Hem Hero Extra Strength by Hem Healer – Tratamento para Hemorroidas – Reduz Inchaço e Alivia Coceira
O Hem Hero Extra Strength da Hem Healer é uma cápsula suplementar eficaz e totalmente natural para o tratamento de hemorroidas, que pode proporcionar alívio rápido para a coceira, queimação e sangramento causados por hemorroidas internas e externas.
O Hem Hero Extra Strength da Hem Healer pode ser usado em conjunto com várias ferramentas de gerenciamento de hemorroidas, incluindo travesseiros, tratamentos em forma de almofada, lenços umedecidos, supositórios e cremes, para manter a regularidade e combater a recorrência das hemorroidas.
Com sua fórmula poderosa contendo Extrato de Citrus e Extrato de Castanha da Índia, o Hem Hero Extra Strength da Hem Healer atua nas hemorroidas de dentro para fora, promovendo uma melhor circulação sanguínea e aliviando o inchaço e a constipação.
O Hem Hero Extra Strength da Hem Healer pode auxiliar na cicatrização da pele e regeneração dos tecidos, facilitando uma recuperação mais rápida e oferecendo alívio da coceira e sangramento frustrantes associados às hemorroidas.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Alívio Rápido e Eficaz
O Hem Hero Extra Strength da Hem Healer oferece alívio rápido e eficaz para os sintomas das hemorroidas, como coceira, queimação e sangramento.
2. Fórmula Natural
Com sua fórmula totalmente natural, o Hem Hero Extra Strength da Hem Healer é uma opção segura e livre de efeitos colaterais indesejados.
3. Melhora a Circulação Sanguínea
Graças aos extratos de Citrus e Castanha da Índia, o Hem Hero Extra Strength da Hem Healer promove uma melhor circulação sanguínea, aliviando o inchaço e a sensação de peso nas hemorroidas.
4. Auxilia na Cicatrização e Regeneração dos Tecidos
O Hem Hero Extra Strength da Hem Healer ajuda na cicatrização da pele e regeneração dos tecidos, acelerando o processo de recuperação das hemorroidas.
5. Complemento para o Gerenciamento de Hemorroidas
O Hem Hero Extra Strength da Hem Healer pode ser usado em conjunto com outras ferramentas de gerenciamento de hemorroidas, como travesseiros, lenços umedecidos e cremes, para obter melhores resultados e prevenir a recorrência das hemorroidas.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula do Hem Hero Extra Strength da Hem Healer duas vezes ao dia, de preferência com as refeições. Consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento.
Recomenda-se tomar 1 cápsula do Hem Hero Extra Strength da Hem Healer duas vezes ao dia, de preferência com as refeições. Consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento.
Travis –
So this was a bit of a journey for me… I have been dealing with internal hemorrhoids for about 6 years now. For the first 5 years, it would come out when I would use the restroom, i would then push it back in with no issue and go about my life. When it was in, i couldn’t feel it and lived a totally normal life. However, about a year ago, things changed. It would take me multiple pushes to get it to stay in, and some days it would take hours. I lost a lot of my personal life due to this. it was hard to commit to things because I would not know if that day would be a bad day. I have had days I’ve gone through full rolls of toilet paper just trying to push it back in with a few squares at a time. I have also dealt with bleeding issues, i have had days where I stand up after sitting to fin my underwear was covered in blood, and have even ruined a couple pairs of pants due to this. After a couple months of this and realizing things were not going to improve, i scheduled a doctors visit. i was told the best way to handle this would be with the banding procedure. In total, I had 6 banding procedures done, none of which really did anything. Maybe a day of slight improvement but then right back to misery. I got to a point where i was ready for surgery, despite my fear of it and the reviews of some of the recovery horror stories. About a week before i was going to schedule my surgery, a family member discovered this product on TikTok, i figured with a money back guarantee, what do I have to lose? So i decided to order some. I started with the highest dose recommended on a video from the owner, Ian. 4 pills in the am and 4 in the pm, 2 more a day then the bottle recommends. After a couple days i swear i saw improvement, and even through the first week, wasn’t anything crazy, but something! But unfortunately, my progress stopped there, i got through 5 bottles and basically made a 5-10% improvement, which for my case, was basically nothing. I then decided to call and get my money back and that surgery was for sure in my future. I called and was not able to speak with Ian, I was however able to speak with his partner, i forgot his name(sorry man). But he was AMAZING! He was so empathetic and showed a genuine willingness to help, and i felt he truly cared more about me getting better, than he did making a sale. He asked if before a refund, if I