Descrição do Produto: Greska’s Carbon-60™ 45-Day Supply
Greska’s Carbon-60™ é um suplemento inovador que oferece uma fórmula de 45 dias, composta por ingredientes orgânicos e de grau alimentício. Este produto é elaborado com Carbono-60, uma molécula poderosa que tem ganhado destaque por suas propriedades antioxidantes e potencial para promover a saúde celular. Com uma composição totalmente natural, Greska’s Carbon-60™ é ideal para aqueles que buscam uma abordagem holística para o bem-estar. Cada frasco contém uma quantidade precisa de Carbono-60, garantindo a eficácia e a segurança do produto. A fórmula é livre de aditivos químicos, conservantes e ingredientes artificiais, tornando-a uma escolha saudável para o seu dia a dia.
1. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Ajuda a neutralizar os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e reduzindo o estresse oxidativo.
2. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, contribuindo para uma melhor resposta imunológica.
3. Melhora da Energia e Vitalidade: Aumenta os níveis de energia, proporcionando uma sensação de bem-estar e disposição ao longo do dia.
4. Saúde da Pele: Contribui para a regeneração celular, promovendo uma pele mais saudável e radiante.
5. Fácil Integração na Rotina: Pode ser facilmente incorporado à dieta diária, sem a necessidade de mudanças drásticas nos hábitos alimentares.
Para obter os melhores resultados com Greska’s Carbon-60™, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma colher de chá (aproximadamente 5 ml) do produto, duas vezes ao dia. O suplemento pode ser consumido puro ou misturado a sucos, smoothies ou outras bebidas de sua preferência. É importante agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso para garantir a homogeneidade da solução. Para maximizar os benefícios, recomenda-se o uso contínuo por pelo menos 45 dias, permitindo que o corpo se adapte e aproveite ao máximo as propriedades do Carbono-60. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou sob tratamento médico.
PL –
The best C60 oil on the market, supports energy, clarity of mind and vitality.Scientists believe that C60 exhibits unique antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help stabilize free radicals. Greska is only Food Grade type in the world. 4000x Potency w/ Over 100 Billion Carbon Molecules per serving
David In Florida –
I’ve used bobs carbon 60 for about 3 years I’ve never experienced another product like it. Bob initially sent me a bottle for free about 3 years ago. Truly a genuine bloke no charge ” just let me know how it goes ” well it was amazing it works topically as well as internally. I have photos of what it did to my get hair it was amazing. Would highly recommend this product
Herman On the Path –
Yes, Snake Oil.
A friends just had to have it. Oh well.
I have consumed 2 bottles of Bob’s C60. I have also tried one other brand twice. I feel based on this experience that Bob’s offers a bit more of a boost. I am currently trying this other brand and will see how long it lasts. There is also a third brand I may try. My favorite way to evaluate is my energy while working out at the club. I find taking Bob’s c60 an hour prior to working out gives me a boost of energy and I can push more weight.
Raymond Chobanian –
I have used SES research ESS60 in Olive oil and this one. Personally I think this one is superior, although supposedly SES is the best. This one is far more concentrated and you get about twice as many doses with Greska’s C60 in comparison to SES Research’s C60. I really recommend this product. Initially when I first started taking it I felt like a magnetic pull in my body is the best way I can describe it. They say take in the AM but I prefer it right before bed because I feel it helps me more while I sleep. I can’t seem to take it before workouts because I feel less endurance, although I have heard many say the exact opposite so not sure why that is for me. It may have changed by now but just haven’t tried again in several months. Also when I take it at night, the next morning I always have a bigger bowel movement, not to be gross, but hey it could be useful info for you. I have definitely noticed and tested that and without fail every time I have the same result. I also smoke cigars occasionally and I notice when I take the C60 at night, the next day if I light a cigar my tolerance seems much lower, I get a slight buzz from the tobacco, when I don’t take C60, that doesn’t happen. I believe for me this is evidence that it does indeed work very well in removing toxins from the body. It’s also helped my liver to process better. I drink a minimum of 1 gallon of water daily which I highly recommend regardless, but it helps to move it through your body compared to being dehydrated. Hope this helps someone and I will continue to be a Greska’s C60 customer for years to come! Thanks Mr. Greska!
CatsMeowMomma –
Bob Greska’s Carbon 60 is doing great for me. Just as an example, I’ve tried to restart my running program after a long lay off due to injuries and I’m doing well. I didn’t think I would be running again. Ever. Recovery from the previous day is very surprising. Energy level is also greatly improved.
An elderly family member is also taking it and it has made a big change too.
You don’t realize the distinct change until one day it occurs that you are doing more in your daily routine and how much your stamina has increased.
I’m very pleased with the results and plan continue to use Bob Greska’s C-60.
Mr Person –
Update to previous review as i finished the bottle. Can’t say I really felt any increase in energy while not expecting to. Used it primarily for its antioxidant properties. Will experience with at least another brand to compare of good quality. Found Vaughter Wellness site which has Carbon 60 also and will give them a try as well. Wish Amazon would carry their product as well. Probably will buy Greska’s product again too, but really need to research and evaluate as to make an informed decision.
CatsMeowMomma –
7 days in…not feeling anything spectacular, but I missed a day, and did feel less energy. Im optimistic, based on all the reviews. I’m temped to add back in my Lion’s mane dropper, as well, but wanted to keep this “solo” and not influenced by any other supplements. In my experience, most good products take at least 14 days to notice that something is different. I will try to update my progress at reasonable intervals. Low energy and Eyes, risk of cataracts is what brought me to this C-60.
wilsondoctor –
Greska’s Carbon-60 is an extremely product and has added in my overall health and mental betterment’