Os GUM Soft-Picks Advanced são a solução ideal para quem busca uma limpeza dental eficaz e prática. Com um design inovador, esses palitos interdentais descartáveis são mais do que simples ferramentas de higiene bucal; eles são aliados na manutenção da saúde das gengivas e na limpeza dos dentes. Com cerdas macias que deslizam facilmente entre os dentes, os Soft-Picks removem a placa bacteriana e os restos de alimentos, proporcionando gengivas mais saudáveis, dentes mais limpos e um hálito fresco.
A estrutura avançada dos GUM Soft-Picks apresenta um cabo longo e curvado, além de uma ponta afilada que permite uma precisão excepcional e um alcance mais profundo. Essa característica é especialmente benéfica para pessoas com espaços interdentais pequenos, aparelhos ortodônticos, pontes ou outros dispositivos ortodônticos. A recomendação de dentistas é um testemunho da eficácia desses palitos, que são desenvolvidos com mais de 100 anos de experiência em cuidados dentários, reconhecendo que cada boca é única e, portanto, as soluções também devem ser.
Além disso, os GUM Soft-Picks são perfeitos para quem tem um estilo de vida agitado. Cada conjunto de palitos vem em uma prática embalagem plástica, que pode ser facilmente transportada na carteira, no carro ou na bolsa. A saúde bucal é fundamental para o bem-estar geral, e pesquisas mostram que existe uma conexão direta entre os cuidados orais e a saúde do corpo como um todo. Portanto, desenvolver uma rotina diária com os GUM Soft-Picks não é apenas benéfico para a boca, mas para a saúde integral.
– Eficácia Superior: Mais eficazes do que palitos de dente comuns, removendo placa e resíduos de forma eficiente.
– Conforto e Praticidade: Cerdas macias que não irritam as gengivas, proporcionando uma experiência de uso confortável.
– Design Inovador: Cabo longo e curvado com ponta afilada para acesso a áreas de difícil alcance.
– Recomendação Profissional: Produto recomendado por dentistas, garantindo qualidade e confiança.
– Portabilidade: Embalagem compacta que facilita o transporte e o uso em qualquer lugar.
Para utilizar os GUM Soft-Picks Advanced, comece escolhendo um palito da embalagem. Segure o cabo longo e curvado, posicionando a ponta afilada entre os dentes. Deslize suavemente o palito para frente e para trás, permitindo que as cerdas removam a placa e os resíduos alimentares. Evite aplicar força excessiva para não irritar as gengivas. Após o uso, descarte o palito e, se necessário, repita o processo em outras áreas da boca. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso diário, integrando os Soft-Picks à sua rotina de higiene bucal.
Doc K –
Been using GUM picks for years. I recently purchased these advanced picks and they are a game changer! I can reach far back with these and they don’t bend like the other ones used to. I like to use these instead of floss – faster and I personally think they work better!
Bobby J Boyer –
GUM Soft-Picks Advanced, Easy to Use Dental Picks for Teeth Cleaning and Gum Health. Thank you. Product works well.
Stu –
C’est ma dentiste qui m’a fait découvrir ces cures-dents.
Personnellement, je trouve que ça fait un meilleur travail que la soie dentaire. Et le petit boîtier pour le sac à main c’est vraiment une excellente idée. Que du positif.
Miss KAT –
This dental floss brush is all one plastic piece from handle to the tip of the brush which makes it strong enough to push through the edges of your teeth. I have used several other brands and styles with a wire brush which always bends before my teeth get flossed. Maybe these cost more (not sure) but if so, they are worth it.
Miss KAT –
I was surprised at how effective these little picks are for removing food particles.
The bristles are soft, which I prefer, and won’t cause any discomfort. They easily slide in between your teeth and help dislodge any nasty little bits of food that get stuck there, leaving your mouth and gums feeling much cleaner.
Brush and floss twice daily, after waking up and before going to bed. You won’t ever regret it.
Victoria –
These are the best picks and they don’t bend or break. They are flexible and can get hard to reach areas between teeth.
Chiaro –
Son los mejores picadientes para usar, suaves y con estrías que permiten limpiar adecuadamente los alimentos atorados entre los dienes.
Lynn Taylor –
These picks are easier to use than floss. Like all other picks you just need one hand. The unique shape helps you get to those hard to reach places. Very sturdy, they do not break or bend.
Divya –
I’m not particularly fond of flossing. Some teeth are so close together that the floss sometimes gets stuck between them and breaks. Getting to back teeth is nearly impossible and a wire glued behind four of my front teeth; that’s intended as a retainer after braces; makes those teeth especially complicated to floss. I didn’t floss much in my youth and it’s resulted in thousands of dollars in dental and periodontist care including a few surgeries to try to hold onto my natural teeth as gums receded. So far I’ve managed to hold onto all but one tooth, but it’s been a struggle. I knew I needed to floss in the past few years, and really tried, but it’s hard and just didn’t happen 100% of the time. I’ve driven 40 miles to the periodontist every three months for professional teeth cleaning for the past three years.
These picks make “flossing” so fast and easy! I stick them between teeth at the gum line and work them back and forth until they squeak. They have a slight minty taste, and it’s easy to reach between even the back teeth with them.
I used them at least once a day from one professional teeth cleaning to the next. The dental assistant called the periodontist in for my appointment with him before cleaning my teeth as she was so impressed with how clean my teeth were this time that she wanted to show him before doing the cleaning, which took half as long as usual. Instead of three months next time, I can return in four and that may get even longer with continued use.
At the dentist’s office, to which I hadn’t been for a couple of years (lots of periodontist instead) the assistant said to the dentist “This is the patient with the excellent dental hygiene.” As I said, I’ve tried, but certainly never heard that before. They did the test which sent me to the periodontist in the first place, where they measure gum recession around each tooth. It was previously full of 5’s to 7’s for me; which isn’t good. This time all but one were three or less; up to three being “no problem”. The gums are actually growing back.
You get a lot of these picks for the money, so it’s no problem to use once and throw away. Once the tip gets bent it’s harder to use in the back, so once in awhile I use two for one cleaning. The case that comes with each individual pack (there were three packs in the shipment) holds six picks and is small and easy to carry in a purse so you can use them after eating away from home.
I’m so impressed with these for ease of use and effective cleaning I’ve given a six-pack case to several friends and; having first seen them in a store; bought my second package on Amazon so I could write a review.
As a boomer, friends tend to have few-to-no natural teeth left and wish they’d taken better care of their real teeth. If flossing is so time consuming and onerous a job that you often skip it, give these a try. You’ll be glad you did when you get to my age (or are my age) and can still eat nuts and other foods that are difficult-to-impossible to chew without teeth or with dentures.
Divya –
I’ve been using these for more than a year now. Best thing is it comes with a tiny box to hold few sticks so easy to carry a few when you travel. Fits in any tiny purse. Very soft so it will not hurt your gum. But easily bends if you put more strength and then you have to use multiple picks.