Descrição do Produto: Sakoon Nutrition Kids Multivitamin Gummies com Probióticos
As gomas multivitamínicas Sakoon Nutrition para crianças são a solução perfeita para garantir que seus pequenos recebam todos os nutrientes essenciais para um crescimento saudável e um desenvolvimento equilibrado. Com um sabor irresistível de framboesa, essas gomas não são apenas nutritivas, mas também deliciosas, tornando a hora de tomar vitaminas uma experiência divertida e agradável para as crianças. Cada porção contém 2 bilhões de CFUs de probióticos, que são fundamentais para a saúde intestinal e a digestão, ajudando a manter o bem-estar geral dos pequenos.
Elaboradas com ingredientes de alta qualidade, as gomas Sakoon são vegetarianas, não contêm organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), são livres de glúten e halal, garantindo que você ofereça o melhor para seus filhos. Essas gomas são ideais para crianças ativas e ocupadas, ou para aquelas que precisam de um suporte extra para a saúde geral. Com a combinação perfeita de vitaminas e minerais, as gomas Sakoon são uma maneira prática e eficaz de complementar a dieta das crianças, promovendo um estilo de vida saudável desde cedo.
– Nutrientes Essenciais para o Crescimento Saudável: Fornece todas as vitaminas e minerais necessários para o desenvolvimento adequado das crianças.
– Sabor Delicioso e Divertido: O sabor de framboesa torna o consumo diário de vitaminas uma atividade prazerosa.
– Suporte Probiótico: Com 2 bilhões de CFUs por porção, ajuda a manter a saúde intestinal e a digestão.
– Ingredientes de Alta Qualidade: Livre de sabores, cores e conservantes artificiais, garantindo um produto saudável.
– Suporte Geral à Saúde: Ideal para crianças ativas ou que necessitam de um reforço na saúde, promovendo bem-estar.
Recomenda-se que as crianças consumam duas gomas por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. As gomas devem ser mastigadas completamente antes de engolir. É importante armazenar o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, e manter fora do alcance de crianças pequenas. Consulte um pediatra antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se a criança tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver sob medicação.
Family Fun Reviews –
If you have a kiddo who is picky about their vitamin flavors- then this one is for you! The raspberry is a hit for my picky kiddo, and she likes that they are gummies and not the chalky alternatives. The amount you get for the price is a good deal, and having it delivered is a bonus if you forget to add things to your shopping list like I do!
Family Fun Reviews –
These kids vitamins have a great taste and texture. They are enjoyed by our children.
JT –
This bottle of kids multivitamin arrived quickly and well packaged. The bottle comes with a total of 60 raspberry flavored gummies, and at 2 gummies per serving you get a full month supply. The ingredients are great for kids that suffer from a variety of different allergies or intolerances, and is one of the few I have found that my daughter can safely consume without reaction. She absolutely loves the flavor, to the point she has said this is “THE BEST” vitamin she has tried to date (and we have tried a lot). I tasted one just to see if they were really that good, and I would easily take these everyday willingly. The gummies include a variety of necessary vitamins as well as probiotics which is always a plus. These did not cause an upset stomach or any other kind of reaction from taking these. This multivitamin is very well priced when you take into consideration that you are getting two different items for the price of one. Overall, this is a fantastic option those who have kids who are very picky about taking their multivitamins or kiddos with dietary restrictions. Would 100% recommend.
Elle –
These gummies seem to be a good quality. The taste is not bad at all, good gummy consistency.
Mike –
This gummies are a good way to supply vitamins to kids – no fluid or tablet – but something they know and like. That is a gummy you can give to kids without regret.
mandy –
This is a nice vitamin – probiotic combo. What really made me excited about these was that they were allegedly artificial dye free, but the ingredients list doesn’t list the source for the color, so I do have some scepticism because of that.
The flavor is sweet and tasty. My toddler enjoyed them alot. The gummy bear design is really fun. So overall these are an exciting way to deliver a vitamin in a way that I child will enjoy. But these fun aspects with the candy look and taste also make it seem like candy, so I definitely recommend keeping them in a secure location where kids can’t get them and go on a binge.
MayDayMel –
These vitamins are tasty and not too chewy. My kiddos liked them and so did I. The quality seems decent and I haven’t experienced any side effects.
Hannah Hildenbrand –
The flavor is good. Also seems like a pretty complete nutritional profile. Just make sure not to eat too many because the vitamin A is in the form of retinol which can become toxic to your liver if you eat too much. Two gummies a day is a nice little treat too. Makes it easy to remember to take them. Also no negative side effects to report. All good here.