O GU Energy Roctane Ultra Endurance Energy Drink Mix é uma mistura em pó vegana, sem glúten, kosher e sem laticínios, projetada para fornecer energia durante exercícios intensos. Com 35mg de cafeína, é uma opção prática para qualquer tipo de treino. Embalado em um pote de 3,44 libras, o sabor de frutas tropicais é uma característica marcante.
Conheça o GU Energy Roctane Ultra Endurance Energy Drink Mix, uma mistura premium de bebida energética formulada especialmente para uso durante eventos de resistência e esforços intensos de treinamento. Com uma porção de 250 calorias, este energético contém 59g de carboidratos que fornecem energia pronta para uso e evitam a fadiga. Além disso, possui 320mg de sódio que mantém o equilíbrio hídrico do corpo, seja durante corridas, pedaladas, caminhadas ou esqui.
Para evitar danos musculares e auxiliar na recuperação, o GU Energy Roctane contém 1900mg de aminoácidos, que são essenciais durante todo o ano. Além disso, possui 35mg de cafeína, que aumenta o foco e diminui o esforço percebido (a versão sabor uva é livre de cafeína).
Sua fórmula de sabor leve se mistura facilmente em uma garrafa com 21 onças de água. Recomenda-se o consumo de uma garrafa por hora durante corridas e treinamentos de alta intensidade. Disponível em um pote de 3,44 libras (24 porções) ou em uma lata de 1,72 libras (12 porções), o GU Energy Roctane é a escolha perfeita para atletas que buscam um impulso de energia duradouro.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Energia pronta para uso durante eventos de resistência e treinamentos intensos
- 2. Carboidratos que evitam a fadiga e mantêm o desempenho
- 3. Aminoácidos que previnem danos musculares e auxiliam na recuperação
- 4. Cafeína que aumenta o foco e diminui o esforço percebido
- 5. Fácil de preparar e disponível em diferentes tamanhos de porção
- Fornece energia imediata e sustentada, ideal para longas sessões de treino.
- Ajuda a manter a hidratação e o equilíbrio eletrolítico durante atividades físicas intensas.
- Contribui para a recuperação muscular, reduzindo o risco de lesões e fadiga.
- Aumenta a concentração e o desempenho mental, essencial para atletas em competição.
- Fácil de transportar e preparar, tornando-se uma solução prática para atletas em movimento.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma porção de GU Energy Roctane Ultra Endurance Energy Drink Mix com 21 onças de água. Consuma uma garrafa por hora durante corridas e treinamentos de alta intensidade. É importante seguir uma dieta equilibrada e beber água adicional para manter-se hidratado durante o exercício. A mistura deve ser bem agitada até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido, garantindo uma absorção rápida e eficaz dos nutrientes.
J. A –
dissolving in water isn’t THAT hard. I use a lockable metal coffee thing, add ice, shake, and voila. no clumps.
exercising with this is much more pleasurable. I can tell the difference. hooked.
Nick Sept –
GU roctane has been a go to. Great grape flavor. It’s a light flavor too it’s like if you mixed a juice with half water so it was diluted. I use 3 scoops in each bottle. No flavor fatigue and can drink all day.
Mark A. Carr –
Trying to get properly fueled for riding has been difficult for me. I finally did some research and came to the conclusion that the best ratio for me is Training Time [Hours] X 60 = Carb Intake [Grams]. GU Roctane makes this easy as two scoops are what is recommended for a bike water bottle and that equals 60g of carbs.
I must say that the difference for me is quite noticeable now that I’m properly fueling. I have sustained energy throughout my rides and my time on the bike is far more consistent. The flavor is good and it mixes well. What’s not to like?? I also supplement with GU Energy Gels (Tri-Berry) if necessary on longer rides. It’s a great combination.
