Greens World Delicious Greens 8000 Berry – 10.6 oz
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Greens World Delicious Greens 8000 Berry, uma fórmula de superalimento 100% natural que transforma sua saúde e bem-estar. Este produto inovador combina uma variedade de ingredientes verdes e frutíferos, proporcionando uma explosão de sabor e nutrientes em cada porção. Com um delicioso sabor de berry, é a maneira perfeita de incorporar mais vegetais e frutas em sua dieta diária, sem abrir mão do prazer ao paladar.
- 100% natural superfood formula
- Feel the greens!
- Berry flavor
A fórmula do Greens World é cuidadosamente elaborada para oferecer uma experiência única, onde você pode sentir a energia das folhas verdes e a doçura das frutas vermelhas. Cada colherada é uma oportunidade de nutrir seu corpo com vitaminas, minerais e antioxidantes essenciais, promovendo uma saúde vibrante e um estilo de vida ativo. Ideal para quem busca uma alternativa prática e saborosa para aumentar a ingestão de nutrientes, este produto é perfeito para ser adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes ou até mesmo consumido puro.
1. Aumento da Energia: A combinação de superalimentos proporciona um impulso natural de energia, ideal para enfrentar o dia a dia.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Rico em antioxidantes, ajuda a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
3. Facilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, tornando a alimentação saudável mais prática.
4. Melhora na Digestão: Os ingredientes naturais favorecem a saúde intestinal e a digestão eficiente.
5. Sabor Agradável: O sabor de berry torna o consumo de vegetais mais prazeroso, especialmente para aqueles que têm dificuldade em ingerir verduras.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Greens World Delicious Greens 8000 Berry, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do produto em 200ml de água, suco ou smoothie. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para resultados ideais, consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, para iniciar o dia com energia e vitalidade. Este produto é uma excelente adição à sua rotina de saúde, proporcionando uma maneira prática e saborosa de garantir a ingestão diária de nutrientes essenciais.
Jedidiah –
I’ve been taking this product for about 4 years. I used to get colds and other sicknesses about 4-5 times per year. Since I starting talking Delicious Greens 8000 I have only been sick one time in four years! I love this product because unlike herbs and vitamins this product is just great food that I should be eating every day but can’t because of the volume of food and the time to prepare it. I mix mine with a little fresh squeezed apple juice and good filtered water and it is delicious! I recommend this to everyone I talk with–In fact, I’ve given away a number of canisters of it. Look at the ingredients. I mean, is there anything you could add to that list? I will take this product literally until the end of my life. I’m 65 and the guys at the gym call me their idol because of my energy and body build. Thanks for the product and keep up the good work!
jhb7 –
An affordable supplement that promotes good gut health.
Brenda T. P. Crabbe-Jones –
This product has helped give me a lot of nutrients and increased my health! This One has more greens than thie reds but both are good for you. This does have a more green flavor, however, it’s still really easy on the palate. So I like this product too. This one has less carbohydrates than the Reds.
Before I took this product, I had no energy and was weak, after adding this to my protein drink there was an immediate increase to my overall health & energy.
Amy D. –
I really enjoyed these greens. They often had me forgetting to eat anything else if I drank them and I felt wholesome afterwards too. My two and three year old would ask for it every day but my big kids didn’t care for it as much but then they tried the mocha one!!! They beg for the mocha one. I mixed it in the blender with milk. Non caffeinated.
Annon –
Very tasty, even in just water. Great smoothie mix, can mix with something else like Dr. Schultz’s mix if that one’s taste isn’t sweet enough. Only complaint is that is has probiotics in it, but many of these whole food supplements do now, so I’d be nice if it was an option, but I understand. Would recommend you all try.
Tex S. –
My wife and I love this because it tastes great. Yes, it’s on the sweet side…but it makes you forget you’re drinking “green” powder. This product seems to keep me more “regular” than other products do. We tried 5 different superfood powders: Amazing Grass original, Macro Greens, Amazing Reds, Vitamineral Green, and this product. Delicious Greens Berry definitely tastes the best. It certainly mixes better than most.
Perhaps what I like the best about Delicious Greens (DG) is that it’s sweet enough to mix with other powders and (mostly) mask their flavor if you don’t like them. I had a little bit left over from Vitamineral Green (VG), and would mix 1tbsp of VG with 1/2 tbsp of DG. From my research I’ve concluded that the better a powder tastes, the less nutritionally dense it is – which leads me to believe that DG is not the strongest nutritionally. I’ve also concluded that VG is one of the most nutritionally dense powders on the market. Using this mixing method I’m able to get a level of sweetness that I like, and get the combined benefits of both powders.
This might be a bit expensive for some, but your health is worth it. If the taste of this product turned you off, try mixing it with some other products and see if you find a combo you like. VG has a slight bit of sweetness to it, the kind of grassy sweetness you find in wheatgrass juice. I found the DG flavor complimented this very well.
MFranks –
My wife has been drinking this for about a week now, and she almost wishes she could have taste tested it first. She says the taste of it isn’t very good, but the after taste is good. She will be looking for something that tastes a little better next time.
Tara Logan-Hearn –
Took this tasty Berry greens drink for 30 days and after only 2-3 weeks, my achy knees no longer give me problems when I do high impact exercises. The whole foods, organic veggies, fruits, vitamins, minerals, etc. really help with keeping me regular, calming inflammation and giving me caffeine-free, natural energy. I’m no longer as tired in the middle of the day where I need to take Ginseng like I used to. I’m trying their Delicious Reds 8000 drink in the Strawberry-Kiwi flavor next (can’t wait). The price is very good compared to another pretty good-tasting, good-quality Greens drink (Greens First) I was taking that cost between $29.00 – $36.99 (Delicious Greens 8000 tastes even better in my opinion, although my 23 y/o son likes Greens First better, LOL). I highly recommend Delicious Greens 8000!