Conheça o Extrato Líquido de Raiz de Valeriana Orgânica Certificada da Herb Pharm, um produto que promove relaxamento e sono tranquilo. Este extrato herbal líquido é facilmente absorvido pelo corpo, engajando seus sentidos de paladar e olfato para ajudar o organismo a reconhecer e utilizar as propriedades das ervas. Preparado a partir do rizoma e raiz frescos de plantas de Valeriana officinalis certificadas como orgânicas, este produto é livre de álcool, vegano, não transgênico e sem glúten. A identidade das ervas é assegurada por meio de impressões digitais HPTLC e outros métodos específicos para cada erva. Vale ressaltar que esta declaração não foi avaliada pela FDA e o produto não tem a intenção de diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Promove relaxamento e sono tranquilo
- Extrato líquido facilmente absorvido
- Preparado a partir de plantas certificadas como orgânicas
- Livre de álcool, vegano, não transgênico e sem glúten
- Identidade das ervas assegurada por métodos específicos
Recomenda-se tomar 30 a 40 gotas do extrato líquido de raiz de valeriana, diluídas em água ou suco, de 1 a 3 vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar.
- Ajuda a reduzir a ansiedade e o estresse, proporcionando um estado de calma.
- Melhora a qualidade do sono, permitindo um descanso mais profundo e reparador.
- Fórmula orgânica que garante a pureza e a eficácia do produto.
- Ideal para pessoas que buscam alternativas naturais para problemas de sono.
- Fácil de usar e incorporar na rotina diária, promovendo um estilo de vida mais saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 30 a 40 gotas do extrato líquido de raiz de valeriana, diluídas em um copo de água ou suco. Esta dosagem pode ser repetida de 1 a 3 vezes ao dia, conforme necessário. É importante agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso para garantir a homogeneidade do extrato. A utilização regular pode contribuir significativamente para a promoção do relaxamento e a melhoria da qualidade do sono.
Douglas –
Had nightmares and pissed in my bed (I’m 20) helped me get to sleep though for sure I’d recommend it
Holly Eaddy –
This is the only product I’ve used that helps me fall asleep, stay asleep, and does not make me feel groggy in the morning. Warning though, it doesn’t taste the best, but it’s derived from a root, so I wasn’t expecting much. I usually mix it with a sip of water, throw it back, and chase it with another sip of water.
I love that it works quickly, but I can still function if my kids need me. I’ve not experienced any side effects or adverse effects.
9to5 Insights –
– Certified organic and non-GMO
– Alcohol-free and vegan
– Unpleasant taste and smell
– Did not improve sleep quality
– High price for the effectiveness
The Herb Pharm Valerian Root Liquid Extract is certified organic and free from alcohol, but its unpleasant taste and smell combined with its lack of effectiveness in improving sleep quality make it hard to recommend, especially considering the high price.
Book Reviews –
Excellent potency. Helped me sleep through the night.
Joel –
I’ve had insomnia for a long time and was prescribed Rx medication like Zopiclone, Ambien, trazodone etc..over the years.
I wasn’t expecting much from this product because I’ve tried many natural remedies already.
I used a full dropper of this stuff and surprisingly fell asleep quickly.
I just started using half a dropper and I’m still falling asleep!
I understand everyone is different, but I encourage anyone who has difficulty falling asleep to try this product. I’m so delighted to NOT have to be dependent on Rx medication to sleep. I think it causes dementia over time.
Anyhow, it’s an amazing product and I just ordered the big bottle!!
Diane RWS –
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Just put a full dropper under tongue to help with anxiety and works.Thankyou.
Bay Area Califa –
I have NO idea if this would help my Mom because there’s no possible way to take this orally. I can’t think of anything (ANYTHING) that might possibly mask this terrible flavor that doesn’t quit and no way she would agree to take it straight. HUGE waste of hard earned money. Horrifyingly awful taste that we just can’t get past. That was 2 drops only. I can’t imagine an entire dropperful. Maybe to torture your worst enemy if they’re bound securely with someone holding their mouth open…
Dayanna R. –
IDK if its placebo or what.. the moment I take drops of this thing I can sense a calmness and relaxtion. It has helped me calm my nerves and sleep like a baby. First day i took it three times a day.. second i felt better so i took it an hour before sleep and one more right before bed. Since then I only need to take it before bed.. it has really helped me feel out of a funk i’ve been in for days. Currently buying my second bottle to keep at work.
Graeme –
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I liked that it already made up in liquid form,but they have added a sweetener.i usually buy in powder but I brought to try.i took 2 full droppers full cause I didn’t know the strength.other people that haven’t used Valerian at all before should only use a few drops under the tongue.
9to5 Insights –
I can’t remember when I started using this Valerian product. I’m not a good flyer, and that’s probably the reason I tried it the first time. If you get a bit anxious about getting locked into a “bus” with 200 strangers and taken up to 30 or 40 thousand feet, I suggest you try this Valerian. You will probably have to try how much to take depending on your size, height, etc. I would suggest you try it out on the ground first. And of course you should always check with your physician, and check out any interaction possibilities with anything else, medications, alcohol, etc. I find it helpful for many stressful situations; but anything like this, herbal or not, is a very personal choice. I find this to be a mild herbal helper for all types of stressful situations. Also, I have not found it to be addictive. It’s just there when I need it. Honestly, sometimes i forget to take it, and I learn that I was more courageous than I gave myself credit for. Do your due diligence checking it out for yourself first. For some people it is a great help.