Grown American Superfood Ultra Vita-Immune Blend – 31 Organic Whole Fruits and Vegetables Concentrated Green Powder
O Grown American Superfood Ultra Vita-Immune Blend é a solução ideal para quem busca uma maneira prática e eficaz de incorporar uma variedade de frutas e vegetais na dieta diária. Composto por uma mistura poderosa de 31 frutas e vegetais orgânicos, este pó verde concentrado é a escolha perfeita para aumentar a energia e o desempenho, tudo isso de forma 100% vegana e livre de OGM.
- Certificado Orgânico: O Grown American é feito apenas com as melhores frutas e vegetais orgânicos cultivados nos Estados Unidos. Nossos ingredientes são certificados pelo USDA como orgânicos, livres de OGM e veganos. O Grown American Superfood é a maneira mais fácil de obter sua porção diária de frutas e vegetais. Uma colher por dia é tudo o que você precisa!
- Mais de 30 Frutas e Vegetais: Cada embalagem do Grown American Superfood contém mais de 30 frutas e vegetais. Você desfrutará de frutas frescas e deliciosas como maçã, banana e morango, além de vegetais saudáveis e nutritivos como brócolis, espinafre e couve em cada gole saboroso do nosso superalimento.
- A Maneira Mais Fácil de Obter Sua Porção Diária: Cada colher de Grown American Superfood contém 1,5 porções do número recomendado de frutas e vegetais por dia. Você estará consumindo 5 folhas verdes, 8 superfrutas, 6 vegetais e 12 brotos. Sempre orgânico, vegano e livre de OGM.
- Repleto de Nutrientes Essenciais: Nossa fórmula de superalimento é rica em nutrientes que você precisa para manter seu corpo feliz e saudável. O Grown American Superfood contém polifenóis, antioxidantes, vitaminas e nutrientes. Nossa fórmula é vegana, livre de soja, laticínios, gordura, glúten, OGM, colesterol, açúcar e aditivos.
- Apenas os Melhores Ingredientes: Estamos comprometidos em produzir o melhor superalimento e é por isso que usamos apenas os melhores ingredientes. Nossas frutas e vegetais são 100% cultivados nos EUA e certificados como orgânicos pelo USDA para garantir a mais alta qualidade para nossos clientes. Experimente e sinta a diferença.
1. Aumento de Energia: A combinação de frutas e vegetais fornece um impulso natural de energia, ideal para o dia a dia.
2. Facilidade de Consumo: Uma única colher por dia oferece a quantidade necessária de frutas e vegetais, facilitando a rotina alimentar.
3. Saúde Imunológica: Os nutrientes presentes na fórmula ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
4. Nutrientes Essenciais: Rico em antioxidantes, vitaminas e minerais, contribui para o bem-estar e a vitalidade.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Ingredientes 100% orgânicos e cultivados nos EUA, assegurando pureza e eficácia.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Grown American Superfood Ultra Vita-Immune Blend, adicione uma colher (aproximadamente 10g) do pó em um copo de água, suco ou smoothie. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Recomenda-se o consumo diário para garantir a ingestão adequada de nutrientes e maximizar os efeitos energéticos e de saúde. Ideal para ser utilizado pela manhã ou antes de atividades físicas, proporcionando um suporte nutricional eficaz ao longo do dia.
George W –
The Good: I we can believe the nutritional value, this is a good product.
The Bad: Does not mix easily. I use a NutriBullet, and whether I add Super Food first, or last, it tends to stick to the sides or bottom. If you mix it in juice of some sort, get a mini mixer device ($10 Amazon) to stir it with. This stuff is really sweet! V8 juice is definitely out!
The Ugly: packaging. When you get down in the package, you’re hand will get green trying to get the little provided cup full. Solution: upon receipt, transfer the contents into a lidded container.
I have a question about the sweetness of this product. I don’t know for sure, but it snacks of an artificial sweetener. All in all, I think $60 a bag is a bit steep. I won’t be buying it again.
