Descrição do Produto: Her Whey (Cookies and Cream Pie) – 1.7 lb
Her Whey é uma proteína isolada desenvolvida especialmente para mulheres que buscam otimizar sua recuperação muscular e promover o ganho de massa magra. Com um sabor irresistível de Cookies and Cream Pie, cada porção de 30g oferece 20g de proteína de alta qualidade, ideal para quem deseja manter uma dieta equilibrada e saudável. Este produto é rapidamente absorvido pelo organismo, garantindo que os nutrientes cheguem aos músculos de forma eficiente, auxiliando na recuperação após treinos intensos. Além disso, Her Whey é formulado para ajudar a controlar o apetite, tornando-se uma excelente opção para quem está em processo de emagrecimento ou manutenção de peso. Com 25 porções por embalagem, é a escolha perfeita para mulheres que desejam um suporte nutricional prático e saboroso em sua rotina de exercícios.
1. Aumento da Massa Muscular Magra: A proteína isolada promove a construção e recuperação dos músculos, essencial para quem pratica atividades físicas regularmente.
2. Sabor Delicioso: O sabor Cookies and Cream Pie torna o consumo da proteína uma experiência prazerosa, facilitando a adesão à suplementação.
3. Rápida Absorção: A fórmula isolada permite uma absorção rápida, garantindo que os músculos recebam os nutrientes necessários logo após o treino.
4. Controle do Apetite: Ajuda a reduzir a fome, contribuindo para o gerenciamento do peso e evitando excessos na alimentação.
5. Praticidade: Com 25 porções, é fácil de incorporar na rotina diária, seja em shakes, smoothies ou receitas saudáveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção (30g) de Her Whey em 200-300ml de água ou leite desnatado. Utilize um shaker ou liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O ideal é consumir a proteína logo após o treino para maximizar a recuperação muscular, mas também pode ser utilizada como um lanche saudável ao longo do dia. Ajuste a quantidade de líquido conforme sua preferência de consistência.
holly –
I was pleasantly surprised that this was actually good! I’ve tried a lot of protein powders, and this is the best to date. I tried NLA Vanilla Cupcake and hated it, I found it sickly sweet and it had bad after taste. But when I saw Peanut Butter Banana Split I had to give NLA another try.
I just blended it with a TBSP of PB, water, and ice. It’s great, I don’t have to chug it to get through it, in fact I actually enjoy it.
•Not overpoweringly sweet/artificial tasting
•No grittiness/blends well
•Flavor is subtle but still recognizable
•No bad after taste
•Doesn’t separate quickly after blending
Heather White –
I love this product and always order it when I’m out! It’s very light and doesn’t hurt my stomach like some other ones. I mix it with oat milk and it blends well together. Highly recommend this product for those who want a good protein powder that taste good and has the protein needed after a workout.
Joshua Hahn –
I loved the chocolate eclair flavor, but they aren’t selling it anymore! Tried out hazelnut s’mores and sincerely do not like it. I’m disappointed to have a whole bottle wasted!
Amazon Customer –
Taste good
Corrine –
I have been using this protein for years, and I love it! I just recently tried the LIVbody proteins, and I really wanted to like them because the idea of it being vegan was nice. However they are go chalky tasting! HerWhey is the best tasting protein I have found. It’s a little pricy, but worth it, especially if you are someone who can’t stand chalky tasting proteins like me. The HerWhey amino acids are great too!
Andy Prieto –
Great taste! I will definitely buy it again!
BellanMick –
Needed to be on a liq diet 10 days pre surgery. Needed protein powder. I purchased peanut butter banana and s’mores. Disappointed that they taste the same. Weird after taste. It was a waste of$$. I should have bought what I was used to.
kilala190 –
I’ve been using this for a few years now and it’s alright. I think what separates this from other brands is the added vitamins. It may not be necessary if you take a multi-vitamin, but during your menstrual cycle, it could help a lot.
It’s sugar free, it aims to reduce cravings and it’s sweet. There are recipes you can use to cook with, but I’ve never tried it… Probably would help… This stuff also fills you up, so it’s great for a morning workout. Vanilla flavor is the best out of all of them, but nothing to brag about. Great with milk/soy milk.
Better get a shaker ball, because it doesn’t mix well. Going back to filling you up: If you don’t down it right away, the shake becomes kinda frothy… Which I assume this frothiness is what helps keeps you filling full? However, I don’t really want to drink more after a workout. So I am mixing 1-2 cups soy milk with one scoop. Otherwise its too much liquid and it goes warm too fast. Also, I’ve only had Vanilla and Chocolate, but there is a lot of cinnamon in these. Especially the chocolate. Kinda gross.
I would say if you work out in the late afternoon/evening, you will not be hungry for a couple hours…. I had a change in my work shift and was working out at 6pm… Come home, pound one of those, and i’m stuffed. I tried having a small smoothie/meal before 10pm and got sick because my stomach was still full of the protein. It sucked because I couldn’t’ really eat anything before bed, but would wake up starving at 4am.