Descrição do Produto: Gummies de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco para Adultos
As Gummies de Cálcio, Magnésio e Zinco da BSSTABBON são um suplemento inovador que combina 1200mg de Cálcio Citrato, 400mg de Magnésio Glicinato e 25mg de Zinco em uma fórmula poderosa, projetada para promover a saúde óssea e o bem-estar geral. Com a adição das vitaminas D3 e K2, este suplemento não apenas melhora a absorção do cálcio, mas também apoia a saúde dos ossos, garantindo que seu corpo receba os nutrientes essenciais de forma eficaz. O zinco, um mineral vital, desempenha um papel crucial no crescimento e desenvolvimento do corpo humano, e com 25mg em cada porção, os usuários podem apoiar os processos naturais de crescimento e manter um sistema imunológico saudável.
O cálcio é fundamental para a manutenção da densidade óssea e do funcionamento do sistema nervoso, enquanto o magnésio contribui para o relaxamento, transporte de nutrientes, função imunológica e síntese de colágeno nos ossos. O efeito sinérgico do cálcio e do magnésio nas gummies da BSSTABBON ajuda a manter uma ingestão mineral equilibrada, essencial para a saúde geral. A fórmula do BSSTABBON também apoia um sistema imunológico saudável e auxilia na conversão de alimentos em energia, vital para as atividades diárias e recuperação. Com 60 gummies por frasco, que fornecem um suprimento para 30 dias, tomar duas gummies diariamente garante resultados ótimos e conveniência.
O sabor natural de laranja torna a experiência de consumo agradável, facilitando a ingestão em comparação com cápsulas ou comprimidos. Nosso suplemento vegano é uma escolha saudável e ecológica, feito com ingredientes naturais, orgânicos, não transgênicos, sem açúcar, sem glúten e livre de sabores e conservantes artificiais, adequado para todos que buscam um estilo de vida saudável.
Nossas gummies de magnésio e cálcio são isentas de açúcar, veganas, não transgênicas e feitas sem sabores, cores ou adoçantes artificiais. Elas são adequadas para vegetarianos e veganos, além de serem livres de alérgenos comuns, como amido, soja, levedura, trigo e ovos, garantindo pureza e segurança. Essas declarações não foram avaliadas pela Food and Drug Administration; este produto não se destina a diagnosticar, tratar, curar ou prevenir qualquer doença.
– Alto Potencial e Absorção: Fórmula potente que maximiza a absorção de cálcio e magnésio, essencial para a saúde óssea.
– Suporte Mineral Essencial: Contribui para a densidade óssea e o funcionamento do sistema nervoso, promovendo um equilíbrio mineral.
– Saúde Diária e Bem-Estar: Auxilia na conversão de alimentos em energia, vital para o dia a dia e recuperação.
– Sabor Natural e Agradável: O sabor de laranja torna a ingestão mais fácil e prazerosa, especialmente para quem tem dificuldade com comprimidos.
– Opção Vegana e Saudável: Feito com ingredientes naturais, sem açúcar e livre de alérgenos, ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de duas gummies diariamente, preferencialmente durante uma refeição. Isso não apenas facilita a absorção dos nutrientes, mas também garante que seu corpo receba a quantidade adequada de cálcio, magnésio e zinco para suportar a saúde óssea e o bem-estar geral. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Hannah Rice –
I ordered these because I need to take Calcium. As a senior, I know I need to take it but the chocolate chews just really turn me off. I had been chewing them sporadically and then recently stopped taking them altogether, even though I had some left. I just couldn’t stomach them anymore.
So when I saw these I thought this is a great way for me to start taking Calcium again. They also contain all of the other vitamins prescribed by my Dr. except Iron, and I can take that as a separate supplement while taking these. Throw in the Magnesium that I discovered a few months ago is very helpful with my leg cramps, and the 2 Bs and I’m happy. I’m only taking 1 a day because I do eat healthy enough that if I took 2, I might be overdosing.
These vitamins have a nice texture and great orange flavor. I note the Monk Fruit, Pectin, and Stevia Extract in the ingredients. No wonder they taste so good to me.
Continuing to read the label, and there’s not a lot there. They are labeled Vegan and Non-GMO. They have an American flag on the label and I can see that it says these were manufctured for a company in Fontana, California. I don’t see any info on where they were made and also there’s nothing about GMP certification, or USP verification. Just some things to keep in mind for long term use.
In the short term, I am enjoying the ease of taking these and they sure taste great!
There’s an error on the back label that makes me wonder… Instead of MADE with Non-GMO ingredients, it says MATH with non-GMO ingredients… Um, what?? Also has an American flag on it & says it was Made For a California company, but it doesn’t say where it was actually Made?? Looks like good ingredients. But the label errors & vagueness worry me…
VicVic –
Initially, a large calcium pill was used to combat reduced bone density with age. I decided to try these for numerous reasons.
1. Ease of swallowing. Being gummies, they chew quickly.
2. Contain more than just calcium. Also, each gummy has a minimum daily need for many other vitamins.
Mike –
Like most seniors, I need to take two huge calcium pills each day to prevent osteoporosis. I was looking for a gummy that had a daily supply of calcium citrate and found a 60 count bottle of 1200mg Calcium Carbonate and Citrate Gummies in a yummy orange flavor and sugar free! This calcium gummy is sold by BSSTABBON and also contains 400mg of magnesium complex and 25mg of zinc. Vitamins D3 and K2 are added to enhance the absorption of the calcium and support bone health. I take two Calcium gummies with tea as a mid-day treat; it beats choking down two huge calcium pills. It makes my daily calcium supplement routine a delightful experience, rather than a chore. And as someone who struggles to swallow pills, gummies are just the perfect solution. I am pleased with this product by BSSTABBON and give it a 5 star rating for a quality and good tasting product!
Kevin Fix –
You get 60 gummies, which at two per serving is a 60 day supply. They contain no sugar and taste like orange. Stevia is used for sweetness. Besides calcium, magnesium and zinc, the gummies also include D3, K2, B6, C, and B12. The bottle shows an American flag which suggests it is made in the USA but the manufacturer is a China trademarked company. You get close to or over 100% of the daily recommended value for all the ingredients so be careful if you take other supplements, particularly zinc as this contains 227% DV.
Hannah Rice –
Per my Dr I need to take certain supplements due to Bariatric surgery. She gave me a list of milligrams of vitamins that I need to get.
I don’t know if you have seen the horse pills of calcium but if I swallowed 1 more of those I would die.
So I picked these up, since I am 3 years out from surgery and I read the ingredients. Between this and my liquid multivitamin I was able to reach the desired level of vitamins.
They have an orange citrus flavor and not to bad. They had other flavors I think but this one is good for me.
ibtw1zt3d –
These gummies taste very good
And are very easy to take
Plus there actually very soft
And easy to chew .
But I really love how tasty they are.
Tina –
These gummy vitamins have the perfect texture- not too sticky, not too chewy. And they have a really great orange flavor. If you like that tangy orange flavor, this is for you. I like that it covers several essential vitamins and minerals. I’m always a little confused when B12 and magnesium are in the same product. Specialists recommend taking B12 in the morning for an energy boost, but magnesium in the evening for sleep benefits. They also have calcium as both carbonate and citrate, but do not list how much of each.