Descrição do Produto: Guang Ci Tang – GUI Zhi Fu Ling Wan (GyneAssure™) – 1 Frasco, 1,41 oz
O Guang Ci Tang – GUI Zhi Fu Ling Wan, também conhecido como GyneAssure™, é uma fórmula tradicional da medicina chinesa que remonta a séculos de prática e conhecimento. Este produto é especialmente formulado para remover a estagnação do sangue, um conceito central na medicina tradicional chinesa que se refere à obstrução do fluxo sanguíneo, frequentemente associada a problemas ginecológicos. A combinação de ervas presentes nesta fórmula, como a canela (Gui Zhi) e o cogumelo Reishi (Fu Ling), atua em sinergia para promover a saúde ginecológica, equilibrar os hormônios e aliviar sintomas associados a distúrbios menstruais.
Gui Zhi Fu Ling Wan é amplamente utilizado para apoiar a função menstrual saudável, ajudando a regular ciclos irregulares e a aliviar cólicas menstruais. Além disso, a fórmula é conhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e analgésicas, proporcionando alívio em casos de dor pélvica e desconforto. A sua ação de desintoxicação e purificação do sangue também contribui para a saúde geral do sistema reprodutivo feminino, promovendo um ambiente propício para a fertilidade e o bem-estar.
1. Regulação do Ciclo Menstrual: Ajuda a normalizar ciclos menstruais irregulares, promovendo uma saúde reprodutiva equilibrada.
2. Alívio de Cólicas Menstruais: Proporciona alívio significativo das dores e desconfortos associados à menstruação.
3. Melhora da Circulação Sanguínea: Remove a estagnação do sangue, promovendo um fluxo sanguíneo saudável e eficiente.
4. Apoio à Fertilidade: Cria um ambiente favorável para a concepção, beneficiando mulheres que buscam engravidar.
5. Propriedades Anti-inflamatórias: Contribui para a redução da inflamação e dor pélvica, melhorando a qualidade de vida.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Guang Ci Tang – GUI Zhi Fu Ling Wan, recomenda-se a ingestão de 8 a 12 grânulos, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. É importante acompanhar a ingestão com um copo de água morna para facilitar a dissolução e absorção dos ingredientes ativos. Para mulheres com condições específicas ou que estejam grávidas, é aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde qualificado antes de iniciar o uso. A consistência no uso é fundamental para maximizar os benefícios e promover uma saúde ginecológica ideal.
Shawntaye –
I have never did a review on Amazon but for this I had to. My cramps are normally very bad on my second day and I literally feel just fine. I had to go to the bathroom to make sure I was still on my cycle! It is there and in full force but I feel no pain and have not taken any Ibuprofen!!!! I normally would have woke up through the night and taken at least 3 or 4 pills because my cramps are worse in the morning. I’m going to check back in and continue taking the pills but right now I feel great. I have a 6-8 centimeter fibroid that has been kicking my tail each month so this is big news. If this continues my life won’t ever be the same. Amazing!!!!!!!
brass1s –
I used these supplements three times daily for about 4 months. They seemed to help for a short while, improving my bloating and heavy cycles, but I was hoping the supplements would do more to “support a healthy gynecological function” as advertised in the description.
Shannon Burch –
Beyond awesome!! I was a little put off by them being black balls. Not your usual supplement look. Im 48 and had a period last 33 days. This stopped it in its tracks. I take 1 ball 3 or 4 times a day. I know have a regular period that only lasts a week. My 19 year old daughter suffers debilitating heavy painful periods. She took 2 balls, 4 times a day during it. Her mood and the pain lifted. A light period with no cramps. I ordered another for both of us.
Anna-Gaye –
I had 3 huge Uterine Fibroids (5cm/7cm/10cm) and 1 Polyp; My Ob/Gyn wanted to remove my Uterus mostly because of the inherent risk of the Polyp. I asked her to give me half a year to change my diet etc. Thus I decided to see an Acupuncturist Professional. As part of the Acupuncture, Diet and Herbs that my Acupuncturist recommended me to have, she prescribed this Herb Formulation in pill form. Yes, it may take more than 5 months for you to start seeing results, but I can tell you that my Polyp disappeared (confirmed by 2 Ultrasounds) and my Fibroids shrunk about a cm each. Thus I do believe in the benefits of taking this Herbs in conjunction with a Healthy diet/lifestyle and Acupuncture. Just give it a couple of months to start seeing results.
Better results if user constantly –
For the past five years I have had 10 days of bloating and extreme cramping like if my uterus was trying to push itself out because of the fibroids and adenomyosis . I constantly missed out on everything even my birthdays and holidays even one year my own graduation. My doctors told me that they didn’t think invasive surgery was the answer. One night I came on Amazon balling my eyes out so overwhelmed by the thought I would never know what it was to get a period without pain. Last month I took these along with vitamin C and D. I only got two days of bearable cramp pain and I got my period. I cried but happy tears. I recommend these vitamins If you are looking for some relief.
Vry7 –
Gave on star because I just got it, few minutes ago. My hollistic doctor likes the supplement and told me to take. it’s too early to know the effects, but the bottle came without a cap. the seal was intact, but no cap. How i am supposed to keep it closed? fortunately I had a cap from a tea bottle Iwas drinking and it kinda fitted, but this is not the ideal. Honestly, i’d not mind to pay an extra dollar for the product, but the cap IS IMPORTANT, for obvious reasons. Put a cap on those bottles people!
Shawntaye –
So I had surgery in 2015 to remove uterine fibroids when I had my period in February 2022 on day 2 I noticed this sharp pulsating pain in my right ovary area and I thought nothing of it just chalked it up to a period symptom along with the severe cramps and heavy bleeding I was fulling those always number 5 10 hour pad in like 30 minutes. Anyway my period always goes like 8 or 9 days but it ended in 5 days which surprised me. The pain stuck around though so I ended up going to the doctor and he recommended an ultrasound and it turns out I have a bulky uterus 17.3 X 11.2 X 9.5cm which no doubt is a result of my previous surgery but yet again I also have 4 fibroids 7.5, 5.2, 3.5 and 4cms and he said one of them is causing that sharp pulsating pain now that scared me because before I never had pain and then he said only surgery will make it better sigh I cant afford that now and here in Jamaica uterine fibroids are not considered priority so I know I couldn’t get a date to be taken care of for free. Anyway I started checking online and I saw this pill and all the reviews so I said he let me try it because I felt so stressed about my period this month or March 2022 so I ordered it and it came I started taking it 7 days before my period. I did not choose to start at this time its just when I got the pills on the bottle it says the dosage is 4 pills which would be 800mg but I take 5 which is 1000mg. I now have been on my period for 3 days and I have no pain and the flow is way better. Listen me not having to overdose on ibuprofen is a blessing and I am so thankful I am in tears right now. I will not go without these pills ever again…thank you so very much and I hope this helps someone else.
claus b. –
I was in so much pain from my fibroids, and I wouldn’t stop bleeding. I went online and found these pills. OMG I felt a instant relief within hours. I totally stopped bleeding, and I feel 100% better. They WORK….YASSSSS