Descrição do Produto: Gummies de Creatina Monohidratada Softbear
As Gummies de Creatina Monohidratada Softbear são a escolha ideal para quem busca maximizar seu desempenho físico de forma prática e saborosa. Com 5000mg de creatina monohidratada por porção, essas gomas não apenas oferecem uma dose potente de creatina, mas também são enriquecidas com L-Taurina e vitamina B12, formando uma sinergia poderosa que potencializa seus treinos. A creatina HCL, presente na fórmula, é um suplemento extremamente eficaz para o crescimento muscular, pois aumenta a síntese de proteínas, reduz a degradação das proteínas musculares e melhora a massa muscular.
Além disso, a creatina monohidratada é conhecida por aumentar a força, enquanto a L-Taurina melhora a função muscular e reduz a fadiga. A vitamina B12, por sua vez, proporciona um impulso de energia, tornando essas gomas uma excelente opção pré-treino. O formato vegano das Gummies Softbear oferece uma maneira inovadora de incluir a creatina em sua rotina de treinos e nutrição, sendo rapidamente absorvidas pelo corpo, entregando creatina HCL aos músculos 60% mais rápido do que em pó ou cápsulas. Produzidas em instalações certificadas pela GMP e testadas por terceiros, essas gomas são formuladas para atender tanto homens quanto mulheres, garantindo qualidade e eficácia.
– Aumento da Massa Muscular: Promove o crescimento muscular e a recuperação, ideal para quem busca resultados visíveis.
– Melhora da Força e Desempenho: Aumenta a força e a resistência, ajudando a superar limites em treinos intensos.
– Fórmula Vegana: Atende às necessidades de veganos e vegetarianos, sem comprometer a qualidade.
– Absorção Rápida: A forma em goma permite uma absorção mais eficiente, proporcionando resultados mais rápidos.
– Praticidade: Fácil de transportar e consumir, perfeita para quem tem uma rotina agitada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 2 gummies de Creatina Monohidratada Softbear antes do treino. As gomas devem ser mastigadas completamente para garantir a absorção ideal dos nutrientes. É importante manter uma hidratação adequada durante o uso do produto e, para resultados otimizados, combine o uso das gummies com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios regulares.
Muy buenas ,las recomiendo –
Me ayudaron mucho
Sonia –
Great taste, dissolves in your mouth, no side effects, good quality, and good performance. It gives you a good mood and no side effects.
commorancy –
Vine review. As with any gummy, expect some sugar. In the case of these gummies, they are sweetened with Maltitol and Xylitol, both sugar alcohols. There are some carbs because of the pectin used to create the gummy shape. These Softbear brand creatine gummies are ironically soft chewy little gummy bears. The flavor is raspberry. The chew on these gummies is quite soft and delicate, what you’d expect from a gummy.
Each 2 gummies provides 5000mg of Creatine, 200mg of L-Taurine and 25mcg of B12. There are 60 gummies in the bottle for a 30 day supply when taken at 2 per day.
Overall, I like the idea of taking creatine in a gummy form. Many creatine forms are a powdered form, making it slow to mix and difficult to take. Carrying around and chewing up two gummies is super easy, no water or glass needed. As for whether this supplement works well for everyone, you’d have to try it and find out. I’ve used them and I’d recommend these.
commorancy –
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The serving size is specified as 2 gummies. 2 gummies weighs 6 grams according to my scale that I trust. It cannot contain 5000mg = 5 grams of creatine and 6 grams of carbohydrates.
D –
These were really good gummies. I looked forward to eating them. They did stick a little to my teeth though. They stuck to each other in the bottle as well. The price is very reasonable for 30 servings.
Jeremy –
Different from other brand, these creatine gummy bears have different flavors in different color. It is a pre-workout must have. I have one everyday after I wake up
Kevin Bastian –
These Softbear creatine gummies are very tasty, soft, and easy to chew. As a candy, I’d give them 5 stars.
They are extremely potent: a full 5 gram recommended dose in only 2 small gummies. Kudos and 5 stars to Softbear for packing that much creatine into just two small gummies.
The bottle is sturdy with a professionally printed, well applied label. The entire bottle was wrapped in shrink-wrapped plastic film. Once I removed that, there was another plastic seal over the top (although it appeared to serve no purpose, as I could unscrew the lid without disturbing the plastic; so this was unnecessary and useless). Once I unscrewed the lid, there was an inner seal on the top of the bottle. As I started to pull it off, I could hear a slight sound indicating at least a partial vacuum inside the bottle. Another 5 stars for quality and packaging, although environmentalists would disagree due to so much plastic being used.
If you’re into creatine supplements, you are probably aware there are many forms available. The least expensive is probably a powder available at your local, brick-and-mortar ubiquitous megastore for a bit more than three cents per gram. Just measure and mix in water.
But these gummies aren’t bad: just over 13 cents/gram, or 67 cents for a 5 gram dose. If you take a serving once/day, this 60-gummy bottle will last you a month. Probably good value for the convenience, and if you don’t find it to be a good value, there are alternatives.
My only complaint about Softbear creatine gummies, and it’s a big one, is the country of origin. Where is this manufactured? Who knows? Answer: No one, at least no consumer who must rely on the label. It only states that it is “Manufactured for” North Carolina-based Softbear LLC. So they outsource manufacturing. To whom? Obviously if these were actually made in the USA, they would have prominently said so. If you click the “Visit the softbear Store” link on the product page, they prominently display a “Made in USA” seal at the top of their page. But to not say so on this bottle is a big negative for me and suggests that the “Made in USA” claim doesn’t apply to these creatine gummies. I like to know where and how something is made before I put it in my body. If it’s made in China, say so! Everything else about this product warrants a 5-star review, but being opaque about where and how it’s made warrants at least a one-star deduction, so I’m generously rating this 4-stars.
Full Disclosure: I received this product at no charge through Amazon’s Vine program in return for writing an honest, accurate product review. Amazon’s only requirement is that I review the products I order, not that I praise them. I don’t pull my punches; if a product is bad, I say so, and if I love it, I say that. I have an obligation to tell you, the shopper, what I think so you can make informed purchases. I also believe sellers/manufacturers need to know if their product deserves 5 stars, or if they missed the mark, how they need to improve it.
G. B. –
Just what I needed as a 69 yr old that needed to dump a few pounds and strengthen hip muscles after a labral tear .On my 2nd bottle Take 2 a few x per week.