Descrição Detalhada:
O HealthForce SuperFoods Vitamineral Green é um suplemento mineral em pó que oferece uma poderosa combinação de superalimentos ricos em nutrientes, proporcionando um suplemento natural e apoiando a saúde da tireoide. Sua fórmula contém ingredientes poderosos, como urtigas, cavalinha, suco de grama de cevada, folha de dente-de-leão, folha de moringa, baga de amla, alga marinha, dulse, folha de nori, clorela e muito mais. Este superalimento verde é 100% focado em vegetais, livre de grãos, leguminosas, sementes, chia, linhaça, fibras volumosas ou enchimentos; sem aglutinantes, enchimentos, adoçantes adicionados ou sabores.
Além disso, o Vitamineral Green é certificado orgânico, vegano, kosher e sem glúten. É produzido nos Estados Unidos em uma instalação que atende aos padrões kosher, sem glúten e vegano. Nossos produtos seguem rigorosos padrões de saúde, sendo certificados veganos, kosher e sem glúten. O padrão de origem TruGanic inclui testes para organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs).
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Poderoso Superalimento Verde: O Vitamineral Green é uma potência de nutrientes, fornecendo uma ampla variedade de superalimentos para apoiar sua saúde geral.
- 2. Ingredientes de Qualidade: Sua fórmula contém ingredientes de alta qualidade, como urtigas, cavalinha, dente-de-leão, moringa, alga marinha e muito mais.
- 3. Certificações e Padrões: Este suplemento é certificado orgânico, vegano, kosher e sem glúten, garantindo sua qualidade e adequação a diferentes necessidades alimentares.
- 4. Livre de Aditivos Indesejados: O Vitamineral Green é livre de aglutinantes, enchimentos, adoçantes adicionados, sabores, grãos, leguminosas, sementes e outros ingredientes indesejados.
- 5. Compromisso com a Saúde: A Vitaminer Shop se preocupa com a sua saúde e oferece produtos que seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade e origem, garantindo a melhor escolha para você.
- 1. Aumento da Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças e infecções.
- 2. Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso natural de energia, ideal para o dia a dia corrido.
- 3. Desintoxicação: Auxilia na eliminação de toxinas do corpo, promovendo uma saúde digestiva otimizada.
- 4. Suporte à Saúde da Tireoide: Contribui para o funcionamento saudável da tireoide, essencial para o metabolismo.
- 5. Praticidade: Fácil de incorporar na rotina diária, podendo ser misturado em bebidas ou smoothies.
Recomenda-se misturar 1 colher de chá (4 gramas) do pó de Vitamineral Green em água, suco ou smoothie. Consuma uma ou mais porções por dia para obter os benefícios completos deste suplemento mineral. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver grávida ou amamentando.
ML –
I believe this to be one of the best formulations of greens. High quality. I definitely notice an improvement in my health when I take this regularly
Leeie –
This is true super food. About 18 years ago, when I was depleted, I got a burst of jolt like energy (like using caffeine), when I first used it, and was so scared that I called the company and asked about the jolt. I was assured that there was no caffeine or stimulants, and I was simply depleted of minerals and other vitamins. I was highly intrigued since then and have been using their products ever since. I am now 54 years old, not a vegan or a vegetarian, but am regularly told I look 34 not 54! I think it’s the health force products! Whenever I take them, I am highly nourished after making fruit smoothies and recently have added their Earth minerals and Warrior extreme chocolate protein. I have also started adding their pro-biotics to my smoothies, and love all their products. When I tried their intestinal product Scram to clean out my digestive tract, I did not see an immediate difference, but then–wham!! My bowels started cleaning out stuff I never new I had in there. Very impressed with the quality of this company’s products. The founder developed these products to successfully delay the spread of cancer and sickness in his own body for over 25 years.His products really work amazingly. Although I understand that the founder of HealthForce, Jameth Sheridan, passed away from septic shock after living off the grid, my suspicion is that his body was so healthy and clean that the modern hospitals with all their artificial drugs killed the man. He left a legacy of excellent products and I will continue to use them if they maintain their high standards. Would give his products 10 stars if I could.
