Conheça as gotas para tosse sem açúcar HALLS Minis sabor Mentho-Lyptus, um produto que oferece alívio eficaz para tosse, garganta irritada e congestão nasal. Cada embalagem contém 24 gotas de mentol, um supressor de tosse e anestésico oral confiável. As gotas HALLS Minis são pequenas, mas tão eficazes quanto as gotas de mentol padrão da HALLS. A embalagem portátil e de tamanho de bolso contém gotas sem embalagem individual, proporcionando alívio discreto, sem esforço e sem embalagem.
Com 2,7 mg de mentol em cada gota, as gotas HALLS Minis sabor Mentho-Lyptus aliviam temporariamente a tosse causada por resfriados, além de irritações ocasionais ou dores de garganta. Essas gotas são perfeitas para levar com você onde quer que vá, graças às embalagens com tampa flip-top. Jogue na bolsa, na bolsa ou mantenha uma na gaveta do escritório, na mesa da escola ou no carro para aliviar irritações ocasionais na garganta a qualquer momento e em qualquer lugar.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Alívio eficaz para tosse: As gotas HALLS Minis sabor Mentho-Lyptus contêm mentol, um supressor de tosse e anestésico oral confiável, proporcionando alívio imediato para tosse irritante.
- Sabor refrescante: O sabor Mentho-Lyptus das gotas HALLS Minis é refrescante e agradável, ajudando a acalmar a garganta irritada e a refrescar as vias nasais congestionadas.
- Tamanho compacto: As gotas HALLS Minis são pequenas e fáceis de transportar. Com a embalagem de tamanho de bolso, você pode levar o alívio da tosse para onde quer que vá, sem ocupar muito espaço.
- Embalagem prática: As embalagens com tampa flip-top das gotas HALLS Minis são convenientes e fáceis de abrir. Você pode acessar as gotas rapidamente, sem precisar se preocupar em abrir embalagens individuais.
- Sem açúcar: As gotas HALLS Minis sabor Mentho-Lyptus são livres de açúcar, tornando-as uma opção saudável para aliviar a tosse e a irritação da garganta.
Para alívio da tosse e irritação da garganta, dissolva uma gota HALLS Minis sabor Mentho-Lyptus na boca. Repita a cada 2 horas, conforme necessário. Não exceda 12 gotas em 24 horas. Consulte um médico se a tosse persistir por mais de 7 dias.
LM –
I was surprised that they were so small, but they work just as well as the store-bought larger version.
Will buy again! ?
Sally pink –
Cheap, easy to use, it’s small, so very easy to take on vacation, I love it, highly recommend
Kindle Customer1209 –
They’re tiny. They work very well and work for quite a while. Definitely a good tool to fight a stuffy nose!
Kate –
I got these not expecting much. I was chain-eating cough drops at the time (thank you, Covid,) and was restocking aggressively. I saw these, added them to the list and – only when I got them did I realize they were sugar free. I don’t typically like sugar-free anything, but a cough drop was needed and these were closest.
First: they are crazy small. Like the size of a pea.
Second: they taste good! I was shocked and proceeded to burn through most of the rest of the package.
Third: they work. Halls. They know what they’re doing.
Last: They Don’t Coat Your Mouth! Regular (sugar versions) of cough drops usually, after eating them for hours, result in a kinda nasty coating on your teeth and back of your mouth. These do not. WIN!
Pity they are so small…
BLue Iris 64 –
I love these small sized cough drops – the big ones are just too much –
Omie –
Have you ever had a sore throat and out a regular size cough drop in your mouth – right before the phone rings at work? Ugh! Then you have to take out the drop and place it on the wrapper so you don’t sound drunk on the call. These little minis are a PERFECT remedy to that dilemma! You can simply push it aside in your mouth and take your call. They’re also the perfect size for a quick coat of a sore throat, allowing you to coat your throat with one more often than is suggested with the larger size.
Highly recommend these for handy pocket sized container and to have on hand in your desk. They are a little expensive, especially the menthol which is about twice as much as the other flavors.
My Info –
This small pockets packs are great for carrying in your pocket for easy access. It’s a small round ball shape cough drop with the same powerful effect of a regular size Halls cough drop.
Amazon Customer –
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They are perfect size! The container fits in my purse easily. It doesn’t make a crazy, embarrassing, loud noise like normal cough drop bags! These drops are tiny but super strong! If you don’t like real menthol don’t get these. They work very well, I personally think the strong menthol works best. So glad I found these!!!