O GTab Advance Mastigável de Hortelã-Pimenta é a solução ideal para quem busca alívio rápido e eficaz de problemas digestivos. Com uma embalagem contendo 60 comprimidos mastigáveis, este produto combina praticidade e sabor refrescante, tornando-se um aliado indispensável no dia a dia. Sua fórmula inovadora é especialmente desenvolvida para neutralizar o ácido do estômago, proporcionando alívio para azia e refluxo ácido. Além disso, o GTab Advance é eficaz no combate ao inchaço abdominal, reduzindo a produção de gases e aliviando a sensação de estufamento. Para aqueles que enfrentam desconfortos como arroto excessivo e flatulência, este produto oferece uma ação suave que minimiza esses sintomas desagradáveis. E se você costuma sentir náuseas, o GTab Advance pode ajudar a acalmar o estômago, proporcionando um alívio rápido e duradouro.
1. Alívio rápido e eficaz para problemas digestivos, proporcionando conforto imediato.
2. Fórmula natural, livre de substâncias químicas prejudiciais à saúde.
3. Comprimidos mastigáveis práticos, que podem ser levados para qualquer lugar e consumidos sem água.
4. Sabor refrescante de hortelã-pimenta, tornando a experiência de consumo agradável.
5. Recomendado por profissionais da saúde, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se mastigar um comprimido do GTab Advance Mastigável de Hortelã-Pimenta sempre que sentir os sintomas de azia, refluxo ácido, inchaço, arroto excessivo, flatulência, náuseas ou vômito. É importante não exceder a dose diária recomendada. Consulte um médico antes de iniciar o uso, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver algum problema de saúde pré-existente.
Rhonda J. Hunter –
I agree with those who found this difficult and unpleasant to chew and swallow. I ground it up and added a teaspoon of water, stirred it and drank it, with a swallow of water after it. This worked much better and did not appear to affect the action of it.
kat –
Thought I’d give these a go since the liquid was so expensive. I ended up purchasing the liquid. The tablets ARE chalky, which didn’t bother me but the peppermint made my reflux worse.
Samantha –
The closest I can get to the way this feels in my mouth is when I had a mold made for bleaching trays at the dentist. It’s thick, smooth, gummy and stuck to my teeth. I had to scrape it off with a toothpick and chew some crackers to get it off my teeth.
I don’t know what their lab was thinking when they put this on the market. They would have benefited by working on it a little longer until it got to a consistency good enough to swallow and not leave gummy residue all over the mouth. It didn’t even work that well.
Lori –
My ENT sugested I use the “Raft” type of anti gerd medicine. This is one that I reach for when traveling, or from my nightstand in the middlee of the night. I have used the liquid kind for over a year, and it is very helpful, but not convenient when traveling.
Elizabeth Fleming –
This is a superior product and works so well!
Twogirlsabroad –
I got this product for my trip. Pro is that it taste good. Con is that it sticks badly to dentures. If you really need it though and your traveling. It’s worth the purchase because of the liquid rules.
Debbie –
I have had gerd and acid reflux for many, many years. After trying almost everything on the market, including prescrition drugs (can’t really take anymore after c diff from too many ppi’s), this is the best thing ever to calm your stomach down. For those complaining about it sticking to your teeth, I agree, it’s kind of yucky. But I found washing it down with water after you get it chewed up is easy to do.
CJ –
Product is excellent but am extremely disappointed that it is hard to get