O Gua Sha Facial em Aço Inoxidável é uma ferramenta de beleza facial inovadora, projetada para proporcionar cuidados excepcionais à pele. Com sua capacidade de resfriamento, este gua sha ajuda a reduzir o inchaço e a inflamação, promovendo uma circulação sanguínea saudável. Ideal para uso no rosto, pescoço e área dos olhos, ele oferece um tratamento de SPA que transforma a rotina de cuidados com a pele em um momento de puro relaxamento e rejuvenescimento. Ao incorporar o Gua Sha de Metal em sua rotina, você notará uma pele mais firme, a diminuição de rugas e linhas finas, além de uma aparência radiante e revitalizada.
Revitalize sua pele e melhore seu bem-estar com a Pfefe Cryo Gua Sha em aço inoxidável. Este gua sha foi projetado para melhorar a circulação, aliviar a fascia tensa e estimular a drenagem linfática. Ao usar o gua sha de aço inoxidável consistentemente, você experimentará uma linha do maxilar mais firme, maçãs do rosto bem definidas e redução do inchaço facial. Diga adeus aos incômodos nós em suas sobrancelhas e linha do maxilar, pois eles gradualmente desaparecem.
Fácil de usar, mantenha a ferramenta de gua sha em aço inoxidável na geladeira e remova-a 10 minutos antes de usar para evitar que fique muito fria em seu rosto. O tamanho compacto e a forma ergonômica facilitam a aderência e o deslizamento suave sobre os contornos faciais, queixo e pescoço. A parte de silicone no meio garante que seus dedos não congelem. Mime-se com uma massagem relaxante usando esta ferramenta e seu óleo facial ou loção favorita.
Seguro e durável, o gua sha Pfefe é feito de aço inoxidável 304, uma excelente alternativa às ferramentas de jade ou lavanda, que são porosas e acumulam bactérias. Isso garante uma solução segura e durável para suas necessidades de gua sha. Além disso, este produto combina Gua Sha e Crioterapia em um único dispositivo, esculpindo naturalmente os contornos faciais e mantendo a pele firme, suave e volumosa. O gua sha Pfefe é um item indispensável para entusiastas de cuidados com a pele ou alguém que procura o presente ideal. Eleve sua rotina de autocuidado e abrace uma tez mais saudável e radiante hoje.
Pacote inclui: 1 ferramenta de gua sha em aço inoxidável, 1 bolsa bonita.
- Revitaliza a pele e melhora a circulação
- Alivia a fascia tensa e estimula a drenagem linfática
- Resulta em uma linha do maxilar mais firme e maçãs do rosto bem definidas
- Reduz o inchaço facial e desfaz os nós nas sobrancelhas e linha do maxilar
- Combina Gua Sha e Crioterapia em um único dispositivo
Para usar a Pfefe Cryo Gua Sha, mantenha-a na geladeira e remova-a 10 minutos antes de usar. Aplique seu óleo facial ou loção favorita no rosto. Segure a ferramenta de gua sha em aço inoxidável e deslize suavemente sobre os contornos faciais, queixo e pescoço. Use movimentos leves e ascendentes para estimular a circulação e a drenagem linfática. Para melhores resultados, utilize regularmente, incorporando esta prática em sua rotina de cuidados diários.
Zoe –
The Duchess Corgi –
This gua sha has been a game-changer for my skincare routine. Unlike the standard kind, being chilled offers an incredibly soothing and refreshing experience. The cooling effect feels fantastic on the skin, especially in the morning, helping to depuff and wake up my face. I’ve noticed that it enhances lymphatic drainage and reduces morning puffiness more effectively than “room-temperature” tools. It has quickly become a staple in my daily regimen.
Nikki –
I have never used another Gua Sha tool before, but it has been something I’ve wanted to try for a long time. This one is made of stainless steel on the outside with a silicone piece in the middle to hold – this piece is a bit ugly with the giant logo, but that may be beside the point. It is rather thick, thicker I’ve heard that regular gua sha tools, as this one is hollow with some kind of liquid inside. When warm, you can feel and hear it sloshing around.
