Sabonete Líquido Grip Clean – Limpador de Mãos para Mecânicos – Sabonete para Mecânicos de Alta Performance com Pumice Natural
O sabonete líquido Grip Clean para mecânicos é projetado para enfrentar a sujeira mais difícil, como graxa, óleo e sujeira pesada. Com sua fórmula poderosa à base de argila bentonítica natural, este sabonete líquido para as mãos enfrenta os trabalhos mais sujos com facilidade, tornando-se um sabonete essencial para qualquer oficina. A combinação de ingredientes naturais, como o óleo de coco e o azeite de oliva, não apenas remove a sujeira, mas também hidrata a pele, garantindo que suas mãos permaneçam macias e saudáveis mesmo após lavagens frequentes.
Diga adeus a produtos químicos agressivos com este limpador de mãos totalmente natural. O nosso limpador com pumice é formulado com ingredientes reais, como argila bentonítica e óleo de coco, tornando-o seguro para a sua pele enquanto ainda combate eficazmente a graxa, o óleo e a sujeira. A fórmula concentrada em dobro do sabonete para mecânicos da Grip Clean oferece o dobro do poder de limpeza a cada gota, garantindo que você tenha um produto que dura mais e limpa de forma mais eficaz, perfeito para longos dias de trabalho na oficina.
O sabonete para mãos de mecânico é enriquecido com óleo de coco e azeite de oliva, que ajudam a manter as mãos hidratadas. Este sabonete mecânico suave é eficaz contra a sujeira, mas gentil para a pele sensível, tornando-o uma escolha perfeita para lavagens frequentes das mãos. Obtenha mãos impecáveis e refrescadas a cada lavagem! A fórmula do sabonete para mecânicos da Grip Clean garante uma limpeza completa sem deixar as mãos secas ou rachadas, sendo ideal para mecânicos automotivos e aqueles que lidam com trabalhos difíceis e gordurosos.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Poderoso limpador de mãos para mecânicos, projetado para enfrentar graxa, óleo e sujeira pesada.
- Fórmula natural que não contém produtos químicos agressivos, seguro para a pele.
- Fórmula concentrada em dobro para uma limpeza mais eficaz e duradoura.
- Hidrata e é gentil com a pele sensível, ideal para lavagens frequentes das mãos.
- Garante mãos impecáveis e refrescadas a cada lavagem, sem ressecar ou rachar a pele.
O sabonete líquido Grip Clean oferece uma solução prática e eficaz para quem trabalha em ambientes com alta exposição a sujeira e graxa. Sua fórmula natural não apenas remove as impurezas, mas também protege e hidrata a pele, evitando ressecamento e irritações. Ideal para mecânicos, este produto garante que as mãos fiquem limpas e saudáveis, mesmo após várias lavagens. Além disso, sua concentração em dobro proporciona uma limpeza mais profunda e duradoura, economizando tempo e dinheiro. A eliminação de odores desagradáveis é outro ponto forte, tornando a experiência de uso ainda mais agradável.
Para usar o sabonete líquido Grip Clean, aplique uma pequena quantidade nas mãos secas. Esfregue bem, certificando-se de cobrir todas as áreas das mãos e dedos, incluindo as unhas e as articulações, onde a sujeira tende a se acumular. Enxágue com água em abundância até que todos os resíduos do sabonete sejam removidos. Se necessário, repita o processo para garantir uma limpeza completa. Este método assegura que suas mãos fiquem livres de sujeira e com uma sensação de frescor e limpeza a cada uso.
