O GROWNSY – Alívio Natural de Gases e Cólicas para Bebês é um produto inovador e essencial para pais que buscam proporcionar conforto e bem-estar aos seus pequenos. Composto por 24 peças, este aliviador de gases é especialmente formulado para recém-nascidos, oferecendo uma solução eficaz e segura para o desconforto causado por cólicas e gases. Sua eficácia é notável, proporcionando alívio imediato e promovendo um sono tranquilo e confortável para o bebê.
O GROWNSY se destaca por suas características únicas. A tecnologia de dupla ventilação permite um alívio seguro e instantâneo, tornando o processo de alívio de gases e cólicas mais eficiente. Feito de silicone livre de BPA e látex, o produto é macio e flexível, garantindo que o uso seja seguro e confortável para a pele delicada do bebê. Além disso, o design inteligente inclui um limitador que impede a inserção excessiva do tubo, assegurando uma experiência sem desconforto.
A facilidade de uso é outro ponto forte do GROWNSY. Com um bico suave e flexível, o aliviador é simples de manusear, proporcionando um alívio rápido de gases e fezes, o que torna o bebê mais confortável e contente. Cada tubo é de uso único, garantindo a máxima higiene e segurança, e o produto é enviado com embalagens variadas, tornando-o um presente ideal para novos pais.
- 1. Alivia de forma eficaz o desconforto causado por gases e cólicas em bebês.
- 2. Fabricado em silicone livre de BPA e látex, garantindo a segurança do seu bebê.
- 3. Proporciona alívio instantâneo de gases e fezes, aumentando o conforto do bebê.
- 4. Inclui 24 tubos de uso único, oferecendo um alívio duradouro.
- 5. Design pensado com limitador para evitar desconforto durante o uso.
Para utilizar o GROWNSY Gas and Colic Reliever for Babies, siga as instruções abaixo: (1) Aplique uma pequena quantidade de óleo de coco ou outro óleo suave e seguro para a pele do bebê. (2) Insira o aliviador gentilmente e lentamente, evitando causar desconforto ao bebê. (3) Não insira o aliviador muito profundamente e ultrapasse o limitador de segurança. É fundamental seguir essas orientações para garantir uma experiência segura e eficaz para o seu bebê.
J. Hackbarth –
This is a similar product to a well-known brand but these are more affordable, come in a larger quantity, and work just as well!
With my twins, these were a must-have in our home and came highly recommended by our pediatrician. One of my boys needed formula thickened with oatmeal due to difficulties swallowing thin liquids. Unfortunately this led to massive constipation issues for my poor little one. He’d screech in pain with no relief, even after we pulled out all the stops everyone knows about.
I’d heard about this product back when I was still pregnant and determined pretty quickly we’d never buy these, because who needs them when you’ve got other easy solutions. And no one wants to stick anything up their baby’s bottom.
We’d tried everything else though, and at this point we were going crazy and I was willing to try anything.
I had to give myself quite a pep talk, but it didn’t phase the baby at all. It worked immediately! I could hear the release of some air, and when I pulled this little gadget out of his bottom, out came a bunch of stool that was much too hard for normal baby poo! The best part was he was finally comfortable! No more screeching in pain!
Our pediatrician cleared us to use it as many times a day that we needed to in order to give him relief, and that he’d outgrow the need for this eventually. We’d make sure his discomfort or crying wasn’t any other easy-to-solve issue like hunger or a dirty diaper, and resort to using these last. Every single time resulted in success.
From now on, they’re a must-have to stock in the house for these and future babies. Wonderful!
elle1225 –
These work when you really need them. Your baby will definitely look at you in utter confusion but they get the job done.
Disney Adult –
These are amazing for babies with colic due to gas. I like these better than windi because they actually have an audible noise when they work. They are a tad bigger width-wise versus the Frida brand. However, when you’re up at all hours with a newborn and can be sure they are working (audible confirmation); it’s well worth the price. Would keep buying these! Lifesavers!
hi –
This product is terrible! It hurt my baby and made her bleed. We have used the Frida baby windis with great success and my baby never minded them. These hurt her terribly and she started screaming and it made her bleed. Terrible to sell such a horrible product for babies. Shame on the sellers!
Alyssa R. –
Comparable to the other name brand on the market but are a much better price. They work like a charm every time. Really glad I found these for my son’s relief.
Kelly L. –
Works like a charm EVERY time. My baby gets a nice sense of relief and it doesn’t bother her at all.
Robert T. –
Works the same as the name brand version of this at a fraction of the price.
R Johnson –
I like that these have soft flexible part that goes into baby and does not tear or give discomfort. I like that there is a ‘stopper’ that tells you when to stop inserting. I also appreciate that there are several openings for gas to escape through. If the gas bubble is near the rear end, then this product works easily and is very effective. Many pieces so that they are disposable and don’t have to use again.