Delane –
I was taking 1 scoop a day in my sugar free orange juice in the morning. I felt so good, I had energy felt refreshed. And it has a really good taste mixed with my O.J. I would highly recommend it over any other I have tried. This one is by far the best tasting.
Be careful when purchasing. Do a “one time purchase” because it may be on “subscribe purchase”.
That will cause them to automatically send them every month.
Fred Palmerino –
I began taking Grown American Superfood in early April. I took 1 scoop with water every night and I think the pouch lasted me into my second month (even though there were 30 servings listed).
I live alone, work throughout the day and play tennis most evenings. I do eat well for the most part but tend to stay away from the vegetables that require more than a few minutes to prepare – given that I am starving when I get home and it is late. So, other than having someone cook for me, Grown American seemed the perfect alternative.
It contains lots of leafy greens and that was the eye-catcher. I performed my research before buying and found that leafy greens are rich in folate (which contributes to proper digestion and benefits the heart), burn fat, have anti-aging properties (good for me since I’m in my 50’s), fight diabetes, offer sun protection, build enzymes, and neutralize carcinogenic toxins.
I have to say that I enjoyed taking it every day. It REALLY does taste good with a sweet, almost apple-y aftertaste. When you open the pouch and smell the contents, it smells grassy and earthy. I like that, too. But, if you’re not crazy about things tasting earthy/grassy, don’t be dismayed. It doesn’t.
Another cool benefit was that I noticed almost immediately an increase in my energy level. They do state this up front but you never really know until you try it.
So, for me, I like Grown American and will re-order it. It’s not cheap but I don’t mind the price tag. I see that it’s on sale for $88 at this writing. I paid $98 which is $3.27 per day. Seems reasonable especially since a cup of their superfood at that price will do a helluva lot more good than a cup of coffee.
Hope I’ve been helpful.
Brian N. –
I saw the commercial on TV and thought, “Hey, that’s exactly what I need”. My diet is poor and I rarely eat fruits and vegetables. I try, I just don’t. After seeing the commercial for Grown American Superfood, I thought how terrific it would be if it was real. When I looked into it I took a pause because it seemed a little expensive for something I wasn’t sure I’d use or like. But the “need” to do something healthy for myself was real. I found out I have high blood pressure recently and the doctor recommended exercise and a better diet. So, I started walking 2 miles a day and I ordered the Superfood.
After placing the order, I started reading some reviews. They were mixed but I saw a lot of complaints about the cost and the size of the package when it arrived and about the taste. My first thought was, “Oh-no, I got suckered, this stuff is going to be terrible and waste of money”. But it was already on its way (good old Amazon!) and I thought it best to try it for myself.
So it came a couple of days ago and today is day 2 of using it.
1. I admit when I opened the Amazon Locker, the package seemed smaller than I had expected. However, after opening it and seeing the small amount needed daily, I was fine. I bought a 30-day supply and I believe this is a 30-day supply so who cares how big the package is?
2. It smelled pretty good in the bag. I smelled more apple and fresh fruit than I did “wheat grass” or anything like that. I mixed it into a glass of cold water just like they showed in the commercial. It still smelled good. I tried it. It was surprisingly easy to take. In fact, I was kind of excited. “I can do this” I thought.
3. I laughed about all the complaints about the cost. It’s LESS than an average specialty coffee at Starbucks
4. I don’t know if it was mental or physical, but I felt better. Yesterday. Day one! I actually couldn’t wait to go to slep so I could wake up and start day 2.
Guess what!!?!! No Change. Still just as good as day one. Drank my juice about an hour ago and I feel good. Not bloated but full. No upset stomach.
I’m super excited about the product. I can’t wait to see how I feel as time goes forward.
I highly recommend you do something nice for yourself and your family and order some. Today.
Imagining Warrior –
I was skeptical at first about the flavor. Boy was I wrong! I want this stuff more than a couple times a day. I may come back and amend this review after I try it longer. I just received it today and had some already. Not sure about value for money yet. Come back later for more info.
Okay, I’ve used it for a few weeks. It may be psychological, but I seem to be eating later in the day, then have one more feeding in the early evening. I feel healthy, but that might be in my head. I will continue to use it.