Descrição do Produto:
Os Gummies Pré-Natais com Ácido Fólico da Vitaminer Shop são uma solução deliciosa e prática para gestantes que buscam garantir a saúde e o bem-estar do seu bebê. Cada goma é formulada com uma combinação equilibrada de vitaminas e minerais essenciais, incluindo Ácido Fólico, Vitaminas A, C, D3, B12 e B6, que são fundamentais para o desenvolvimento fetal saudável. O Ácido Fólico, por exemplo, é crucial para a formação do tubo neural do feto, enquanto as Vitaminas A e C contribuem para o desenvolvimento do sistema imunológico e da visão. A Vitamina D3 é importante para a absorção de cálcio, essencial para o desenvolvimento ósseo do bebê, e as Vitaminas B12 e B6 ajudam na formação de células vermelhas do sangue e no suporte ao sistema nervoso. Com um sabor agradável e uma textura macia, esses gummies tornam a suplementação pré-natal uma experiência prazerosa e fácil de incorporar à rotina diária.
1. Fácil de Consumir: Gummies saborosos que tornam a suplementação pré-natal mais agradável, eliminando a dificuldade de engolir comprimidos.
2. Desenvolvimento Fetal Saudável: Fórmula rica em Ácido Fólico e outras vitaminas essenciais que apoiam o crescimento e desenvolvimento do bebê.
3. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Vitaminas A e C ajudam a fortalecer as defesas naturais da mãe e do feto.
4. Saúde Óssea: A Vitamina D3 promove a absorção de cálcio, essencial para a formação de ossos fortes no bebê.
5. Suporte Energético: As Vitaminas B12 e B6 ajudam a combater a fadiga e a manter os níveis de energia durante a gestação.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de duas gummies pré-natais por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É importante armazenar o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente durante a gestação, para garantir que as necessidades nutricionais individuais sejam atendidas.
Jacob –
I have tried countless prenatal vitamins and every time, they are disgusting. Not these though. These don’t make me want to choke them down and they don’t have a gross texture like most. By far the best prenatal vitamins!!! Highly recommend
Abby –
Best prenatal gummies I have found.
Renee C –
Poisoned??? Every time I eat these I am knocked out and nauseous when I haven’t had nausea for MONTHS. Not only do they taste like straight fish oil, they contain cyanocobalamin, a compound derived from cyanide. This is an outright dangerous ingredient to have in a product marketed for pregnant women. Then there is also vegetable oil and dextrose in these gummies too.
Sage Abeille –
This is a Godsend….the giagantic prenatal pills are a no for me as i have serious difficulty swallowing pills and even more so now during pregnancy. The last prenatal tab I tried nearlywent into my windpipe and that was so scary so I decided to stop taking them. Couldn’t get prenatal gummies in my country so I had to order them. Finally got them today and I like the peachy taste. They are not at all unpleasant well except you don’t like peach flavored stuff. This is great however and I’m really happy I bought them. Will require a bit of temprance though to not eat more than recommended dosage. Haha 😂
Andrea –
I love these gummies! I’m 4 months pregnant and them being a gummy helps me, since I have trouble swallowing pills. The only downside is that all 3 times that I bought them, it only brings 59 gummies instead of the 60 that the bottle claims. It would’ve been a 5 star if I wasn’t short one gummy every bottle bought so far.
Emily B –
Thankfully these are gummy but don’t leave a layer of sugar on your teeth as soon as you eat them like the others do. I have been taking them for weeks now and just ordered them in bulk. Finally found one that is good!
Audacious –
I am very picky when it comes to different flavors. Most companies stick with raspberry or lemon. The peach flavoring in these are FANTASTIC! It tastes like a legit peach fruit cup to me. And im glad it isnt extra chewie like other brands. Its smooth like a fruit snack. Will definitely be buying these for the remainder of my pregnancy
Erin –
I love these. I’m going to freeze my eggs so I need vitamins. I got some absolutely awful organic disgusting pills that were gigantic and required taking three. I ordered these on a whim and omg, they taste so amazing, I’d eat these regardless of them being a multivitamin. I’m so glad I randomly picked these bc I’m going to keep eating these even as my daily vitamin regardless of prenatal. And the TEXTURE is awesome too. They aren’t bouncy. Think more like the scooby doo scooby snack texture. It’s not exactly that, bc it is slightly thicker (in a good way!).
It almost is like the resistance of eating a dried apricot for a split second, but only if biting down on the apricot had it melt kind of like butter between your teeth (except more resistance, kind of like a gusher).
Don’t hesitate, you want these.
UPDATE: I did realize these seem to be short on vitamins, so I’m going to be adding another vitamin to my routine. Pro tip: Don’t get the olly prenatal. I got olly and it’s like a C+ in taste so I’m not going to eat them.