would be willing to try a new product of theirs an no cost, and i agreed. we then discussed what to do. I was previously making the mistake of trying to push my hemorrhoids back up while on the medicine, and since it would take me tons of times doing it to get it to stay, i was irritating the hemorrhoid more than i was improving it. So, I was instructed, that even though it would be uncomfortable, but to leave it out while I was on the medicine, and i agreed. less than a week later the box arrived. He included 3 bottles of the product i was already in, to continue to take with the new product(rescue) which he also included 3 bottles of. he sent a bottle of their fiber too, and some new hydration packets. What a genuine gesture! once i began the new product, combined with the original, and the instructions, my internal hemorrhoid went back inside on its own in about 8 days, with serious improvement after 4. I am not counting the bottles I started with as i was doing more harm than good still. So with the new formula I am only on my 4th bottle and my internal symptoms are gone. no blook, no prolapsing, no discomfort, no anything. I do however still have a very small external one, but I am noticing improvement every day with it. But, i have my life back!!!! My external I can barley feel and there is no pain. So I am back to getting out, being able to commit to things and live an almost normal life again. the only thing i am not quite ready to go back to are Jiu Jitsu, and weight lifting. but i am back to skateboarding! And my plan is to return to Jiu Jitsu and weight lifting this coming weekend, so in just 5 days!!! I know this is a long review, but this stuff works and warrants all the positive reviews it can get! And if you’re in a similar boat to where I was, know there is relief in a bottle that can change your life in a matter of weeks!! not to mention, this company truly cares about its clients, and I know I truly enjoy spending my money with companies who care. I will forever praise this company, and will forever have a couple back up bottles in the cabinet, even if i get to a point where I’m not on it daily. but even if i stay on it daily, I will gladly support them every month! Thank you Hem healer for all you’ve done and for being an example of how all companies should operate!
Amazon Customer –
It’s a very good product. No need to buy greasy cream that would make you noticed. This product not only reduce the inflammation but also do something that is the most important which is to ” shrink” the vein. I used it in a few days i see the change. I hope it is forever. ON the other hand, hemorrhoid is often caused by those who stay too long in the bathroom and keep pushing the pooo whereas they didn’t have a strong necessity to do it now. When I was in high school, a professor recommends his teenage students to use bathroom to try to push poooo even if they don’t have so when they are outside, they won’t need to use the bathroom. This was what the professor said he does every morning before he come to his classroom. So, I believe he has hemorrhoid too because I follow what he said as an innocent and humble student and then my doctor told me that is why I get hemorrhoid. Some pregnant women have it when they are pushing hardly to get their new born baby out of their genital zones which is close to the anus where any pushing effort that is done in this area will respond to the anus as well. It might goes for ever. I don’t know. I just bought two key ingredients from it that you can take for 3 months the hesperidin and the diosmin. The horse chestnut with the 20% required aescin can not be taken for a long period of time. But they are all perfect. That ‘s a very good product . It does its job. Doctors ask you to buy greasy things to put on your anal and it would never work. They want you to do a painful surgery at the age of 50 or less when the inflammation is bigger and the vein is bleeding. This medication stops the inflammation and shrink the vein. I believe it can heal the hemorrhoid for ever if you take new measures to prevent it from coming back.
JNorth –
Just finished my second bottle with zero improvement.
After the first bottle and no improvement I watched a video of the owner suggesting that not all people see improvement within the first few days… “stick with it” until a totally undefined period (of course why would the creator say it should work within a defined period of time?). So, against my guy I doubled down. After finishing the second bottle, I’m exactly where I was when I started.
I hydrated well, ate clean, took every dose exactly as suggested and made sure nothing I was doing could exasperate the issue in any way.
So, I feel pretty safe in saying this was a total waste of money. I have no idea how there’s positive reviews.. maybe those people had acute hemorrhoids that would have went away anyway? If you have chronic hemorrhoids or issues longer than a few days though… buy at your own risk