Descrição do Produto: Granulados de Pólen de Abelha Orgânico, 1lb | Colheita Fresca Pura, Superalimento Natural, Sabor Doce Cru | Rico em Vitaminas do Complexo B, Minerais, Proteínas
Os granulares de pólen de abelha orgânico da Micro Ingredients são uma verdadeira joia da natureza, colhidos de forma cuidadosa e sustentável para garantir a pureza e a frescura. Este superalimento natural é uma fonte rica de nutrientes biologicamente ativos, incluindo proteínas, carboidratos, gorduras, vitaminas, minerais e aminoácidos. Cada embalagem contém 1 libra de granulado de pólen de abelha orgânico, oferecendo até 151 porções, tornando-se um excelente complemento para smoothies, iogurtes, chás, aveia ou qualquer uma de suas receitas favoritas.
O consumo diário de pólen de abelha proporciona nutrientes essenciais que são facilmente absorvidos pelo organismo, podendo apoiar os níveis de energia, o desempenho físico e a saúde imunológica sazonal em homens e mulheres. Este nutriente confiável tem sido utilizado por séculos, e o processo de colheita cuidadoso da Micro Ingredients permite que os apicultores preservem seu perfil denso em nutrientes, proporcionando uma experiência autêntica com o pólen de abelha.
Os granulares de pólen de abelha são um suplemento nutricional premium, não transgênico, feito sem soja, laticínios, glúten, aditivos, conservantes, sabores artificiais e nozes. Todos os ingredientes passam por rigorosos testes em laboratórios de terceiros para garantir um produto seguro, puro e potente.
– Aumento de Energia: O pólen de abelha é conhecido por suas propriedades energéticas, ajudando a combater a fadiga e a melhorar o desempenho físico.
– Suporte Imunológico: Rico em antioxidantes e nutrientes, pode fortalecer o sistema imunológico, especialmente durante as mudanças de estação.
– Fonte de Nutrientes Essenciais: Contém uma ampla gama de vitaminas do complexo B, minerais e aminoácidos que são fundamentais para a saúde geral.
– Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser facilmente adicionado a diversas receitas, tornando-se um complemento prático e saboroso para a dieta diária.
– Produto Natural e Puro: Sem aditivos ou conservantes, garantindo que você consuma apenas o que há de melhor da natureza.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios dos granulares de pólen de abelha, recomenda-se adicionar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa ao seu smoothie, iogurte ou aveia pela manhã. Também pode ser polvilhado sobre saladas ou misturado em chás. Para uma absorção ideal, consuma o pólen de abelha em jejum ou junto a alimentos ricos em vitamina C, que podem potencializar a absorção dos nutrientes. Armazene em local fresco e seco para preservar a frescura e a qualidade do produto.
Giuseppe –
Approximately two days ago I was in contact with this seller of this exceptional product, which is very pure and excellent.
I had previously ordered bee pollen from another seller, which upon receiving it I noticed was a very low quality product and not only that it had a terrible taste, apart from that there were some of the granules that were hard as diamonds, which I had to discard and throw away garbage since what in my opinion was not even pollen but an adulterated product.
But hey, I was doing research on Amazon to buy a pollen again but of high quality, and before doing so I contacted this seller who, by the way, on the same day I received a reply from him assuring me that his product was nothing more than a very pure and high quality pollen.
Well today I received this product almost 1 kilo ( 2 Lbs) of pollen for a very cheap price, (since as you know this product is not cheap at all) but it was worth making these inquiries before ordering it because to my surprise when opening the package (and by the way it came extremely well packaged).
And to my surprise, as I mentioned, this product IS OF EXCELLENT QUALITY, very good pollen and an unbeatable sweet flavor.
For the same reason I give this seller of this excellent product 5 stars because if there were more I would not have hesitated to give it 10 stars.
I am very grateful to this seller for his kind attention when communicating with them, and receiving a prompt response and explanation about the product they sell.
Thank you in advance for providing us with a very high quality product and for my part it only remains for me to say thank you again and for those who consume pollen I would tell you that you will not find a considerable amount of it anywhere and at a super affordable price, that is to say here there is no loss.
So finally, if you are going to order pollen, this is the pollen that you want to buy, I repeat, it is of excellent quality and it will give you satisfaction for having done so.
This is my humble review for those who consume pollen and want to find a high quality product.
Thank you very much to this seller for offering us a very good quality product.
55kl –
I got these in hopes of helping to lower my cholesterol. I tried it as a salad topper but would NOT recommend. It does change the flavor of the food and if you do not like the taste of these granules they ruin anything you put it in. HIGHLY RECOMMEND dumping a scoop into your mouth and chugging water after. Just swallow them whole, do not chew them yuck. They are a chalky texture and weird taste. Swallow whole.
CJ –
The product itself doesn’t taste bad. It’s what it does later in the day I have issues with. Gives me massive bloating/gas. I didn’t get past the first 4 days. Only took one tiny scoop as directed in the morning. Couldn’t tell u about the health benefits. Didn’t take it long enough. Only had it about a week. I have Amazon prime so it states I can return this till the end of January. Read this before I purchased. Nope not true at all!! What’s the point of having amazon prime if I can’t return something when it says I can!? So I don’t recommend this product or having amazon prime.
Richard O Davis –
Add a scoop to my morning smoothies and teas. Amazing how the pollen over-whelms all other flavors. Seems like my taste buds have really taken to it.
Sunny B –
Okay, so 4 stars mostly because I don’t think I’ve used it long enough, but I don’t really notice any difference, it is super simple to use, the quality is nice, you can use it with just about anything yoghurt, shakes I use it in my morning health shake, I do feel tender in my chest, but I read pollen can do that, it seems natural but so far this is the first time trying it but I’m going to keep trying.
reagangirl –
Bee pollen doesn’t taste that great so it needs to be mixed with something. This a first purchase for me. I hope that it improves things. A friend recommended it.
Kenneth Laznovsky –
The bee poking has a good flavor it’s a good value for the quantity. I highly recommend it.
Amazon Customer –
Delicious right from the bag. Great in smoothies