Apresentamos o Grace: Óleo de Argan Orgânico 100% Puro, a solução ideal para quem busca hidratação intensa e cabelos brilhantes e saudáveis. Com 30ml de pura essência do Marrocos, este óleo é extraído de nozes de argan, conhecido por suas propriedades nutritivas e restauradoras. O Grace é perfeito para todos os tipos de cabelo, proporcionando uma hidratação profunda que transforma fios secos e danificados em madeixas sedosas e luminosas.
O Grace não é apenas um óleo; é um verdadeiro elixir de beleza. Sua fórmula leve e não oleosa penetra rapidamente nos fios, selando a umidade e criando uma barreira protetora contra agressões externas, como poluição e calor. Ao usar o Grace, você notará uma redução significativa no frizz e um aumento na maleabilidade dos cabelos, facilitando o penteado e proporcionando um acabamento brilhante e saudável.
Além disso, o Grace é rico em antioxidantes e ácidos graxos essenciais, que ajudam a fortalecer a estrutura capilar e a promover o crescimento saudável dos fios. Com o uso regular, você perceberá cabelos mais fortes, com menos quebra e um brilho radiante que chama a atenção. É a escolha perfeita para quem deseja um cabelo deslumbrante, sem abrir mão da saúde dos fios.
- 1. Hidratação profunda: O Grace proporciona uma umidade intensa, transformando cabelos secos em fios sedosos.
- 2. Brilho radiante: Com o uso regular, seus cabelos ganham um brilho saudável e luminoso.
- 3. Redução do frizz: O óleo ajuda a controlar o frizz, tornando o cabelo mais fácil de pentear e estilizar.
- 4. Fortalecimento dos fios: Rico em nutrientes, o Grace fortalece a estrutura capilar, reduzindo a quebra.
- 5. Versatilidade: Pode ser usado em todos os tipos de cabelo, adaptando-se às necessidades específicas de cada um.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique algumas gotas do Grace nas palmas das mãos e esfregue suavemente. Em seguida, distribua uniformemente pelo cabelo seco ou úmido, focando nas pontas e áreas mais danificadas. Não é necessário enxaguar. Para um tratamento intensivo, use o óleo antes de dormir e lave o cabelo pela manhã. Utilize 2-3 vezes por semana para manter seus cabelos sempre hidratados e saudáveis.
Sharlyn –
I’ve been able to use this mask, oh, about 3 times now I think. When I’m reading reviews for beauty products such as this, I like to bear in mind that most people reviewing have likely gotten the product just recently, and I’m always more interested in long term results. I wish more people would say how long they’ve used it for. Because there’s a difference in, “I’ve been using this for a few months and have seen great results,” and “I tried it once and it made my skin feel so nice!” So, time will tell. When it all comes down to it, it isn’t a huge financial risk to try something new out.
I am a thirty something, suffering from hormonal acne and I have combination skin. I’ve tried dozens of harsh treatments on my face, trying to dry out the acne breakouts, but I’m of the mindset to try something more gentle these days. Having used this mask a small handful of times, I feel that I might be onto something good here. After using, my skin feels smooth and soft, and I don’t even feel the need to slather on gobs of moisturizer afterwards. I’ve got a few healing acne spots…remnants of my terrible habit of picking…and they are lightening up, along with other pimples I have are also going away. However, this is also my cycle. It gets to be that time of the month and I begin to breakout, and then I spend the rest of the month trying to get back to somewhat decent looking skin, only to start the cycle all over again. So it’s a constant battle. The real test will be to see what happens around the normal time my skin breaks out, how this mask helps me manage it.
I will come back and update my review with continued use. But so far, so good! It has a pleasant smell. It doesn’t tingle or feel weird while it’s on. Just makes my skin feel smooth and refreshed.
Edited to add:
I just successfully made it through my time of the month, without a single new zit. This is huge for me. Huge! So, in my humble opinion, this product is worth it’s weight in gold. If this keeps up, it’ll be a whole new world for me. I am sold. I’ll be buying more when my current jar runs out.
Ottima maschera lascia la pelle super morbida e liscia –
Doux et trés agréable, ce masque est une merveilleuse trouvaille comme tous les produits de cette marque. Nettoie bien la peau et la laisse douce. J’adore
coffeeandcats –
This does sting my dry skin a bit but its worth it. Makes me feel very fresh after using it.
Rebecca –
Ottimo prodotto se si ha la pelle secca la
Lascia molto morbida e liscia
Kasia –
molto buona
Client d’Amazon –
The package of the product looks lovely it come also with spatula so it’s very easy to apply the mask on my face. The smell of the mask is nice after when I remove the mask my skin felt soft, smooth and refreshing so I’m very impressed and can highly recommend for a spa day at home to treat yourself and feel good ✨✨
MetalTanker –
I don’t know what exactly this mud is doing but when rinsed off, your skin is impossibly soft and smooth. For that alone, it is worth the price. Decent sized jar; will last a very long time.
Sharlyn –
I recently ordered this item around a week or so since I gave my previous Dead Sea Mug Mask (from another brand) to my niece because she was staying in another home town and didn’t had enough skin care for her skin. So I handed her my previous mud mask leaving me in need of getting one.
First of all, I was going searching for the same mud mask I had, but this one caught my attention and decided to approach and buy it. At first I was skeptical because my skin is really sensitive to new products and I always break out and usually stick to the same products because I am always afraid of the outcome into new products. This mud mask it’s absolutely amazing. The scent of it it’s like literally walking in the beach after a rainstorm and it smells just like the sea!. Which leads me to the second point, It smells so good that it relaxes my mind and skin, which leads me to point number three, It provides my skin to relax and the product to work on to my skin. And the packaging it’s amazing because is compacted and also when you close it, closes really nice and tight so your product won’t ever dry out!. I love it!.
So far I have used it more than five times and I can say it has brought back moisture because I am constantly traveling from a cool weather to a really moist humid weather so I tend to break out based on those changes. I find it helpful how smoothly it applies and how easy it is to do so.
I apply a thick layer of this mud mask because it covers a lot of your face with just a little bit. It says to leave it on for 10 minutes but I like to leave mines for 25 minutes almost an hour depending how badly my skin is acting that day or moment I decide to have a spa date with myself. I then wash it off in the shower and continue with my everyday night routine. It leaves my face so smooth!. I’ve noticed my foundation and primer glides smoothly and my face looks so glowy and healthy!.
I really really love this mud mask! It’s one of the most amazing things I have tried or used on my face!.
Madison Mayan –
Best face mask ever with immediate results!!!