O produto Health Thru Nutrition PQQ 20mg 120 Porções é um suplemento inovador que contém Pirroloquinolina Quinona (PQQ) na forma de PureQQ, um composto poderoso que promove a biogênese mitocondrial. As mitocôndrias são essenciais para a produção de energia celular, e o PQQ atua como um cofator redox e antioxidante, encontrado naturalmente em alimentos como o kiwi. Este suplemento é certificado como vegano e é livre de transgênicos, glúten e soja, garantindo uma formulação limpa e segura para todos os consumidores.
Estudos científicos têm demonstrado que o PQQ oferece uma série de benefícios significativos para a saúde. Ele não apenas apoia a saúde cognitiva e a memória, mas também contribui para a saúde ocular e cardiovascular, além de promover a saúde celular geral. O PQQ é conhecido por facilitar a conversão de NADH para NAD+, melhorando a atividade da sirtuína, o que pode ser um fator importante para aqueles que buscam aumentar a longevidade e melhorar sua saúde de forma geral.
A formulação do PQQ da Health Thru Nutrition é hipoalergênica e meticulosamente encapsulada em uma instalação certificada cGMP, garantindo o mais alto nível de segurança e eficácia. A empresa se compromete com a qualidade, segurança e integridade de seus produtos, sempre priorizando a satisfação do cliente.
1. Suporte à saúde cognitiva e memória.
2. Benefícios para a saúde ocular.
3. Suporte cardiovascular.
4. Melhora da saúde celular.
5. Aumento da longevidade e melhoria da saúde em geral.
Angela Smith –
Haven’t been taking it long enough to see any results.
Simply Elegant –
From Day One I noticed a significant difference in cognitive and energy function. My mood has changed from anxiety to easygoing. My mom whom I often disagree with has noticed a change in my mood and energy.
Diego –
For energy production in body and keep mental functions in better condition. PQQ IS the least prescribed supplement. But it a wonderful supplement for all diseases that are autoimmune type . Other than that it helps for all problems of brain functions. I said helps because it has the capacity to generate mitochondria which is the main power house in human cells.
Gramma Bonnie –
This appears to be a quality product., and very likely is, but it needs to be third party tested.
The product description says:
“Exclusively Formulated And Manufactured In Us Cgmp Certified Facility”
(A small error: They didn’t do the “quality control” to even correctly capitalize “US” and “Cgmp”)
Saying it is made in a cGMP (Certified Good Manufacturing Practices) facility means virtually nothing. The product needs to be FDA approved, and the FDA does not approve any manufacturing facility or supplement, they simply enforce the regulations.
What matters is if the company has a 3rd party lab analysis verifying what is on the label is in the bottle.
OnTheEdge –
We love this supplement & the company is great.
ltodd –
It’s amazing for energy efficiency, memory, also for keep you young and sharp! my secret to youth!
Simply Elegant –
I took a chance on this, having read a brief article about how PQQ is what the mitochondria need to perform at their best. The mitochondria are called the powerhouse of the body’s cells, and when ramped up, they deliver the energy to run the body efficiently. PQQ appears to be the nutrient that is needed and is often in short supply, especially among the elderly. I am elderly and was disappointed to note how little energy I could find to do the things I wanted to do.
So I bought a bottle of PQQ and shared it with my wife — 60 caps divided by the 2 of us = a one month trial. Honestly, at the end of the month I hadn’t noticed anything, so I didn’t reorder. but a week or two later I thought that perhaps a one month trial wasn’t a fair trial, so I ordered a second bottle. Within a week I began to find the energy to get at some of the home projects that had languished sometimes for years. I now regularly tackle physical tasks that have been waiting for me to get around to it. I can’t prove the PQQ is the reason, but it seems likely. It might be one of those mind-over-matter things or a kind of placebo effect, but no matter, my life has improved, my satisfaction with it anyway.
My wife thinks it has perhaps helped her a bit, which is not such a resounding report, but that just reminds me that everybody’s body is different, and what works for one may work differently for another.
It’s not fearfully expensive and I’d gladly recommend that you try it and give it time to kick in, but keep my wife’s experience in mind too.
Peter –
I’ve only been taking this supplement for five days, so it is too soon to go five stars yet. Will follow up after some time has passed.
Carolyn Renn –
Help you to concentrate
marina volkova –
Great supplement for the brain especially when paired with co q 10