Urinary Tract Support – Mantenha um trato urinário saudável com CranCap, uma cápsula conveniente para ser tomada uma vez ao dia, feita com poderosos 36mg de PACs extraídos da cranberry inteira. Múltiplos estudos científicos em humanos mostram que 36mg de PAC é a dose ideal para promover e manter a saúde do trato urinário. Uma solução natural para a dor, queimação, urgência e desespero causados por infecções do trato urinário, o CranCap está aqui para ajudar a manter seu trato urinário limpo.
Impulsionado por Cranberries – PACs, ou proantocianidinas, são flavonoides encontrados nas cranberries da América do Norte. Os PACs possuem poderosos benefícios antiaderentes, trabalhando dentro do seu corpo para evitar que as fontes de infecção do trato urinário grudem nas paredes celulares do seu trato urinário. Nem todos os PACs são criados iguais!
Pare as Infecções Urinárias Antes de Começarem – Em 24 horas, 1 cápsula de CranCap tem a mesma quantidade de PACs (e sem açúcar) encontrada em 3-4 porções de suco de cranberry. Ele também fornece antioxidantes para a manutenção da boa saúde geral. Os efeitos residuais do CranCap podem durar até 36 horas, mas para máxima eficiência, tome uma cápsula a cada 24 horas.
As Soluções Mais Puras – Os produtos Heale são orgulhosamente fabricados nos EUA usando ingredientes obtidos nos EUA, seguindo Boas Práticas de Fabricação. A Heale não cria produtos enganosos que prometem resultados irreais. Todos os produtos que os proprietários fabricam são usados por eles mesmos.
Por que Heale? – Somos a equipe original de especialistas em saúde feminina, com 3 décadas de experiência, fornecendo soluções naturais baseadas em ciência para resolver seus problemas femininos mais comuns e desconfortáveis em todas as fases da vida.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Suporte ao Trato Urinário – Mantenha seu trato urinário saudável e livre de infecções com CranCap, uma poderosa cápsula de cranberry.
- 2. PACs Poderosos – Os PACs presentes no CranCap têm benefícios antiaderentes, evitando que as bactérias se fixem nas paredes do trato urinário.
- 3. Eficiência Comprovada – Estudos científicos mostram que 36mg de PAC é a dose ideal para promover e manter a saúde do trato urinário.
- 4. Fabricado nos EUA – Os produtos Heale são orgulhosamente fabricados nos EUA, seguindo rigorosos padrões de qualidade.
- 5. Soluções Naturais – Heale oferece soluções naturais baseadas em ciência para resolver problemas femininos comuns em todas as fases da vida.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Tome uma cápsula de CranCap por dia, de preferência com uma refeição. Para máxima eficiência, tome a cápsula a cada 24 horas. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento.
Natalie Lozano –
Works better than other cranberry pills I have tried. But best to take yogurt with it. Or something with antibiotic properties if taking for a UTI
SandyJ –
i used to have UTI’s about 7 or 8 times a year & some put me in the hospital. My doctor recommend I take 2 a day & since then I have not had a single UTI. As far as I am concerned these are magic pills. I have told my family doc about these & told her she should recommend them. For your info I have been plagued with UTI’s for over 30 years & not 1 UTI in 4 years. These are not cheap but they are no more expensive than a doc or hospital visit.
Audrey –
Seriously LIFE SAVING! I use to have chronic UTIs no matter how often I cleaned and prepared. I even developed cystitis which was extremely painful. After taking these pills, I rarely get a UTI. If I do, I take 2-4 cranberry pills a day for one to two days following the onset of the infection. At worse, only 1 macrobid antibiotic pill total with the cranberry and the infection is cleared. I can never go back to regular cranberry pills again (which did not provide any relief). I am truly GREATFUL that this company provides the product at a reasonable price and great quality. Thank you!!
Heidi Flynn Jelasic –
I have had recurrent UTIs for the past couple of years, often debilitating me so much that I couldn’t work or participate in any activities. Pain while urinating, abdominal aching, burning sensations, etc. I thought this condition was chronic and permanent. After experiencing 6 UTIs in the last four months, I was desperate. Each time, I had been prescribed a course of Macrobid (5 days), which took care of the symptoms for that week and maybe a few days following. Then symptoms would come back and I felt that awful dread returning. In desperation, I went to the Internet to research. I found all the new thinking on the 36 mg of PAC. I thought it would be worth a try and purchased an initial 30 day supply.
I couldn’t believe how good I began to feel after just one capsule. I took one in the morning and one at night. The suggested once a day ingestion did not seem as effectual, and since these are a supplement made from fruit, I decided they wouldn’t be dangerous to take more often. I have been doing that now for two weeks and I am symptom and infection free (per a urinary analysis). These capsules are a miracle. They make the lining of the bladder and urethra inhospitable to E.coli and other bacteria which seek to make their home there. I am grateful I found this product and the price is much more reasonable than competitors! If you are suffering like I was, please try these.
Ken –
After a fair amount of investigation, I bought this product for my wife. Since she has been taking it for just a few weeks, it remains to be seen if CranCap will actually help her avoid UTIs, but we are hopeful. While the price is at the high end of the per-capsule range for cranberry supplements, we think that the price level is supported by the following facts: 1) CranCap is made in the USA, 2) Each capsule contains 36mg of PACs and little else, 3) The relatively small capsule size makes it easy to swallow. We will be ordering more.
Jen –
These have PACs in them and there is a HUGE difference in efficacy vs. d-mannose and other cranberry pills. This is a preventive, 1x daily MIRACLE that has kept me from getting painful and debilitating UTIs for almost 2 years. I used to get them almost monthly for the last 15 years. All that agony, sleepless nights and panic gone. I’ve tried it all…countless urologists, every crappy OTC cranberry and UTI med out there, showers 4-5 daily, even ironing my undies! At one point my old urologist even put me on a my small dose of preventive antibiotics (which really messed me up!) In any case, my new urologist recommended Ellura. This is just like Ellura, but less!
Anyone who suffers with a history of UTIs needs to KNOW about this OTC. The other crap doesn’t work if you suffer chronic UTIs. Honestly, the stuff just masks things and the UTIs just come back stronger. Even D-mannose stopped working for me. Sometime if I feel even the HINT of a UTI starting, I’ll double up my dose on this and the symptoms are GONE! Forever grateful to this product for greatly improving the quality of my life. Thank you!
El Poki –
Great daily supplement to keep your body healthy. Hard to find and we need them for our Disabled Daughter’s Health. We’re glad to find these at this price. Prices can get crazy when folks know someone needs a Special Supplement.
I love my Service Dog –
I am a catheter user which means I get lots of infections and I’m constantly colonized by bacteria. I’m also allergic to most antibiotics out there my issue was so bad the doctors had actually refused to treat me unless I was actually in the hospital. Things have dramatically changed my life I went from being in the hospital every couple months to going in entire two years without being there I owe that to two products Ellura In the active ingredient in cystix The over-the-counter version has aspirin in it which I can’t take so I got my doctor to write me a prescription for the prescription version which is (methenamine mandelate ) that’s the RX version you’ll probably have to tell your doctor about this I haven’t run into a doctor that actually knows you can write a prescription for that active ingredient . It’s also a stronger version will kill a UTI is simply as antibiotics too but you don’t have the problems with the antibiotics . These things have completely changed my life as I said two years and no hospital stay. If you have trouble with The acidity of it try alternating days and using a acidity free vitamin C. But yes let the product I love the price .