Gomas de Açafrão – Suplemento de Açafrão 100% Extrato Puro de Açafrão em Gummies de Ervas Inteiras com Mel para o Humor
As gomas de açafrão são uma forma inovadora e saborosa de incorporar os benefícios do açafrão em sua rotina diária. Feitas com extrato integral de açafrão puro e mel, essas gomas não apenas oferecem um sabor agradável, mas também são uma maneira prática de melhorar o humor e promover uma sensação de bem-estar. O açafrão, conhecido por suas propriedades naturais, tem sido utilizado há séculos para elevar o espírito e proporcionar uma sensação de felicidade. Com as gomas de açafrão, você pode desfrutar desses benefícios de forma conveniente e deliciosa.
Além de suas propriedades elevadoras de humor, o açafrão é rico em antioxidantes e possui efeitos anti-inflamatórios, contribuindo para a saúde geral do corpo. Cada goma contém uma dose padronizada de extrato de açafrão, garantindo que você receba a quantidade ideal para potencializar seu bem-estar. A praticidade das gomas de açafrão as torna uma alternativa ideal a outros suplementos, como cápsulas e pós, permitindo que você mantenha sua saúde em dia sem complicações.
As gomas de açafrão são especialmente benéficas para aqueles que buscam manter hábitos alimentares saudáveis. Elas ajudam a controlar o apetite, reduzindo a frequência de lanches impulsivos que podem ocorrer devido a oscilações de humor. Assim, você pode se sentir mais satisfeito e energizado ao longo do dia, sem comprometer sua dieta.
Produzidas com extrato de fios de açafrão 100% orgânico certificado, cultivado na Espanha, as gomas de açafrão garantem pureza e qualidade superiores. Cada porção contém 88,5 mg de extrato de safranal, proporcionando uma experiência eficaz e segura. A Neviss se compromete com a satisfação do cliente, oferecendo suporte contínuo e garantindo que cada produto atenda aos mais altos padrões de qualidade.
- 1. Dose correta e pureza garantida: Cada goma contém a dose ideal de extrato de açafrão padronizado, feita com extrato de fios de açafrão 100% orgânico certificado.
- 2. Suporte ao humor: O açafrão é reconhecido por suas propriedades que elevam o humor, promovendo bem-estar emocional.
- 3. Benefícios para a saúde ocular: O extrato de açafrão é rico em carotenoides, que ajudam a manter a saúde dos olhos.
- 4. Auxilia hábitos alimentares saudáveis: As gomas ajudam a controlar o apetite, reduzindo a frequência de lanches por mau humor temporário.
- 5. Praticidade para o estilo de vida: As gomas de açafrão são uma opção conveniente para consumir açafrão diariamente, sem abrir mão dos benefícios para a saúde.
Recomenda-se consumir 2 gomas de açafrão NEVISS por dia. Mastigue bem antes de engolir. Não exceda a dose recomendada para garantir a eficácia e segurança do produto. Mantenha as gomas em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Shannon –
Update: I had to discontinue using these as my stomach continued to hurt.
Over a period of 3 1/2 weeks I have felt a significant positive difference in my mood and particularly in the areas of sleep and emotional regulation.
I did experience stomach discomfort which I’m going to try to mitigate with more water, however I feel the benefits outweigh this side-effect for me.
Update: It has now been about 2 months of consistently taking these gummies every morning. I have noticed a new effect just this last week. This product has greatly reduced food cravings. I always have an appetite and love trying different foods. I still do, but lately I’ve had better portion control. The only thing different I’ve been doing is taking these and increasing physical activity. I’m updating my review to 5 stars, even though I still have mild gastrointestinal discomfort.
I would recommend giving this product at least about 2 months to see how it works for you. (If okay with your doctor, as I’m not one).
Chris –
Our whole family have been taking these for quite some time now and we LOVE them! They work great! Not only do I take them but I also give them to my 17, 6 and 4 year old children.
They don’t make us feel like zombies but just give a nice calming effect so we can handle all the stressors of everyday life.
Josh –
had to double the dose to get the same effect
Kendra –
I enjoy these gummies. They taste great.
Ayanna –
My son says he loves how this saffron makes him feel through out the day while he’s in school. This is definitely a staple product for us.
Nat –
They taste very good they make me sleepy so I have to take at night. Bottle says to take 2 but I only take 1 a day since that’s what Google recommends. Also it says on google to not take saffron for more than 3 months. So I will take the whole bottle and see how I feel after
Shannon –
I’ve been pleased with this product. I was hoping you find something natural to increase mine and possibly my husband’s energy level and help with mild to moderate depression.
Omg! It really works. I did some reasonable research to check out different products and came across this. I even asked my son sfter sending a link of the product and if he would be willing to try as he sufferers from severe anxiety and moderate depression. I ordered 2 bottles and received it the next day. I noticed within 6 days an improvement in my mood./depression! It has continued to improve. I asked my son and said he said he noticed and I’m suspicious that it’s helped him more than he’s said. He laterctold me he was discontinuing a medicine that he was prescribed that I felt he was misdiagnosed for bipolar. It made him not himself to a really negative direction. I truly recommend this product to anyone needing a boost in their mood due to seasonal as my husband appears more like himself. Me with depression and minimal drive yo do anything other than what had to be done and I did it miserably. I’ve struggled with to even consider getting therapy. Now I can think clearly and reasonably. I have the day to day energy to get stuff done. I’ve even had coworkers ask what’s up and noticed that I’m smiling and taking better care of myself.
Ursa –
I’ve only had it a couple days. So far, this has been the best appetite suppressant I’ve found. I take 2 before a meal and don’t even want to eat the food. I’m not craving sugar or salt. No hunger discomfort. They have a good fruity taste. I believe this will help me to choose healthier food options, and eat less. Would recommend.