O extrato líquido de Chaste Tree da Herb Pharm é um produto que oferece suporte ao sistema reprodutivo feminino. Com 30ml de conteúdo, suas principais características incluem ação reguladora hormonal e alívio de sintomas relacionados ao ciclo menstrual. Este extrato é preparado a partir das bagas certificadas como orgânicas e/ou colhidas de forma sustentável das árvores de Vitex agnus-castus, garantindo a pureza e a eficácia do produto. Com uma taxa de absorção rápida, o extrato proporciona suporte eficiente ao sistema reprodutivo feminino, sendo uma opção natural e eficaz para mulheres que buscam equilíbrio e bem-estar. Além disso, é livre de glúten e não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (não-GMO), tornando-o adequado para indivíduos com restrições alimentares. A potência das ervas utilizadas é assegurada por meio da análise de Cromatografia em Camada Delgada de Alta Performance (HPTLC), garantindo a qualidade e a eficácia do produto.
- Promove o equilíbrio hormonal feminino, ajudando a regular os ciclos menstruais e a aliviar sintomas como cólicas e alterações de humor.
- Extraído de forma sustentável, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade e pureza, respeitando o meio ambiente.
- Fórmula líquida com absorção rápida, proporcionando resultados mais eficazes em menos tempo.
- Produto livre de glúten e não transgênico, ideal para quem possui restrições alimentares ou busca uma opção mais natural.
- Qualidade garantida através de análises rigorosas, assegurando a potência e a eficácia do extrato.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 30 a 40 gotas do extrato líquido, diluídas em água ou suco, três vezes ao dia. É importante agitar bem antes de usar. Consulte um profissional de saúde qualificado antes de iniciar o uso deste produto, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. A dosagem pode ser ajustada conforme a orientação do profissional, visando sempre o melhor suporte ao sistema reprodutivo feminino.
Cait Winson –
Some pharmacies really gouge the price on tinctures. I was happy to find this tincture at this price from this seller. Chaste tree has helped me regulate my monthly cycle for years. This might be the first product I press subscribe and save and actually continuously need more of. To anybody who has never had tinctures before – remember, these are meant to be put in water lol – not directly in your mouth.
Amazon Customer –
I was recommended this years ago to regulate my period and it worked like a charm. I’ve always taken it daily for several weeks (up to 2months) and then stopped and found that my periods would stay regular. I would return to vitex aka chaste tree berry whenever my periods started to go wonky again & every single time without fail, it worked. Then suddenly in my mid-thirties, I had random lower back pain and I thought it was sciatica which I had once in college from an exercise midadventure. The pain was different, deeper than I remembered, but it would have sudden & sharp onsets like sciatica so I thought this was the issue. I went to chiropractors, massage therapists, etc. all of which helped soothe my pain, but it wouldn’t go away. My sister (an herbalist) suggested the back pain may be hormonal and asked if I had been taking my vitex and I said, no I hadn’t taken it in over a year, my periods had been fine. She suggested I try it just to see and thank God she was right. It NEVER would have occurred to me that sudden back pain could be hormonal and so I tell every woman I ever meet about Vitex because you never know who else needs to hear about this! A lot of us women will experience back pain in our lives completely unaware that it’s hormonal and if we don’t tell each other, no one else will.
A –
I tried dried capsules for regulation purposes and was struggling with the side effects and high dose. I switched to this tincture so that I could go up and down on the dose, as needed. I’m currently taking a full dose in the morning and a 1/2 dose in the evening. May switch to 2 full doses. It has been quite effective and lengthened my cycle without the added side effects from the powder form. When I’m struggling with anxiety, lemonbalm has worked well with this. Planning on taking from day 5 until the end of my cycle. It helps balance estrogen dominance, improve progesterone levels, lengthens a short cycle, decreases high prolactin levels, and improves ovulation. My understanding is that it takes a few cycles to regulate and balance your hormones and that some side effects are normal. I’m very impressed and will stick with the tincture compared to other supplement brands of Vitex.
LahxLah –
I bought this to help relieve my abdominal pain due to my cycle, not to help conceive. I can no longer take ibuprofen and that was the only thing that stopped my ovulation pain. I’m very into essential oils for everything. When I came across this for uterine health, I said to myself, I may as well. It is amazing during that time. I’m perimenopausal, which causes me pain at different times now instead of the regular monthly scheduled cycle. I bought a second bottle so I wouldn’t run out. My 1st bottle is almost done.
Its is a strong alcohol taste, but if you suffer from severe ovulation and period pains, you’d be willing to tolerate it. Take with coffee or milk and it’s not as bad as with juice.
I love this eyebrow pencil but it’s not waterproof like they say but it’s still good –
I like it been using it for a few weeks now the taste is awful better when in some juices
Jennifer –
I may update my review after some time has passed but I wanted to let others in my situation know that it seemed to help with a pro-longed heavy period (3 months long). I was taking other supplements (cod liver oil, vitamin K, progesterone cream) but there were no changes for over a month. It finally stopped after about a week of taking this but I had to cut back on the dosing due to the insanely intense cramps I was getting after starting this. I went from a full dropperful morning and night to about a 1/4 dose each evening. I read somewhere that it should be taken in the morning but I couldn’t afford to miss more work if I were to get cramps from it early in the day, but sometimes a night dose would bring cramps the next morning. Each dose didn’t cause cramping but when it happened, it was debilitating and sometimes lasted all day.
I want to continue to take this to balance my hormones to hopefully end these unpredictable, heavy, sometimes never ending periods, but I’ve laid off this since the bleeding stopped. It tastes terrible so if I order more to work on my hormonal balance, I’ll probably get capsules instead.
3 stars for believing that it had some role in stopping or at least slowing down the bleeding (it officially stopped the first day I took Slow Flow) – leaving off 2 stars for the uncomfortable cramps and having to miss some work days. If I resume taking it and if it regulates my cycle after a few months, I will change my rating.
Mz.Hunibunni3 –
If you have issues with yeast especially in your intimate areas, GET THIS! Even the strongest of yeast can’t go against this! Now I will say the taste 10000% is NOT the best..but for what it does? It’s worth it. I mix it in chlorophyll water (does not make it taste any better) but it’s good for the health. Mix it in juice if it helps but ima soldier I can take it. The healthiest stuff usually tastes bad. Stop wasting time going to the dr & taking difulcan & monistat, get this chaste tree tincture & a pau d’arco tincture & limit carbs n sugar & watch how better you’ll be. It worked for me in like a week!
Little –
Just got this yesterday, so have only used twice. Using as a female supplement to balance hormones. Taste is kinda like a mix between cedar and cinnamon (pretty bad imo). When you take it though, it made my head feel weird, kinda lightheaded, kinda loopy, kinda focused, and kinda calming. I didn’t think I’d be able to fee anything when i took it, buts it’s nice. For the reason that it threw me into a mental haze a little, might be better to take at night. But will update on how it goes.