Descrição do Produto: Hem-Control – Suplemento de Tratamento Rápido e Eficaz para Hemorroidas – Fórmula Poderosa para Aliviar Sintomas, Reduzir Hemorroidas e Aliviar o Desconforto – 90 Cápsulas Veganas – Fabricado nos EUA
Experimente um alívio rápido e duradouro com o Hem-Control, um suplemento de tratamento de hemorroidas que age de dentro para fora, direcionando as hemorroidas persistentes com uma fórmula eficaz. Com ingredientes herbais potentes, ele proporciona conforto e alívio a longo prazo. Adequado para hemorroidas internas e externas, este suplemento é respaldado por pesquisas científicas.
Fórmula Poderosa: O Hem-Control contém ingredientes clinicamente pesquisados para alívio eficaz das hemorroidas. Nossa mistura potente inclui Diosmina, Hesperidina, Casca de Psyllium Loiro e extrato de Castanha da Índia, que ajudam a acalmar a irritação e coceira, promovendo a saúde do tecido.
Ajuda a Reduzir o Esforço: As hemorroidas são frequentemente causadas por esforço devido à constipação ou movimentos intestinais soltos. Por isso, o Hem-Control ajuda a normalizar a digestão e os movimentos intestinais, ao mesmo tempo que apoia a formação normal das fezes.
Natural e Seguro: Os ingredientes naturais e veganos do Hem-Control proporcionam alívio confiável para hemorroidas internas e externas. É seguro usar com travesseiros, almofadas, lenços umedecidos, supositórios e cremes para hemorroidas. Fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação registrada na FDA, garantindo qualidade e segurança.
Melhor Valor e Resultados: Junte-se a milhares de pessoas satisfeitas que já superaram as hemorroidas com o Hem-Control, tornando-o um suplemento confiável para o tratamento de hemorroidas. Recupere o controle com o Hem-Control.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Alívio Rápido e Duradouro
O Hem-Control oferece um alívio rápido e duradouro para hemorroidas, graças à sua fórmula potente e eficaz. Sinta-se confortável novamente e livre dos sintomas incômodos.
2. Fórmula Poderosa e Clinicamente Pesquisada
A fórmula do Hem-Control foi desenvolvida com ingredientes clinicamente pesquisados, como Diosmina, Hesperidina, Casca de Psyllium Loiro e extrato de Castanha da Índia. Esses ingredientes ajudam a acalmar a irritação e coceira, promovendo a saúde do tecido.
3. Normaliza a Digestão e os Movimentos Intestinais
O Hem-Control ajuda a normalizar a digestão e os movimentos intestinais, reduzindo o esforço e prevenindo o surgimento de hemorroidas. Mantenha seu sistema digestivo saudável e evite desconfortos futuros.
4. Ingredientes Naturais e Seguros
Com ingredientes naturais e veganos, o Hem-Control é seguro para uso interno e externo. Não se preocupe com efeitos colaterais indesejados, pois nossa fórmula é suave e eficaz.
5. Fabricado nos EUA com Qualidade Garantida
O Hem-Control é fabricado nos EUA em uma instalação registrada na FDA, garantindo a máxima qualidade e segurança. Confie em um produto que atende aos mais altos padrões de fabricação.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter melhores resultados, tome 2 cápsulas do Hem-Control diariamente. Recomendamos tomar as cápsulas com água, de preferência durante as refeições. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento.
Para obter melhores resultados, tome 2 cápsulas do Hem-Control diariamente. Recomendamos tomar as cápsulas com água, de preferência durante as refeições. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento.
Carlos F. –
Since I started using this capsules, my health has improved as far as my digestive system work.
Hallo –
Hmmm interesting, I’ve tried many different products that don’t do much. Some even made the hems more upset than other such as non stop constipation. This product does not cause excessive constipation for me. The instruction is to take 3 pills in one sitting daily. I do this twice per day. It seems to have shrunk my internal hems while having zero effect on external hems. Also, it has zero effect on stop the bleeding. Not an issue because I manually apply HCI mixed with lidocaine and neosporin. Make sure to use 0.25% HCI as complimentary for stop bleeding. And for external hems,, I used steroid cream and it works great. In summary this is not a cure all, it have positive efficacy against swollen internal hems which is keyed because I’ve successfully controlled the bleed in the past then it went back again after going back to regular diet. Finger crossed, if we can control the internal swollen hems back to normal. Our symptom might be cure? I’ll post an update later on, let’s see how goes it.