As other reviewers have mentioned, the instructions could be clearer. Personally, I knew I would always forget to put it in the freezer “30 minutes” before I wanted to use it, so I’ve just been keeping it in the freezer constantly. So far, it hasn’t deteriorated. However, I will say that the steel piece does build up some frost, even inside of the nice bag that came with the tool. So perhaps using it only in the fridge rather than freezer may be helpful to some who don’t want to deal with the frost sticking just a bit to your face, making it harder to glide over. For me, it’s not really an issue – just takes a little bit more patience.
Even though the silicone piece in the middle is ugly, it’s super useful because it protects my fingers when I use it. If I had to hold the steel part, they’d freeze! The silicone was a nice touch. So, too, was the bag that the tool comes in, as it keeps it nice and clean in the freezer. And all pieces are easily washable.
I love to use this in the morning just before I go to work. It’s a great way to wake myself up and make my face look just a bit less tired. Also gives my pale face a bit of color as the cold gets the blood flowing!
Ruth –
Value of money
Sunshine –
I prefer the chunky feel and rounded edges of this gua sha over the thin glass/stone versions. It feels smooth when gliding over my face. Cool touch of the stainless steel is lovely and relaxing.
Annie –
This stays cold for so so long! Way better than a regular Jade one. Definitely recommend.
Ale Masias –
Me resulta excelente por el material es ideal, y al ser sumamente frío desinflamar perfecto el rostro. Muy bueno.
C. Kloehs –
I really enjoy using this product. The shape is perfect for the contour of my face and it’s easy to grip. I was always afraid of dropping my jade gua sha when using facial oils. I don’t refrigerate mine, but it is still nice and cool to use just out of the drawer.
Artist –
“Beauty is pfefe” …. amen 👼
Ok so these seem super bougie and unnecessary and questionable value for product.. at first. But I have to admit, I’m a total convert 😂 I’ve owned the cryo ball sticks before and was surprised by the tag however the way these stainless fluid-filled devices stay cold? Amazing. Just sublime.
I leave them in my coffee table for easy relaxation while I’m watching TV, perfect for whenever I’m having a headache/migraine/sinus flare-up and want to treat myself a lil and get the fluids and lymph nodes worked on.
Now, this gua sha warms up a lot faster than the balls however the shape is great for getting in a lot of important face nooks. Like for me: under cheekbones, inner eyes/nose sinus, curve fits around eyeballs/eyelids. Those are the top spots for me tbh. I do find I kind of wish the 2 curved edges varied more because they are both kind of the same shape and I feel like a different curve/line would make this gua sha shape a little more varied and thus useful.
I’d say these stay cold for maybe 3 minutes when starting from room temp (they stay cold on their own miraculously but fridge/freezer would def do better) while the balls can be around 8 mins from room temp.
The silicone middle grip is kinda nice but not foolproof, I often felt myself positioning my hand in a way that touched metal whal gua sha-ing. But better than nothing for sure, def insulates.
If you’re an expert gua sha-er however, you might find this inadequate for a proper massage/treatment. It’s got very fat edges so, while good for a beginner to not press to hard/damage, you have less control and abilities. But if you’re trying to expand your cryo collection to diff shapes, this should be a nice addition!
The little pouch is perf too, fits the gua sha and nothing else and that pouch fits into my pfefe cryo ball sticks pouch sooo it’s just a lovely lil collection 💕
I have no idea what the market is for similarly material designed cryo products, as there’s certainly many options, so definitely evaluation value for product on your own budget and research. However, I have to admit I totally am keeping an eye out for pfefe products in the future now that I have a little satisfying collection going 🥹
Hol –
Lovely gua sha tool, feels extremely soothing after being in the freezer, I love the rounded edges on this compared to the shape of other gua sha stones- with this one I can really cup my jaw and cheekbone without feeling like I’m scraping my face