D Joy –
I have been using SoJo pumice soap for years. I saw my grizzled hunter/fisherman/carpenter uncle use it on his insanely dirty hands (let’s be honest – his hands were fish scale covered, deer blood soaked, and grease monkey smeared – at the very least), and that stuff seemed magical. I liked that they eventually came out with a “cherry” version, too. But then I saw this…and I was intrigued that it was made with dirt to clean dirt. I love dirt…and paint and glue and everything else that shouldn’t be on my hands because, whereas “normal” people where gloves when they work, I hate them and just use my grubby little hands. At the end of the day, my phone’s thumb print recognition is useless. It might as well accuse me of being a spy that has acid burned my finger prints off – that’s how much crap I manage to destroy my skin with. I know my hands will probably either glow green or just fall off in a few years, at the ripe old age of 36. Anyhow, THIS stuff IS magical. This stuff gets EVERYTHING off, without scrubbing. It gets surprisingly soapy. It leaves your hands as soft as a freshly bloomed rose petal (I don’t have babies and can’t speak to their butts, but if that’s how you want to think of it – by all means). I just ordered a gallon of it. A GALLON of it. If you are questioning the efficacy of this stuff, don’t. It’s worth every penny – heck, I’d send them a TIP for this stuff if I could. Seriously, I have the kind of hands that my dog doesn’t want a pet from by the end of the day. I have dirt under my nails so obnoxious I usually just cut my nails off to deal with it. PS if you put this stuff on a nail brush, it’s better than when they soak your fingers at a salon. I have the kind of hands that make little boys go “is that what my hands would look like if I didn’t wash them all the time like you tell me to, mom?!” But now, with this soap, I can continue to be that heinously dirty handed adult female who says, “Yep. Better stop pretending to wash your hands by turning on the faucet but never actually washing your hands after you use the bathroom, kid!” Because I know I can clean my hands to perfection with soap…and because lying to little kids is fun. Huzzah!
Darrell Janssen –
I’m 71 years old and never seen a soap so worthy of praise. My hands were terribly nasty from working on a car. Just pumped a quarter sized dollop on my hands. Ran some water over them and scrubbed. I never seen my hands so clean! This soap removed all dirt, oil and grime. You really need this!
bgf –
This stuff is incredible for cleaning dirty / greasy hands
Love it will continue to buy
Hutch –
I keep it on my boat for fishing. After a day of cutting fish, hooking live bait, and cleaning fish my hands gets pretty gross and the smell is really hard to get off. The soap goes on thick and is very gritty and easily removes the gunk from around the fingernails. The smell is really nice and my hands are super clean and smell great afterwards. With regular soap I can wash my hands 2 or 3 times and they are still gross but with this stuff one wash and my hands are ready for anything.
Brian Mora –
I used this since I am a mechanic and I love it. It smells really good, and removes any stain off your hands, even those hard oil stains. The bottles sealed nicely and no leaking during shipping.
Dean Capelletti –
As advertised, works great. Left my hands clean, feeling fresh and smelling good.
Tyler –
I work as cnc machinists and always deal with coolant, grease and oil, and this soap makes easy work getting it all off my hands and the consistency of the soap is thick enough to make It stick on my hands while I am rubbing them together and not just fall in the sink and waist the soap and it doesn’t dry out my skin even though I was my hands with it at least 4 to 5 times a day. Highly recommended getting this soap if you deal with things that are hard to wash off your hands.
C W –
My hands are always covered with mud, sweat, dirt, metal and grease when i come home. Take a small dab of this stuff, and it all comes right off. Better than GOJO. Smells great too. Nice lime smell. Will buy again
Pauleeena –
I got this soap because I wanted something that would actually wash off the polymer clay residue after sculpting and for after cleaning up some tropical plants (they have sap that’ll dye your hands). If you’ve ever worked with polymer clay, you know soap and water just makes it more sticky, while also taking an incredibly long time to eventually wash it off. After washing my hands twice with this, it seemed to get my hands incredibly clean and soft (why pay top dollar for the best beauty brand hand scrub when you can use this?) Without drying out my hands too much like I normally would using isopropyl+water+soap. Overall, in terms of cleaning, it does a pretty good job.
The only down side to this product, is the cap. It doesn’t quite close correctly so there is occasional leakage and drying out.
The scent unfortunately is not the best, it kinda smells like a margarita that got spilt on a rusty bucket and got left there for a few days. This might be a side effect of the cap not closing correctly since my other tube doesn’t smell nearly as metallic and that tube for whatever reason closes perfectly. Luckily this scent does not linger after washing it off.
Elizabeth S –
This is a great soap, cleans your hands very thoroughly and leaves them soft and hydrated. My brother is a bike mechanic and his hands get super dirty with grim and grease and this works great for him.