Descrição do Produto: Tanning Gummies – Suplemento de Bronzeamento para Mulheres Adultas
Descubra a nova era do bronzeamento com as Tanning Gummies da Nutrisnaps, um suplemento inovador que transforma o processo de obter um tom dourado em uma experiência prazerosa e saudável. Com um sabor irresistível de mirtilo, essas gomas de bronzeamento foram especialmente formuladas para mulheres adultas que desejam um bronzeado natural e radiante, sem os riscos associados aos métodos tradicionais de exposição ao sol. A fórmula única das Tanning Gummies proporciona um bronzeamento acelerado, permitindo que você alcance aquele brilho de verão de forma mais rápida e segura.
As Tanning Gummies são enriquecidas com ingredientes poderosos que promovem a produção de melanina, essencial para um bronzeado duradouro. Com 500mg de L-Tirosina e 7500mcg de Vitamina A, esses componentes trabalham em sinergia para potencializar o processo natural de bronzeamento do seu corpo, garantindo que você obtenha a cor desejada de maneira eficaz. Além disso, a proteção antioxidante é uma prioridade: cada porção contém 24mg de Astaxantina, 50mg de Licopeno e 20mg de Vitamina E, que ajudam a manter a saúde e a juventude da sua pele durante todo o processo de bronzeamento.
As Tanning Gummies também são uma fonte de nutrientes de suporte, incluindo 30mg de Zinco e 100mg de Vitamina C, conhecidos por suas propriedades protetoras da pele. Esses nutrientes garantem que sua pele permaneça saudável e nutrida, mesmo enquanto você busca o bronzeado perfeito. Transforme o bronzeamento em uma experiência prazerosa e conveniente com as Tanning Gummies, que são fáceis de transportar e consumir, permitindo que você desfrute do seu caminho para um bronzeado radiante a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar.
– 💜 Bronzeamento rápido e seguro, evitando os danos do sol.
– 💜 Aumento da produção de melanina para um tom de pele mais uniforme.
– 💜 Proteção antioxidante que promove a saúde da pele.
– 💜 Nutrientes de suporte que garantem a nutrição e proteção da pele.
– 💜 Sabor agradável e fácil de consumir, tornando o bronzeamento uma experiência prazerosa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se o consumo de 2 gomas de Tanning Gummies por dia, preferencialmente antes da exposição ao sol ou ao uso de camas de bronzeamento. As gomas podem ser ingeridas a qualquer momento do dia, facilitando a inclusão na sua rotina diária. Para maximizar os efeitos, combine o uso das gomas com uma dieta equilibrada e a ingestão adequada de água. Lembre-se de aplicar protetor solar durante a exposição ao sol para garantir a proteção da sua pele.
SuperCourier –
I’d tried to stifle snickers at the product’s name and the promise it implies: Tanning Gummies. Visions of being enveloped in a ridiculous orange paint stain like the self-deluded specters haunting the beaches, golf courses, and discount buffets of Palm Beach were overdone. Still, it’s unclear whether the listing implies that these supplements do the tanning, or if they aid an active sunbathing process, and that sort of vagueness is the bane of supplement advertising. These claim to have some relevant ingredients for those who may overindulge in sun, and could be beneficial. Vitamins A and E are fat soluble, however, and care should be taken by those already taking other supplements to avoid overdoing them.
Points for the packaging, which was shrink wrapped, collared with a second plastic band, and then foil wrapped inside the childproof cap. Some lesser-known food supplements I’ve seen don’t have any of these safety measures, much less all four. The little red bears inside the bottle are a bit cloudier looking than the listing’s pictures depict, but were still appealing enough to get me to try these surprisingly fresh, springy cherry flavored guys.
These are reportedly distributed by a Florida company, though the origins of the ingredients and any laboratory analysis of purity and potency is left to the imagination. Four tiny, smeared dark purple on black symbols grace the bottom of the label, though their claims are completely illegible. They seem to repeat claims of vegan origin, non-GMO status, etc. Dietary supplements are a bit of a flyer in the U.S. regulartory environment, so a lack of hard data on a product always knocks my trust down another notch.
L.E. –
I take a lot of supplements especially ones aimed at diet, working out, beauty, and overall health. I don’t have anything wrong with me per se, but I am always looking for supplements to better myself.
I think these popped up as a suggestion because a lot of people who work out/have skin care regimes are also interested in tanning. So I saw it and thought, hmmm…
I do go for daily walks partially in order to get sun so I thought this could benefit me.
So first off, the suggestion by the company is to use it for 3 months consistently for results. I can almost bet your bottom dollar that none of the reviews here are from people who have done that. But I will tell you that it contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals, etc that are good for overall health and skin. There is nothing in here that will make you magically browner without regular sun exposure.
Something I do like is that this company used good quality versions of the vitamins etc like the natural version of vitamin E, beta carotene, Niacinamide. It also has a decent amount of zinc. Basically, it contains some nice antioxidants. By the way, Beta Carotene apparently absorbs UV so it could lead to some coloring. Also, remember hearing about eating too many carrots and turning orange?
Also, this contains astaxanthin which sells as it’s own separate supplement. Quite frankly, you should google that because it sounds like it can be good for hair growth, skin health, belly fat, and age related cognitive decline. At 24mg a serving, this contains a good amount too!
In any case, forget about how brown I will get from this! This looks like one of the few beauty supplements that I can actually stand behind! This is a great combination of vitamins/minerals/antioxidants. The zinc and astaxanthin make it worth it.
They also contain 4 carbs per serving which is a pretty standard amount for gummy supplements. They flavor is nice, and after checking this out a bit further, I am really looking forward to taking the rest of these!
I think this supplement is priced pretty well too. Honestly, this would also make a nice item in a gift basket for a tanning friend…this NOTE – You may have seen the line above my review that says, ”Amazon Vine Customer Review of Free Product.” So you may be thinking, ”Who cares what this person says because of course they will say nice things because they got something for free?!?” I know because I used to feel the same way when I read reviews!
Well, you may not have realized this, but vine reviewers are subject to having to pay taxes on these items. So, in a way, it’s not really ”free.” Also, we have no reason not to give full honest opinions. We don’t get dropped out of the program for rating things too high or too low. Therefore, my goal is to review the products honestly and thoroughly. I hope that I did that for you today.
bottle, a few lotions, etc and I think that would be really nice for someone.
Amazon Customer –
I got this to see if they would actually work and give me a tan and after trying them for around a month I can definitely say I do notice that I am starting to look like I do have a tan. They’re easy to take and they taste great. Although they did seem to work for me, I probably will not be getting these again because they seemed to take forever to arrive once I ordered them, as well as the fact that I could probably get a faster and cheaper tan using other products.