Descrição do Produto: Health Plus Super Colon Cleanse 10 Day Gentle Gut Cleanse Detox
O Health Plus Super Colon Cleanse é um detox suave para o intestino, projetado para promover a saúde digestiva e o bem-estar geral. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina casca de psyllium, probióticos e ingredientes naturais, este produto é ideal para quem busca alívio da constipação e uma limpeza eficaz do cólon. O psyllium, uma fibra solúvel, ajuda a regular o trânsito intestinal, enquanto os probióticos contribuem para o equilíbrio da flora intestinal, promovendo uma digestão saudável. Este detox de 10 dias é uma solução prática e eficaz para quem deseja desintoxicar o organismo, melhorar a função intestinal e sentir-se mais leve e energizado.
1. Alívio da Constipação: A combinação de fibras e probióticos ajuda a regular o trânsito intestinal, proporcionando alívio rápido e eficaz da constipação.
2. Desintoxicação Suave: Promove uma limpeza do cólon sem causar desconforto, ideal para quem busca um detox gentil.
3. Saúde Digestiva: Melhora a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, contribuindo para um sistema digestivo mais saudável.
4. Equilíbrio da Flora Intestinal: Os probióticos presentes na fórmula ajudam a restaurar e manter o equilíbrio da microbiota intestinal.
5. Aumento da Energia: Ao eliminar toxinas e melhorar a digestão, o produto pode resultar em um aumento significativo nos níveis de energia e bem-estar geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se iniciar o uso do Health Plus Super Colon Cleanse com uma dose de 1 colher de sopa (aproximadamente 15g) misturada em um copo de água ou suco, uma vez ao dia. É importante aumentar a ingestão de água ao longo do dia para auxiliar na ação da fibra. O uso deve ser mantido por 10 dias, podendo ser repetido após um intervalo de 30 dias. Para pessoas com condições de saúde específicas ou que estejam grávidas, é aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso.
Mai AG –
Sincere outcomes, moderate weight reduction, eliminating properties, not straining your body, avoiding bowel damage, and being an amazing herbal cleanser at a fair price. My husband and I will definitely buy again.
Dinesh Abeykeerthi –
Now sure what this is supposed to cleanse… definitely not the colon
Gentle cleanse –
Love the product! Absolutely love
irwin lucas –
Quick return on orders and one a day fore sure !
rishi –
Great product
Herbert T Miller Sr –
Colon cleanse.
Customer Review –
Everyone is different and will have a different result so with that in mind, I guess it makes sense when I read through the negative reviews. I didn’t experience any of those negatives so far though so I can only speak on what I’ve experienced.
I have never been one to be very regular so I will often use a product like this to make sure I clean myself out every few months. This is the first time I’ve used this product. I followed the suggested use on the bottle, which is to take 2 capsules 2 times daily with at least 10-12oz of water immediately. They recommend about every 2 months and for no more than 10 days. On day 1, I took the capsules at noon with 12oz of water. By 1:30pm, I was feeling a little gas and then a sudden urge to use the toilet. It wasn’t an emergency visit but it was obvious I needed to make time for the bathroom very soon which is exactly what I did. I won’t go into great detail but it was a good visit. No discomfort and solid BM. Throughout the rest of the day I felt completely normal. No cramps, gas, etc.
I am only on day 3 but after day 1, those sudden urges roughly 1-2 hours after taking two capsules + 12oz water have stayed mostly consistent. I’ll wait to make a final verdict after 10 days but this has been a very easy and comfortable way to cleanse and if it continues, I think I’ll continue to purchase these every 3 months.
I’ll try to update my review after 10 days but I suspect it will be more of the same. My recommendation is that you drink lots of water, at least 10oz when taking the capsules, and more than your average throughout the day. I think that’s key to consistent and smooth visits to the bathroom.
VJ –
Very effective. Bloating gone. Lost a few lbs. Great addition to total health regimen
Doniel Green –
It works pretty good, Just stay near a restroom, Sometimes it’s at the point you can’t hold it….
