Descrição do Produto: YUM-V’S Cálcio, Magnésio, Zinco e Vitaminas D Gummies (90 Contagem)
As gomas de vitaminas YUM-V’S são uma maneira deliciosa e prática de garantir que você está recebendo os nutrientes essenciais que seu corpo precisa para funcionar de maneira ideal. Cada porção de três gomas oferece uma combinação poderosa de Cálcio, Magnésio, Zinco e Vitamina D, todos fundamentais para a saúde óssea, função nervosa e um sistema imunológico robusto. O Cálcio é amplamente reconhecido por seu papel na manutenção de ossos fortes, mas a verdadeira mágica acontece quando você considera a sinergia entre esses nutrientes. A Vitamina D não apenas ajuda a regular o Cálcio no organismo, mas o Magnésio é o responsável por ativar a Vitamina D, criando um ciclo de suporte à saúde que é difícil de igualar.
As gomas de framboesa naturalmente saborosas são uma forma irresistível de consumir 300mg de Cálcio, 51mg de Citrato de Magnésio, 7,5mg de Zinco e Vitamina D3, todos projetados para manter seu sistema imunológico em alta e apoiar a saúde dos ossos e dentes. Acreditamos na importância de ingredientes de alta qualidade, por isso nossas gomas são produzidas em uma instalação livre de amendoim e nozes, com uma fórmula não-GMO e sabores e cores de origem natural. Além disso, são certificadas como Kosher e Halal, garantindo que atendem a padrões rigorosos de qualidade.
Manter-se saudável pode ser um desafio, mas com as gomas de vitaminas YumVs, você pode facilmente incorporar esses nutrientes essenciais em sua rotina diária. Cada frasco contém 90 gomas, o que significa que você pode desfrutar de um mês inteiro de suporte nutricional saboroso e eficaz.
– Saúde Óssea Aprimorada: O Cálcio e a Vitamina D trabalham juntos para fortalecer os ossos e prevenir a osteoporose.
– Suporte Imunológico: O Zinco é conhecido por suas propriedades que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, mantendo você saudável.
– Função Nervosa Ideal: O Magnésio é crucial para a função nervosa adequada, ajudando a regular a comunicação entre o cérebro e o corpo.
– Fácil de Consumir: As gomas são uma alternativa saborosa e prática aos suplementos tradicionais, tornando a suplementação diária mais agradável.
– Ingredientes de Alta Qualidade: Produzidas em uma instalação livre de alérgenos, com ingredientes não-GMO e sabores naturais, garantindo segurança e qualidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir três gomas diariamente. As gomas podem ser tomadas a qualquer hora do dia, com ou sem alimentos, facilitando a inclusão na sua rotina. Certifique-se de armazenar o frasco em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar a qualidade dos ingredientes.
Melted and unusable –
My family got sick back in October after our toddler brought home some wonderful germ from preschool. Throughout the months of November, December and January we three passed around illnesses at the rate of one new sickness every two weeks. I took these periodically beginning in January, and didn’t notice much of a difference. Then my toddler came home on a Friday (as always) and by bedtime had a fever of 103. I went into Mom mode and started in with popsicles and ibuprofen, and noticed these vitamins sitting on the shelf. I started taking them religiously, three a day as suggested.
The toddler wrestled all weekend with his fever and runny nose, and I waited for my own aches and pains to begin. Surprisingly, days after his symptoms had cleared, I still felt fine. I didn’t do anything differently other than take these vitamins, so they had to help, right? I’m still taking them, and will update the next time we have a green wave roll through our fam. For now, 5 stars.
The taste is somewhat milky-fruit, not unpleasant, but not as fruity as the chewable gel type multivitamins. The texture reminds me of trolli peach rings (grainy gummy bear). Overall, pleasant enough that I don’t mind taking them. They are made with fish gelatin (wish not, bc it kind of grosses me out and I am VERY sensitive to fishy-seafood flavors), but I did not taste it in these chews. A win for me.
Melted and unusable –
This one’s a great value pack to get your daily bone health vitamins all in 1 serving. Gummies aren’t too sticky either which is great and they have a nice taste to them.
But after taking a careful look at the amount of each vitamin you get, it’s really high in vitamin D but not very high in Calcium, Magnesium or Zinc… It’s an odd daily serving mix for a vitamin with most of the ingredients to focus on bone health.
I’d really consider this a vitamin D supplement after looking it over more carefully. Overall, it’s OK if you get the calcium, zinc and Magnesium from another supplement… I just wish they overall mix was more in-line to get each closer to 100% of daily value instead of having vitamin D be a whopping 375% of daily recommended while others are much lower.
I’m going to take just 1 gummy instead of the 3 per serving so that the vitamin D is about 125% of daily recommended and get the other minerals/vitamins from other sources.
I guess it’s a good vitamin D3 supplement mainly in tasty gummy form.
dori. p –
I’m terrible at taking vitamins and these are the only way I will do it on a consistent basis. These delicious gummies have a great chew and texture. They aren’t overly sweet but they are so pleasant and make you want totake your vitamins!! Good value.
Customer Review –
Three gummies a day is the recommended dosage. Arrived as a pack of two bottles with 90 tablets per bottle, to last for two months per the dosage. I like the flavor and the fact that each gummy contains vital minerals, Zinc, Magnesium and calcium plus good amount of vitamin D. All considered essential for bones, nerves and immune function. Gelatin is based on sea food, while does NOT contain eggs, gluten, milk, peanut products which is desirable for most people. 12% sugar may not be desirable though!
LadyE –
My diet is deficient in calcium so I got these to shore up on this important mineral.
I really like that it also has phosphorus.
Given the excellent mineral content, I’m hoping these chewies might help strengthen tooth enamel.
Magnesium, zinc and vitamin D3 are included as well, so it seems they might be good for the immune and cardiovascular systems.
They have a pleasant berry flavor and the consistency is soft and not too sticky, so they don’t plug up my teeth with sticky goo like other gummies.
melissa ruiz –
I have purchased these vitamins before and had no issues. This last package was all melted and completely useable. I will not be purchasing again.
melissa ruiz –
Me encantan
Tonya –
If you take plenty of pills already, this is an easy way to take your vitamins!