Deb W –
I can’t live without this green super food powder but I looooove healthy things! Tastes great, the BEST green powder available anywhere, no junky stuff or ridiculous sweeteners. This is the real deal, it’s just so good for you. I add it to my morning smoothie with my vegan protein powder, a banana, coconut water, coconut milk, fresh spinach or kale and ice. Beautiful color and delicious! Your body will sing. I highly recommend any of the Health Force products.
johnnyjohnny –
it is hard to say without boring people just how good this is for you. vitamineral green also has a companion product called vitamineral green ‘Earth’ with roots, spices, etc, that compliments this all herb formula.
no fillers in this stuff, just about 40 of the most nutritious herbs in the world. i noticed benefits within the first 5 days of taking this and was moved to get the Earth and take them together. the energy and well being is amazing.
as a vegetarian who has a really mediocre diet, this stuff is vital to me. i also know (something for you to research) that normal vitamins and minerals are virtually worthless unless from ‘organic’ sources…this meaning of the term is that it comes from a living source such as a plant or animal, NOT synthesized in a lab. your body literally treats synthesized minerals/vitamins as toxic. this stuff is all from living sources, plus it is USDA organic, meaning no pesticides or gmo’s, plus it is all REAL food so it all gets absorbed.
i’ve given enough info here as a path to research on your own, but as for this product, not only is it amazing, with 40% of it being superfoods spirulina and chlorella…when you analyze the price it is perhaps the most cost effective nutrition on the market. for me, taken with orange juice, it has a very palatable taste.
get it, feel better!
WolfWhistle –
This is by far the very best greens powder supplement on the market. It earns all 5 star reviews honestly by truly benefiting the people who use it. I learned about it from Vitamin Cottage/Natural Grocers while looking for something to replace the exceedingly expensive process of juicing and/or eating an organic and healthy diet filled with dark healthy green vegetables that can often be a bit difficult, time consuming and expensive. This supplement is the perfect supplement and the quality, variety, method of processing, and depth of research shows in the results when using it.
“ Vitamineral Green is a superior, nutritionally dense, therapeutic green superfood powder which nutritionally supports blood sugar, detoxification, the immune system, liver, kidneys, thyroid, blood, bones, colon, pancreas, muscles, brain, regularity, circulation, and longevity.
Every ingredient, including how it is grown and processed, is therapeutic. It is an extremely potent and comprehensive array of nature’s most nutritive and cleansing superfoods, grown and processed to maximize their benefits. It contains a full spectrum of naturally occurring, absorbable and non-toxic vitamins, minerals, all the essential amino acids, antioxidants, chlorophyll, soluble and insoluble fibers, tens of thousands of phytonutrients, and a plethora of other synergistic, organically-bound nutrients. It contains no synthetic or isolated nutrients (not excreted as expensive yellow urine or stored as toxic deposits). Vitamineral Green is Actual Food.
100% Vegan, raw (20+ years), gluten free, yeast free, Actual Food, superfoods, and TruGanic. Green Focused: NOT diluted with grains, beans, maca, fibers, fruits, fillers, seeds/chia/flax. No isolated nutrients. Perfectly balanced nutrition. Packed with vitamins, minerals, trace elements, and healing phytonutrients.”
Take some time to read the reviews because it is amazing how well this one supplement works on a myriad of different health issues. It is the perfect supplement because it helps the body on a cellular level and then the body itself can heal as it grows healthier, less inflammation, better digestion, and a stronger immune system.
I used to balk at the price but this is MORE than worth it, not only for the health benefits but also for money saved in not having to buy so many vegetables and other supplements to have for a quality diet. Health Force has done all the work for us and I am so grateful for that!