R. A. Brewer –
Used for constipation; was NOT impressed. 1 of it’s 2 main ingredients Senna/ Sennosides/ Senna-Lax is a natural plant that can be bought much cheaper alone (8.6mg tablets, take 6 or 8 to 11 per day SPACED OUT APART, NOT all at once, versus the usual 2 senneca tablets (8.6mg x2 per day suggested daily use; whereas i take those 8.6mg at a frequency of 8 to 11 tablets 8.6mg EVERY day and no problem at all, due to stagnation following an injury that impaired normal movement/ autonomic movement/ peristalsis/ digestion); That being said, this is a massive single dose, way too little proiotic in it so you need to supplement with 1,000 billion CFU/colony-forming units of lactobacillus or other (mixture of probiotic strains is best!: bifidus and bulcaricus with your lactobacillus/sourdough ingredient added to yeast to give bread its twang/ sour flavor). But back to the Senna, 1 of THIS items 2 main ingredients: way too much to take at once: it has 665mg equal to 77 tablets of the standard 2-tablets daily of senna alone as gentle laxative of vegetable (similar to Doan’s Correctol that works overnight overnight although Doan’s is a chemical salt osmotic versus the senna being a veg. lax.); I recommend breaking in half (1/2 in the A.M. morning, & 1/2 in the PM/eve.). The SECOND major ingredient is psyllium husk fiber you can snag for less cost at any any dollar tree or some such place (i/.e. Mason Vitamins, run $1 per bottle of 2 dozen pills) and THIS item has a large 321mg (unlike metamucil insoluble fiber or wheat dextrin/benefiber/omi-fiber/soluble fiber), this (2nd maor ingerdient of psyllium husg fiber (insoluble fiber) results in MESSY STICKY discomfort. In my 2 years experience, on a daily basis, triphala (3 berries blend of indian gooseberries, 3 strains, 4,000 yr-old Ayurvedic remedy from Sanskrit yogis rumored to have been dictated by the gods in ancient times 4,000BC, like Indian Aurvedic medicine was rumored to have been imparted to humanity by ascended souls or ancient aliens, similar to the Shen Jin Cao, China’s oldest medical text [the Yellow Emperor was also said to have descended to earth in a fireball, rules 110 years, imparted all aspects of culture, engineering, language, medicine, engineering, metallurgy, math, astronomy, governance, architecture, crafts and arts, and then left , it is rumored some 200 o 300 years later in the same way, ascending in a fireball or fiery dragon to the sky or stars, forever departing after his, the Yellow Emperor and his long reign, where 1 of his 1st texts dictated was the ancient surgical-medical text introducing acupuncture and the concept of chi body energy written in the Shen Jin Cao, China’s and the World’s oldest known medical text, older even more so than Ayurvedic medicine perhaps [but Ayurvedic Indian medicine was not written in official texts until after the Shen Jin Cao was composed in China by it’s half-immmortal (half alien?) Yellow Emperor. Summation: Buy large 1,000 count of 8.6mg tablets 8.56mg and take 1 per hour or 2tablets each 2 hours ( = 17.2mg) but not more than 11 per day; and also buy psyllium fiber (husk) tablets from any dollar store/dollar tree, and follow suggested dose; THIS is much cheaper. THIS product (“Super colon cleanse,” in red box, red label on white plastic bottle) has a few minor ingredients too small to read even enlarged: papaya for protein digestion and is also used to debride old skin cells or intestine lining, but 21mg seems a very small amount to even do anything; and rose hips 21 mg and fennel 21 mg, an anti-gas a carminitive/ stomach-calmer, it (fennel, ground seed) reduces stomach acid production (and a measly 11mf probiotic, undoubtedly the cheapest most common type, lactobacillus acidophilus.(an acid-loving common normal flora omnipresent in our colons already, is a rod-shaped bacillus friendly bacteria of the most common variety– probiotics (mainly Lacto-bacilllus (rod-shaped) acidophilus performs 90% of our digestion, dictating our sleep, mood, energy level, etc.; basically we ARE the result of having gut friendly bacterial as normal residents beginning in infancy, without which could not digest any plant fiber or produce any of our own vitamin K needed to direct calcium where to go to fuel our constant bone remodeling in concert with T4 from our dual-lobed thyroid pair surrounding our wind-pipe and the T3 down-regulator in bone remodeling, from our para-thyroid endocrine pair, both of which have 2-way communication with the brain’s hypothalamus.. (Pearls are the best pro-biotic brand or eat a good yogurt, especially Greek/ bulgaricus strains from East Europe). For its sticky effect, (even spacing apart, taking 1 tablet in morning & 1 at night), it gets a measly 2.5 stars (or less). I will just break them in half and eat 1/2 pill per day (tablet) when staying home near commode all day. -(Verified Purchase, via Amazonn)