Descrição do Produto: FIRST DAY Multivitaminas Gummy para Mulheres
As Multivitaminas Gummy FIRST DAY foram especialmente formuladas para atender às necessidades nutricionais das mulheres entre 18 e 60 anos. Com uma combinação abrangente de 13 micronutrientes essenciais frequentemente deficientes na dieta feminina, este suplemento em forma de goma é uma maneira deliciosa e prática de apoiar a saúde do coração, a função cerebral, a saúde óssea e os níveis de energia. Entre os nutrientes incluídos estão as vitaminas A, B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, C, D3, E e K, além de Magnésio, Zinco e Biotina.
O que torna essas gomas ainda mais especiais é a sua mistura única de frutas e vegetais orgânicos, que visa promover o bem-estar físico, mental e emocional. Além disso, as gomas são isentas dos 9 principais alérgenos (laticínios, soja, ovos, glúten, amendoins, nozes, peixes, crustáceos e gergelim) e são veganas, garantindo que você possa desfrutar de um suplemento sem preocupações. Sem aditivos, açúcares artificiais ou ingredientes enganosos, cada porção contém apenas 2 gramas de açúcar — até 80% menos do que produtos similares — e oferece um sabor natural de frutas que encanta o paladar.
A qualidade e a pureza são prioridades na FIRST DAY. Cada lote é rigorosamente testado para garantir potência e pureza, refletindo nosso compromisso com começos saudáveis e escolhas sábias. Acreditamos que a boa nutrição pode se tornar uma tradição familiar, ajudando a criar a próxima geração de famílias saudáveis e felizes.
Se você não estiver completamente satisfeito com sua compra, oferecemos uma garantia de satisfação. Basta entrar em contato conosco dentro de 45 dias após a compra, e nossa equipe de atendimento ao cliente estará pronta para ajudar.
– Suporte Nutricional Abrangente: Atende às necessidades específicas das mulheres, ajudando a preencher lacunas nutricionais comuns.
– Resultados Supercarregados: A combinação de frutas e vegetais orgânicos promove um bem-estar holístico.
– Isento de Alérgenos e Vegano: Ideal para quem tem restrições alimentares, garantindo segurança e saúde.
– Baixo Teor de Açúcar: Permite uma opção saudável e saborosa, sem comprometer a dieta.
– Compromisso com a Qualidade: Testes rigorosos garantem um produto puro e potente, promovendo confiança na escolha.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas gomas diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. As gomas podem ser mastigadas ou deixadas dissolver na boca, proporcionando uma experiência saborosa e nutritiva. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
HistoryGirl –
I’ve never seen such a container/bottle for supplements such as this one before, perhaps the idea behind it is to reuse the bottles after they are no longer needed for the vitamins (as pencil holder, small plant vase, etc). Unfortunately when I twisted the lid to open I noticed the safety seal was basically not sealed to the bottle, it upsets me when I see this, as we all know it’s always recommended to not consume something without a safety seal, or if it has been removed or damaged, obviously whatever they use to adhere the safety seal is not strong enough, this is something that must be corrected by this brand. But I did try them nonetheless, they smell really great like berries and mango. All the gummies arrived (and still are) all glued together in a ball, but fortunately they dissolve very well in the mouth and do not stick to my teeth. It comes in 2 colors: red and orange, as per the product page the flavor is strawberry and mango, and yes I can taste it, I can taste the tropical, juicy flavor plus a hint of something like kids vitamins (reminds me of the traditional chewable vitamins for kids)… all the information, ingredients list, etc sounds great on this multi, it’s just that safety seal that threw me off.
SarahShops –
I was surprised to see the package for these gummies was made entirely of plastic. I’d seen containers like this previously that were enviro-friendly cardboard, so I assumed, based on the shape, that this was the case. Nope–the bottom is a large thick plastic jar and the lid is an oversized plastic jar itself. Inside, the gummies took up maybe half the space provided. If this excessive packaging was designed to keep the gummies in good shape, it did not do any better than a regular pill bottle. The gummies were all stuck together in what looked like a strange art sculpture. It is not hot here (temps below freezing for the past week) so these things just like to stick to one another. The flavor is not bad, and the ingredients seem to be of good quality. The price is outrageous. The amount of waste is shocking. 3 stars for being a quality supplement, but I will not be continuing with this brand for the reasons stated above.
Scalar22 –
I really like these First Day women’s multivitamins.
First of all the container and packaging is awesome. Very rarely do I love packaging so much that it just makes me smile and these absolutely make me smile when I go to open them.
I also love the taste of these multivitamin gummies. They taste a lot like fruit juice, so I actually look forward to taking them every day.
I know as I get older that I absolutely need to be taking vitamins every day to get my needed nutrients, and I love that this includes all of the vitamins to help me stay healthy.
They are gluten free and only 15 calories per serving. They taste amazing. I’m a huge fan!
SuLu –
I like these vitamin supplements in a gummy drop form. I’ve always purchased vitamins in tablet or capsule form, but there are no young children in our house that might mistake these for candy. And, I thought trying gummies would be fun. Which it is.
The gummies are actually pretty cute — they are shaped like tiny jello molds for fancy fruit salads. There are two colors/flavors; orange and raspberry. I think they taste pretty good and they are sweet but not sickeningly sweet. They are not too chewy or tough and start off soft and a bit sticky before beginning to to melt slowly. Like long-lasting candy, it does take me some time to finish one.
I guess I’m in the minority, but I like the packaging, and can definitely see buying a refill pouch of these vitamins or just using the canister for something else. The white canister is a sturdy, rigid plastic decorated with a cute sketched design in black. The oversized lid that comes down over the top is a bright orange and made of a lighter-weight plastic. The container is very easy to open with just a few twists (so it definitely needs to be placed out of the reach of children). I like the design because my hands are often stiff and painful in the mornings.
The gummies take up about 2/3 of the volume of the container. They have a sort of fruity/syrupy scent that isn’t strong or overpowering and while it doesn’t exactly make me crave the gummies (a good thing, too) it also doesn’t bother me at all. Several reviewers mentioned that the gummies they received were all clumped or stuck together and hard to separate. Mine come apart with just a little shake of the container, although I suppose the ones down at the bottom might be more compacted.
According the label, these supplements are made in the USA of globally sourced ingredients. I appreciate that there are no megadoses of some of the nutrients. I also like that the Vitamin A is sourced from beta-carotenes and not a synthetic compound. I do wish these supplements had been made in a cGNP facility.
I received a two-pack and each container has 60 gummies, so this is a two-month supply (the recommendation is for two/day).
I do find these supplements to be a bit pricey.
HistoryGirl –
Right off the bat, these fruity, pleasantly tangy little supplements set themselves apart with their distinctive packaging. You’re not going to mistake these for anything else. They taste great and smell very pleasant—I can’t put my finger on it but it seems to be a citrus/berry blend maybe. I noticed that some of the ingredients have very unique sources, like the Vitamin D-3 from lichens. It has a lot of organic ingredients and uses real cane sugar and tapioca fiber syrup. On that note, it has fiber too, which is awesome. I saw some complaints about the bulky plastic container, but also noticed that it’s designed so that you can get refill pouches to put into the container. Also, it’s designed so that it can easily be repurposed for other things. It’s cute too, and it’s very easy to open. Not child safe, however, so if you have little ones keep it in a secure place. I feel so energetic now that I think I’ll go exercise early today.