I’ll be buying more of this and the gels in the future.
fuadramsey –
I’ve been getting back into long distance cycling and wanted to fine tune my salt and calorie intake on long rides. I’m in SoCal so during the summer it’s usually 90+ degrees. I usually use Nuun for added sodium and will always drink 22oz of water per hour but I have trouble keeping up with my calories. Regular foods are often hard to handle, carry and digest.
This year I wanted to try something different, so I gave GU Energy Roctane Ultra Endurance Energy Drink Mix a try. I just did 60 mile ride with this and it went pretty well. I had a caffeinated flavor and it was a good amount, but maybe I shouldn’t have started with a large cup of coffee before the ride. I’m a little sensitive to caffeine now that I’ve stopped drinking large energy drinks. The taste was fine. I don’t know why people complain of the taste, it’s on par with the other supplements. It wasn’t too sweet either. The calories went down fine and I had no gas or stomach issues. This was a big plus since I’m able to ingest more calories on long rides. Sometimes I don’t feel like eating, but drinking this stuff is easy enough.
I felt great on the ride and the caffeine was felt for sure. It would have been perfect if not for the cup of coffee I started out with. I never felt weird, I just felt really alert and was not able to take a nap after my ride. Next time I’ll skip the fourth drink on the ride.
So yeah it’s pricey but for long rides it works great.
Mark A. Carr –
Good Stuff, used it today on a 5 hour endurance ride and had a strong ride to get me home in one piece
Scott Sterbenz –
Great endurance nutrition, especially for long sessions. Easy digestable, not too sticky, great flavor. The only downside is the caffeine content. I wish there was an option without it.
I’ve used this product for runs of up to 50k and it has done the job well. Keeps the energy levels up, no stomach issues, good electrolyte content. As it is maltodextrin-heavy, it is not as flavorful as the caloric content might suggest. One trick which I have employed (do so at your own discretion) is to spike the mix with some grape pre-workout (NO XPLODE in my case) which adds B vitamins, caffeine, aminos, and also enhances the flavor, with the whole mix coming out to roughly the taste of something along the lines of grape Monster.
Swiss Dave –
Probe este producto para entrenamientos previos y durante un Medio Ironman y los resultados fueron excelentes, por recomiendo ampliamente.
Rick –
Since cytomax was sold to gatoraid and they’re not doing anything with it (thanks Gatorade), I’ve been looking for a suitable replacement. I saw Rocktane and decided to try it.
Tastes great. Not that sweet. I like sweet in moderation. I typically scrape off buttercream icing off of cakes as it’s too sweet for me. But I’ll eat cream cheese icing with not problem. Grape has a nice subtle taste with just the right amount of flavoring to make it taste light and even refreshing. I cannot stand most energy drinks because they use fake sweeteners or use an ungodly amount of sugar. This has a much lighter taste than cyctomax which I considered very sweet. This seems to have the perfect taste balance for intense or long rides
My stomach isn’t sensitive. My stomach didn’t feel weird after using this. No gas, no noises…
Why are companies adding caffeine? If you’re using this stuff your heart rate is already elevated from your workout. It’s not like you’re going to fall asleep during your workout. Adding caffeine just elevates your heart rate even more. I’m pretty sure I’m alert when I’m working out. This seems to be a bad trend. I’m glad grape has no caffeine.
This stuff mixes completely. I use regular tap water, with two scoops in a large cycling water bottle. Shaken, not stirred. Nothing ever settles to the bottom. It remains that way even after 24 hours (left a bottle out). Nice!
Rocktane works although not as great as cytomax. Cytomax had something that made it feel like you were exerting less energy and everything was easier. My legs also burned less during high exertion. Rocktane is much more subtle. It doesn’t feel like I’m breathing easier and while it will never be cytomax, it’s better than hammer (tastes horrible-took one sip and dumped it). It’s also better than c4. C4 endurance seems to pump up your legs more, like you’re weight lifting, so it wasn’t for me. Rocktane does control next day soreness (after a hard workout) but doesn’t eliminate it entirely.
All in all, I’m glad I tried this. Ill keep using this until I find something better.