Z Natural Foods Pólen de Abelha Espanhol Granulado – Puro
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Z Natural Foods Pólen de Abelha Espanhol Granulado – uma fonte pura e premium de nutrientes, coletada das incansáveis abelhas da Espanha. Este pólen é 100% puro, sem aditivos, e é um verdadeiro concentrado de energia que não apenas aumenta sua vitalidade, mas também fortalece o sistema imunológico e auxilia na eliminação de toxinas, promovendo um bem-estar geral. Combinando o pólen das flores, néctar e sucos digestivos das abelhas, nossos grânulos de pólen cru são considerados o alimento mais completo da natureza, funcionando como um multivitamínico natural que apoia os mecanismos de construção, restauração e proteção do seu corpo.
Adicione um toque especial às suas receitas com esses grânulos densos em nutrientes. Polvilhe sobre saladas, smoothies, torradas e guloseimas para infundir seus pratos favoritos com a bondade dos nutrientes derivados das abelhas, complementados por seu sabor doce e aromático. Para obter os melhores resultados, comece com algumas granulações de pólen de abelha diariamente e aumente gradualmente para 1 a 2 colheres de chá por dia. Após abrir, mantenha na geladeira para preservar a frescura, textura e integridade dos nutrientes. Na Z Natural Foods, garantimos qualidade e frescor, seguindo as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (cGMPs) e realizando rigorosos testes sensoriais para assegurar que cada lote de nosso pólen de abelha seja fresco, seguro e da mais alta qualidade para sua saúde.
– Aumento de Energia: O pólen de abelha é uma fonte natural de energia, ideal para quem busca um impulso durante o dia.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Rico em antioxidantes e nutrientes, ajuda a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
– Desintoxicação: Auxilia na eliminação de toxinas, promovendo uma saúde digestiva melhorada.
– Alimento Completo: Considerado um superalimento, fornece uma ampla gama de vitaminas e minerais essenciais.
– Versatilidade Culinária: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, tornando a alimentação mais nutritiva e saborosa.
Para maximizar os benefícios do Z Natural Foods Pólen de Abelha Granulado, recomenda-se iniciar com uma pequena quantidade, como 1/2 colher de chá, e aumentar gradualmente até 1 a 2 colheres de chá por dia. Os grânulos podem ser adicionados a smoothies, iogurtes, cereais ou saladas. É importante armazenar o produto em um local fresco e seco, e refrigerá-lo após a abertura para garantir a preservação de suas propriedades nutricionais.
Nancy –
I rated this 4 stars for flavor as it’s very good but I’ve tasted better. However, the storage instructions are very clear and the value for the money is great and it’s very fresh so I have no complaints and would order again. I HAVE AN UPDATE ON MY STATEMENT REGARDING THE TASTE. I LOVE THE TASTE. I THINK IT WAS A LITTLE DIFFERENT FROM A ANOTHER BRAND I HAD BEEN USING AND I NOW HAVE GIVEN THIS PRODUCT 5 STARS AND I AM TOTALLY ENJOYING THE FLAVOR.
Liza –
Used to improve health.
VoraciousReader –
My usual brand of bee pollen was unavailable so I bought a bag from Z Natural Foods. I read their product listing in its entirety and thought it would be a fitting substitute. When it arrived I was surprised to notice the California Prop 65 warning on the back of the package. No where in the product listing was this mentioned. Bee pollen itself isn’t dangerous (except for infants and those with allergies).
The product is ineligible for return, so I contacted Z Natural Foods to request a refund. Instead of addressing my request, they replied by mansplaining the legalities of Prop 65 and telling me that anyone who lives outside California can disregard the warning. Sorry, no. I care deeply about the health and safety of the foods and food supplements I consume, as I imagine most consumers of health food supplements do. For me, Z Natural Foods’ reply COMPLETELY missed the mark and indicates an unsettling disconnect with their market.
There are plenty of other brands of bee pollen that do not carry a Prop 65 warning. I’m glad to see my usual brand is back in stock and will not be consuming the bag I bought from Z Natural Foods.
UPDATE: Around and around with the seller. I had to ask 3 times for a refund before one was offered…but ONLY if I pay for return shipping or remove my negative product review. Seller insists the Prop 65 warning is a legal formality, yet has chosen not to display it under the “legal disclaimers” section of their listing. They told me they explicitly call out the Prop 65 warning in the listing and indicated I needed to read more closely. So I double checked to make sure it wasn’t my mistake and still do not see the warning ANYWHERE in the listing itself. The only place I can see the Prop 65 warning anywhere in the listing is in the product photos, which I don’t tend to examine when buying food. To me this indicates an intentional effort to obscure the the Prop 65 warning. I trust the listing itself to be accurate and complete, which in this case it was not. Learned my lesson. Shame on Z Natural Foods.
Amazon Customer –
It has been years since I ate Bee Pollen. I ate it all the time when I lived in Hawaii. I bought Spanish for the first time because the reviews said it is sweeter than the normal Bee Pollen. It Might be a tad sweeter, but I found it to be drier and hard to the chew. Just the same, I eat a tablespoon a day and know that the most perfect food is good for my body.
anita –
They all don’t look the same in color but small. The taste isn’t something i enjoy but its not horrendous. I take it like pills since i dont want the chew them. Ive seen many people put on other foods like yogurt (haven’t tried myself). I purchased since it i saw TT videos sating it helps with the boobs. Haven’t seen a big improvement in making them appear fuller. This was my only intention for this product. But many more benefits. Also im not consistent so trying to remember to consume to reach my goal.
123Me –
We love this bee pollen and especially love the quality packaging that is so easily resealable! Unlike other products that are difficult to pinch to clasp together or don’t interlock and crack open, this packaging seals easily and well. Will continue to purchase!
Stryker –
I really love the flavor of this bee pollen. If you sprinkle some pollen on your skyr or your favorite yogurt it really elevates it, and sometimes in addition to the pollen, I will add some honey as well which is even better. I also love the price of this Spanish bee pollen. It’s higher quality than the competition and lower in cost. This is my go to bee pollen from now on.
VoraciousReader –
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jeffrey ferguson –
no magic bullets