escolhas de estilo de vida. É a melhor fórmula entre as bebidas de desintoxicação em um mercado saturado de produtos de limpeza corporal.
Reabastece o corpo: Como essa bebida é uma limpeza completa do corpo, os nutrientes adicionados ajudam a repor os nutrientes perdidos e trazem o corpo de volta ao equilíbrio.
Mistura de vitaminas e minerais: Esta bebida premium de desintoxicação é formulada com vitaminas, minerais e ervas, incluindo vitamina C, vitamina B12, cardo de leite, pimenta caiena e muito mais.
NOTA: Os produtos Herbal Clean não são destinados a nenhum propósito ilegal, e negamos qualquer representação ou referência a tal propósito por qualquer parte, incluindo, mas não se limitando a distribuidores, varejistas e consumidores.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Efeito no mesmo dia
O Herbal Clean QCarbo16 Detox Drink é projetado para fornecer efeitos de limpeza no mesmo dia, permitindo que você se sinta revitalizado e livre de toxinas rapidamente.
2. Fórmula avançada
Com uma poderosa combinação de ervas, vitaminas e minerais, esta bebida de desintoxicação possui uma fórmula avançada que ajuda a eliminar as toxinas do corpo de forma eficaz.
3. Reposição de nutrientes
Além de limpar o corpo, o Herbal Clean QCarbo16 Detox Drink também repõe os nutrientes perdidos durante o processo de desintoxicação, ajudando a manter o equilíbrio do corpo.
4. Garantia de satisfação
A Herbal Brands, Inc. oferece uma garantia de satisfação de 45 dias para este produto, garantindo que você fique satisfeito com os resultados ou receba seu dinheiro de volta.
5. Líder de mercado
No mercado saturado de produtos de limpeza corporal, o Herbal Clean QCarbo16 Detox Drink se destaca como a melhor opção entre as bebidas de desintoxicação, com uma reputação sólida e eficácia comprovada.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, agite bem o Herbal Clean QCarbo16 Detox Drink antes de usar. Consuma todo o conteúdo da garrafa e, em seguida, beba pelo menos 32 onças de água. Urine com frequência para ajudar a eliminar as toxinas do corpo. Evite alimentos e bebidas não saudáveis durante o processo de desintoxicação.
Para obter os melhores resultados, agite bem o Herbal Clean QCarbo16 Detox Drink antes de usar. Consuma todo o conteúdo da garrafa e, em seguida, beba pelo menos 32 onças de água. Urine com frequência para ajudar a eliminar as toxinas do corpo. Evite alimentos e bebidas não saudáveis durante o processo de desintoxicação.
silentPrincess –
First off let me say I hardly ever write reviews, but I felt the need to this time because I know there are people nervous about trying this product. A little background information up until February of this year I would say I was a heavy weed smoker (decided to cut way back after that maybe 2-3 blunts a week if even that). I am a female 5 ft 5.5 inches and 224 pounds ( I used 2 bottles was originally going to just buy the 32oz bottle but I waited to long and wouldn’t have gotten to me on time). Also I am not active. I applied to job on whim and low and be hold I ended up getting the job but lost hope when I learned they would be testing for thc (legal in my state) so it caught me off guard. Likely I was able to schedule it a few weeks to try and clear out the thc. I got the job offer April 3rd and stopped smoking April 4th and had the drug test April 22nd. In between time I tried to drink 48oz of water a day, loads of cranberry juice and added a tablespoon of apple cider to at least 1 of my bottles of later a day. I only ended up doing that regimen for the first week. After that I drank my normal amount of liquids per day. On test day I drank the 2 bottles in 45 minutes (instructions say to drink in 30 min to an hour) after that I filled up each bottle once with water and drank that within about 30-40 minutes possibly less. The bottle says to clear out your system you should drink 48oz of water per day but was nervous about failing for dilution, so I only drank 32oz of water. I started the process at 7:45am my test was at 10:30. I urinated a few times and decided test myself it came up negative a urinated a few more times and tested myself again before I left to my appointment and was still negative. Of course at my appointment facility they were behind and didn’t en up testing me until about 11:30. The color of my urine was still Mountain Dew color but the person didn’t say anything about it and I didn’t bother trying to make an excuse for it. I did read online you can take vitamin b12 to help with the color but I didn’t bother. As far as the taste goes it wasn’t to bad it just tasted like grape juice and after taste of spice. I didn’t get my test results until a few days later I just got my all clear today. Ps sorry for the long review just tried to be detailed. I only smoke weed so can’t say if it works to clear out anything else. Side note I would recommend quitting smoking at least month before applying to a job you will drug test if possible or at least try stopping as soon as you apply to the job.
Christian –
This has been researched exhaustively. And yeah…this product will help you pass a urinalysis. The anxiety of having a test coming up and wondering if you’ll be able to pass is real. Hopefully this review will help you. Here’s the deal…
Everyone seems to want to state conclusively whether this product works or not, based on their personal experience. That’s what we call “bro science”.
