Hello Lovely! Gomas de Vitaminas para Cabelo com Biotina 5000 mcg e Vitamina E – Cabelos Fortes e Saudáveis
Descubra a revolução no cuidado capilar com as deliciosas Hello Lovely! Gomas de Vitaminas para Cabelo. Formuladas com uma dose poderosa de 5000 mcg de biotina e vitamina E, essas gomas oferecem uma solução prática e saborosa para quem busca cabelos mais fortes, saudáveis e bonitos. A biotina, conhecida como a “vitamina do cabelo”, é essencial para promover o crescimento saudável dos fios, enquanto a vitamina E atua como um antioxidante, protegendo os cabelos dos danos causados por radicais livres e promovendo a hidratação.
Com o uso regular das gomas Hello Lovely!, você notará uma diferença significativa na saúde dos seus cabelos. Elas ajudam a prevenir a queda, fortalecem os fios e proporcionam uma nutrição profunda, resultando em cabelos mais brilhantes e sedosos. Além disso, o sabor irresistível de frutas vermelhas torna o momento de cuidar dos cabelos uma experiência prazerosa, sem a necessidade de engolir cápsulas ou lidar com desconfortos digestivos.
1. Nutrição Completa: Combinação poderosa de biotina, vitamina E e C, essenciais para a saúde capilar.
2. Sabor Delicioso: Sabor irresistível de frutas vermelhas, tornando o consumo diário agradável.
3. Fácil de Consumir: Gomas práticas que não causam desconfortos digestivos, ao contrário das cápsulas.
4. Resultados Visíveis: Com o uso regular, cabelos mais longos, fortes e com aparência saudável.
5. Versatilidade: Indicadas para mulheres e homens, promovendo a saúde capilar de todos.
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Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gomas por dia. Mastigue bem antes de engolir. Não exceda a dose recomendada. Este produto deve ser utilizado como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida saudável. A regularidade no consumo é fundamental para que os benefícios sejam percebidos ao longo do tempo, contribuindo para a saúde e beleza dos seus cabelos.
NM86114 –
The first bottle I ordered was great. Flavor was great and the color was a nice pink. The second bottle was a totally different color. More brown than pink and the flavor was nothing like the first bottle. Was pretty disappointed in the taste.
Kat Robles –
Makes your hair soft and you can grow longer hair! Effective product, and who doesn’t love delicious gummies!
Bindiya –
Thanks for the quick delivery. Gummies are easy & nice to eat. But may not be too healthy due to high sugar content. Can’t comment about whether it works yet since its only been a few days.
Amanda bailey –
I have been nutrient deficient since getting sick and it had caused my hair to become very thin and basically stop growing. Within 3-4 weeks of taking these, I could see a visible difference in the thickness and length of my hair! I’ve had hair down to my middle/ lower back for most of my life. It was so thin and damaged, I had to cut it back to the tops of my shoulders. Short hair isn’t for me and I’ve been eagerly waiting for it to grow out. In the last 8 months, my hair grew maybe an inch. I take various liquid supplements and tinctures to help get healthy again, but none were helping hair growth. 5 weeks into these gummies and my hair has grown well over an inch and is visibly thicker at the scalp. I also have baby hairs coming in all around my hairline. I would absolutely recommend these!
All3Aussies –
These are a dupe for those little pink hair gummies on tik tok. So far I like them. Been a month and definitely feel my hair looks a little healthier. Will continue to buy and see results then update. They taste pretty good. Texture isn’t too bad.
Veronica Abrams –
I was looking for vitamin E but opted for this one for the added benefits. The taste is pretty good. I just started used it so haven’t seen any effects on hair but I like them and will definitely recommend.
Sophie Molinari –
I cannot even believe it since I hit my 50’s my hair was course and stringy but it’s much softer and more manageable now. I haven’t changed anything else other than started taking these supplements. They’re also affordable and yummy
sammantha coney –
So I been taking these since September 2023. I had to cut my hair several times (but due to my own choice). Every time I went to my beautician, she says my hair grows like water.. one time my hair was significantly longer from when she cut it to my next appointment ( like a month and a half apart)… my hair feels stronger. My nails grow faster. They taste good. No after taste. I wish they had more flavors.
Willow –
Easy to digest, delicious and full of all the good nutrients for my body. It’s also vegan which is not always easy to find.
Sophie Molinari –
this was delivered june 5th, been taking 2 everyday. I can actually see some baby hairs growing in so i do think it’s working. no bombshell revelation but im happy with the results so far! plus they taste good 🙂