As Cápsulas de Canela Ceylon Orgânica USDA da GreenPacks® são um suplemento inovador que traz a pureza e os benefícios da canela do Ceilão diretamente para sua rotina. Com 300 cápsulas em cada embalagem, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma forma prática e eficaz de incorporar a canela em sua dieta. A canela do Ceilão, conhecida cientificamente como Cinnamomum verum, é reconhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias, tornando-se uma aliada poderosa para a saúde.
- Cápsulas de Canela Ceylon Orgânica USDA
- Casca de Cinnamomum verum verificada pelo Projeto Non-GMO, proveniente do Sri Lanka. A verdadeira casca de canela tem uma cor marrom-claro, aroma cítrico e sabor suave.
- Produto 100% vegetariano
- Fabricado nos EUA
- Embalagem biodegradável
As cápsulas são elaboradas com casca de canela de alta qualidade, garantindo que você receba todos os benefícios naturais dessa especiaria. A canela do Ceilão é frequentemente considerada a “verdadeira” canela, com um sabor mais suave e menos amargo em comparação com outras variedades. Além disso, as cápsulas são 100% vegetarianas, tornando-as adequadas para uma ampla gama de dietas. Fabricadas nos Estados Unidos, as cápsulas seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade e segurança, assegurando um produto confiável e eficaz.
A GreenPacks® também demonstra seu compromisso com a sustentabilidade através de suas embalagens biodegradáveis, permitindo que você cuide da sua saúde enquanto se preocupa com o meio ambiente.
1. Qualidade Superior: Feitas com a casca de Cinnamomum verum, garantindo um produto de alta qualidade.
2. Certificação Orgânica: Livre de pesticidas e produtos químicos, promovendo uma saúde mais natural.
3. Não Transgênico: Garantia de que o produto é livre de organismos geneticamente modificados.
4. Opção Vegetariana: Adequado para diferentes preferências alimentares, sem ingredientes de origem animal.
5. Compromisso Ambiental: Embalagem biodegradável que reflete a preocupação da marca com o planeta.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas diariamente, preferencialmente durante as refeições. As cápsulas podem ser consumidas com um copo de água ou conforme a orientação de um profissional de saúde. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável manter uma rotina regular de consumo, integrando as cápsulas à sua dieta diária. Desfrute dos benefícios da canela do Ceilão de forma prática e eficaz com as Cápsulas de Canela Ceylon Orgânica USDA da GreenPacks®.
Eric Chabino –
Really love the Greenpacks. We get a number of their products and they are always top notch. This is no exception. High potency organic.
Chuck –
My husband and I are both in shape and eat well, yet our blood sugar was gradually increasing as we aged. After doing some research through NIH on supplements that can lower blood sugar, I decided to try Ceylon Cinnamon and found it here at a great price in bulk and it was organic. It worked, reducing our A1C’s in less than 6 months. I love it that their packaging is biodegradable to. Win, win, win.
John –
This is the 17 time I have ordered this product, and it has always been the correct product and always delivered on time. I have used this product for many years to help control my sugar levels and have been very satisfied with it.
Israel –
Wow! Wow!… This product really works! I being putting it on my healthy shake every morning. My sugar levels are always under 110, two hours after eating. However, my fasting sugar levels was the REAL problem until I started to put three cinnamon pills (open the pills) on a small glass of water and drink it by 9 pm every night. Since I started to do this every night, my sugar levels never go higher than 100. The results were immediate for me. I also drink more than two litters of pure water a day, that might be helping too. I know every organism is different but you have nothing to lose and try what is working for me and see for your own eyes. I have to mention that I am in the prediabetes stage but trying to prevent future complications.
J. Pytynia –
This is a very interesting packaging concept, which is good for the cinnamon. I don’t know that it would be good for all vitamins as I buy a lot of different ones and my space couldn’t handle all the bags. Because vitamins packaged in plastic containers have a lot of empty space once the cotton is removed, I usually combine like products into one bottle when I can, which reduces the amount of space I need to store them. I don’t know if Ceylon is any better than other cinnamon for controlling blood sugar, but that’s what I read on a health letter, so that’s what I ordered.
Barry –
Is a good product
Kindle Customer –
I have used cinnamon for years to fend off any blood sugar problems. I started because I was beginning to feel woosey in the morning before I ate breakfast. I seem to go in streaks with sweets. Sometimes I eat a lot of them and sometimes not so much. I find this cinnamon to be the best I have ever used. I take 3 in the morning and that’s it. And for the price of these where you get 300 capsules, they are a better quality and a better deal than the cheaper cassia cinnamons offered by so many other companies. I am 67 years old and my blood sugar is normal. I recommend these.
Sammy Madison –
This is a practical, economical way of buying Ceylon cinnamon. all cinnamon is not the same, and does not have the same properties or health benefits. Make sure if you are going to the bother and expense of taking supplements that they are going to be the real deal, not a cheap look-alike. Ceylon cinnamon is the beneficial kind. The capsules are easy to swallow and smell lovely. Will continue to order.