Gayleetoo –
Maybe this works for some but not for me! What you are trying to avoid ( liked pushing) is impossible! Good luck trying to return, would not let me!
-FH- –
Danielle –
It seemed like overnight I developed an anal fissure and severe hemorrhoids with edema. I had tried several herbal ointments and remedies for 2 weeks and no relief from the excruciating pain I was in. Felt like I was pooping out glass every time I had to go to the bathroom. I could hardly walk or sit as well. I knew there had to be something out there that was Natural and could help with healing. I received all of Naticura products for Hemorrhoids including their Cool Comfort Wipes, Alleviate Menthol Ointment, and Hem Control pills the night before going to a GI Specialist/Surgeon. With just one use I was already feeling some relief. Fast forward a few days later, I was feeling much more functional and not in the kind of pain I was in before. I also bought Forces of Nature Fissure Control and combining the Alleviate with this homeopathic medicine has worked wonders in healing my anal fissure and giving me much needed cooling pain relief. After 2 weeks of use and lots of prayer, I no longer need to have a sphincterotomy. Thank you Naticura for these great natural products! They are the natural remedies I was looking for and are a game changer with my healing. I have already been recommending your products to others.
Ldb –
La verdad no he visto cambios.
Pam T. –
You have to follow the instructions and take 3 capsules at on time once a day with food.
Also, drink lots of water. It is not a quick fix but give yourself 3-5 days to see improvement as long as you do not do any heavy lifting and for me I eat fresh salads with a meal and not too much processed foods. It helps to keep you regular so maintain a regular bathroom schedule.
The Self-Care Review –
Got this for a loved one and she reported back after one use, symptoms are greatly reduced. Just wanted to let people know in case it could be helpful for them.
Lythande Polo –
I have only been taking this supplement for a few days but I am AMAZED at how well it has worked so far. I am not paid to say any of this nor did I receive this product free to try. That being said I wish I’d bought this first instead of spending $200 and driving two hours to an endoscopy center only to be told I’d need a colonoscopy that I can’t afford to pay out of pocket. I have no insurance, and I am a single mom and college student so I thought I was going have to suffer for the rest of my life. To give a little history on my condition, I had my daughter in 2012 and had hemorrhoids before then but they were manageable. Having her only made them worse as I avoided a c-section and had a vaginal delivery. In 2015 I used some inheritance money from my grandfather’s passing to have the gastric sleeve surgery done. The high protein diet was hard to balance at first and further exacerbated my hemorrhoids and the chronic constipation left me with an anal fissure as well. It was so bad that I went to the emergency room that summer because I thought I had internal bleeding. The doctor there told me that I had internal and external hemorrhoids plus the fissure and would most likely need surgery if it didn’t get better on it’s own. I gave up on the high protein diet out of frustration because even fiber supplements only helped so much. Fast forward to this year and I had a sudden increase in pain from the fissure. I was in so much pain that my mother started giving me her Vicodin and hydrocodone pills out of her prescription. I took them almost every day for a month and eventually had to start taking up to two or three a day just to get through my day without crying. I’d already tried all the creams and always used medicated wipes; I even tried orajel as a last resort but it only brought brief, temporary relief. I hated even having to use the bathroom because if I didn’t I’d be okay. It literally felt like someone was stabbing me repeatedly and some days it robbed me of my ability to do much of anything. I was so tired of having to drug myself up just to find relief long enough to function. Since I’ve started taking these (I’m taking them twice a day) and using Dr. Butler’s hemorrhoid and fissure cream I am not having any more pain at all when I use the bathroom. The only time I’ve had pain was when I ran out of wipes and used regular toilet paper. This irritated the fissure but the cream helped with that. I haven’t even had to use the cream much itself because of these pills. I’m hoping that everything will be healed up in about a month or so but I think I will keep taking these to avoid any future problems. If your doctor tells you you need surgery, I encourage you to try these first. I never thought an herbal supplement could work so well but I am definitely proof that they can make a big difference.
Update 11/12/18: everything fully healed after about a month! I rarely have problems with them any more and when I do I just start taking these again for a few days and things heal rather quickly. I would like to add that I’m fully aware of the fact that pain medications can worsen constipation, and I was taking them with Miralax daily to counteract that. I also couldn’t take any stool softeners or laxatives that were stimulants as the increased muscle contractions of my digestive system only further irritated my hemorrhoids. It was a very difficult issue for me to manage and this supplement has made it a hundred times easier and I no longer worry about it. I have even given some to friends that struggle with them and they have experienced relief as well.
HappyShopr –
It’s a good way to fix the discomfort