It’s not that your personal experience isn’t valid. It is. It’s just that a sample size of 1 isn’t sufficient to be able to make any conclusions. In other words, just because it works for you doesn’t mean it’ll work for everyone. And just because it didn’t work for you doesn’t mean the product is bullshit. This is the best product there is for this, and it MAY work for you. Here are the details…
First off…
This product is NOT a full body detox as many people think. There is simply no product in the world, under any circumstances, that will permanently flush THC metabolites out of your body in a few hours. Or even a few days. Period. Understand that the manufacturer has to be extremely careful about the language they use in their labeling. According to the law, they’re selling nothing more than a nutritional supplement. If you want to know how to actually use this product to get the result you want, don’t bother reading their instructions. They can’t give you sufficient details any more than the proprietor at your local head shop can let you get away with saying “weed” in his store. The rules are insane and stupid, but it’s how it is.
There are many reasons this product may not work for you. You may not use it right. Or you may use a smaller dose than you need. I’ll follow with what has worked successfully for many and what I’ve learned about the process in general to give you the best chances possible.
Keep in mind many factors affect how this works. Your weight, your body fat composition, activity level, frequency of use, how recently you used, the amount you use and the quality of what you use all factor in. In other words if you’re a 120lb female who works out regularly and smokes mids once a month, you’re in a 100% different situation than a 220lb sedentary dude who packed 5 bowls of AK just yesterday. Not that you can’t pass if you’re the latter, you can. It’s just less likely. Just keepin it real.
The product does work. It works really well. You just have to be clear about what to expect. It flushes THC metabolites and “detoxes” them from your immediate urine supply for a short period of time. You’ll be able to test negative at home, negative at the lab (pass your drug screen) but if you bother to check, you’ll still positive again later that day at home. It detoxes your urine, not your whole body. THC is stored in your fat tissue all over your body. The ONLY WAY to have it out of your body for real is to stop smoking completely. If you’re a very light smoker with low body fat, it may take a couple weeks. If you’re larger and smoke regularly it can literally take months. And no…there’s no reliable way to speed it up.
That said, here’s the process.
1. Wake up. Drink a diuretic like coffee or caffeinated soda like a 32oz Diet Coke or something like that. This isn’t required but will speed the process because it stimulates production of urine. Follow with lots of water and urinate as often as you can until you are peeing totally clear. Your piss should look like water.
2. Drink the QCarbo. All at once. If you weigh more than a buck fifty, or even if you’re small but smoke a lot, don’t bother with the 16. It’s a waste of your time. Go with the 32. Personally, I drank 3 of the 16’s. Excessive? Maybe. But as you know there’s a lot on the line sometimes. The point is, don’t be shy. Drink it liberally.
3. Follow up with more water. When you urinate, drink as much fluid as you pissed out. You’re gonna feel bloated as hell. It’s temporary.
4. After you’ve urinated 3 times following the QCarbo, use a home test kit to test yourself. Test yourself again each time you urinate. When you see the test come back negative, go screen. You’ve done all you can do.
One mistake I’ve seen people make is exercising a lot. Remember you’re not detoxing your body, just the urine that’s literally in your body right now. This product really is a detox. It’s just a very temporary one. It’s not a masking agent and it’s not a full body detox. If you’re hitting the treadmill or working out really hard trying to get this stuff out of your system, unfortunately what’s happening is you’re metabolizing adipose fat tissue which is flushing MORE of the metabolites they’re looking for into your urine. Stay sedentary for the day or two prior to your test.
This process doesn’t guarantee you’ll pass but gives you the best chance possible. The longer it’s been since you smoked, the better. But you can still pass if you smoked yesterday. Remember the ONLY thing you’re doing with this is cleaning the urine in your body for a few hours. So even if you’re big and smoke heavily, this can still work. Unfortunately there’s no 100% way to guarantee it’ll work, because there are too many factors that affect the levels of THC metabolites in your urine. But this process absolutely without a doubt can take someone who tested positive and get them to test negative in as little as an hour or two later.
If you follow those steps above, you have a good chance of passing. Stop smoking dope you hippie.
Vickie –
Did not work. Followed directions to perfection.
The taste wasn’t too bad. Add grape drink with cayenne pepper & ginger. But product wasn’t effective.
James –
I enjoy my cannabis based medication. However, some corporate dark ages ceo thinks its a good idea to test all the techs for a new project. I figured it would be wise not to consume for 48hrs, avoid toxins and alcohol for 24hrs, and have an empty stomach for the test except the increased water I have been drinking to help pre flush my system. There is no real directions as far as the time frame of being clean. That’s why I only gave a 4 star review. It should state maximum cleanse is 3 to 5 hours after finishing the product. The taste is not something you would want to drink often, but it is no worse than any other fake grape tasting substance.
The end is I do #1 feel better having taken 3 days to cleanse and #2 I passed my screening.
Caleob Hannah –
its good and it does exactly what you want it to 😉