O GU Energy Gel Original é a escolha perfeita para quem busca um suporte energético eficaz e prático durante a prática de atividades físicas. Com uma fórmula vegana, sem glúten, kosher e livre de laticínios, este gel energético é ideal para atletas e entusiastas do esporte que desejam maximizar seu desempenho. Cada embalagem contém 24 unidades do sabor irresistível caramelo salgado, proporcionando uma experiência deliciosa e nutritiva.
Este gel energético é projetado para oferecer energia rápida e duradoura, com cada pacote contendo 100 calorias e uma combinação de eletrólitos essenciais. A fórmula exclusiva, que combina maltodextrina e frutose, permite uma absorção eficiente, utilizando vias de absorção não concorrentes, o que significa que você pode contar com energia sustentada durante atividades como corrida, ciclismo, caminhada ou esqui. A versão Salted Caramel também inclui 20mg de cafeína, 125mg de sódio e 40mg de potássio, tornando-se uma opção ainda mais poderosa para quem precisa de um impulso extra.
Para obter o máximo de benefícios, recomenda-se consumir um pacote do GU Energy Gel 5 minutos antes do início da atividade física e a cada 45 minutos durante o exercício. Além disso, a presença de aminoácidos de cadeia ramificada ajuda a reduzir danos musculares e a fadiga mental, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida após treinos intensos.
- 1. Energia duradoura: Mantém os níveis de energia elevados durante treinos e competições prolongadas.
- 2. Absorção eficiente: A fórmula garante que você não sinta desconfortos gastrointestinais, permitindo um desempenho otimizado.
- 3. Redução de danos musculares: Os aminoácidos ajudam na recuperação, minimizando os efeitos do exercício intenso.
- 4. Praticidade: Os pacotes portáteis são fáceis de transportar, garantindo que você tenha energia sempre à mão.
- 5. Adequado para dietas restritivas: Sendo vegano e livre de glúten, atende a diversas necessidades alimentares.
Para maximizar os resultados, consuma um pacote do GU Energy Gel 5 minutos antes de iniciar sua atividade física. Durante o exercício, é recomendado ingerir um pacote a cada 45 minutos para manter os níveis de energia adequados. É importante acompanhar o consumo do gel com água, garantindo assim uma hidratação eficaz e melhor absorção dos nutrientes. Com o GU Energy Gel, você estará sempre preparado para enfrentar qualquer desafio esportivo!
Robert Davis Jr. –
Goes down easy
JB –
I only wish I could get these cheaper but otherwise they’re great. I wouldn’t want them to reduce in price if it meant a sacrifice in quality. They taste good, they’re fairly small and easy to carry/consume on the go, and they haven’t caused me any stomach issues. I like that this flavor has a small dose of caffeine as well.
Sarah G. –
Decent flavor and as easy to get down as any gel (which isn’t that easy but easier than gummies). I wish they offered a smaller packet because it’s kind of hard to get the whole thing down, especially late in a run and once you’ve opened it, you’re committed to either finishing it or finding a trash can. I’d rather carry twice as many 50cal packs and be able to eat less at a time.
The packet offers some excessive recommendations about how many of these to use (1 before starting then another one every 45 minutes). If you follow those instructions, you’ll probably puke (or want to). . Everybody’s different but if you’re new to gels and sports one uses them for, don’t start by following the directions, start with a much more conservative regimen (like none to start and 1 every 90 minutes or 2 hours) to see how you tolerate it and how often you really need it. Also, they recently started marketing this as something you might eat in casual settings like before going to the gym- that’s ridiculous- the only reason to use this product rather than eat real food is if the duration and circumstances of your activity require fuel that a) you can carry with you in short shorts b) you can consume while moving and c) can get your blood sugar up without requiring a fully operational digestive system. It’s not a workout enhancer, it’s just a packet of sugars and electrolytes that tastes good enough that it doesn’t make most people sick.
Laurie Johnson –
I count on GU to get me to the finish line. I typically only tryst a few flavors to not give me heartburn or stomach disturbance. Vanilla and caramel are my go to. Caffeine level is just right too.
emily morris –
These taste lovely. I don’t like eating anything on a long run as it makes me feel sick. Also most gels make me feel sick, but these were lovely and I didn’t feel any sickness with them
Raphael –
Great flavor, good nutriments, great packaging.
It’s very nice. I wish it would be more affordable, I save those on runs or rides above 2hours.
Daisy –
I use GU for fuel during my long distance runs, anywhere from 8 to 20 miles. Its compact, so it’s easy to carry with me. I prefer the salted caramel because its higher in sodium for electrolyte replacement and has 20mg caffeine for an energy boost. The flavor is good, as well as the chocolate flavored version. The cost is comparable to similar products, and I’ve tried a few. GU is my favorite overall.
LC in DC –
I waffled between 4 and 5 stars on this one but ultimately went with 5 because this Gu fulfills its purpose perfectly: it delivers an extra hit of sodium in a largely non-revolting manner. (If you’re new to Gu: most flavors have ~60mg Sodium while a few special ones have more; salted caramel has 125mg.) For me, getting the extra sodium in a delivery system that has a good chance of not being horked up into the cheering crowd (of elderly speed walkers – I’m not a track star here) is crucial, and this Gu does that. Some finer points on flavor — upon civilized taste testing it is rather like a tube of cut rate salted caramel, and out on a run where it counts the salty notes come through strong and help overcome the sweetness a bit. (A plus, for me, because it’s the cloying sweetness of the other non-fruit flavors that often results in the aforementioned horking.)
Marco A Riggioni –
De lo mejor
shelley –
These are my go-to for long runs. The taste is great and they do what they’re supposed to with an energy boost. I take the first one after 45min, and then one every 45min after that. Definitely need water to stop it gumming up in the mouth, but no digestive issues.