Descrição do Produto: Soursop Multivitamin Liquid Drops
Descubra o poder da natureza com as Soursop Multivitamin Liquid Drops, uma fórmula inovadora que combina a riqueza da graviola com uma mistura de vitaminas essenciais para promover a saúde integral. Este produto é uma solução prática e eficaz para quem busca um suporte imunológico robusto, além de benefícios para cabelo, pele e saúde cerebral. Com 2 Fl Oz de pura vitalidade, cada gota é uma explosão de nutrientes que transforma sua rotina de bem-estar.
- All In One Soursop Drops: Este líquido de amargo de graviola é repleto de extratos potentes e 9 vitaminas essenciais, incluindo Vitamina A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, Ácido Fólico e Biotina. É uma mistura verdadeiramente abrangente projetada para apoiar sua saúde geral.
- 3500mg Graviola Soursop Extract: Esta fórmula potente fornece 3500mg de graviola por porção, combinando extratos de fruta e folha em uma proporção concentrada de 10:1 para maximizar os benefícios de seus compostos poderosos.
- Immune Support & Antioxidant Power: Repleta dos benefícios imunológicos da graviola, esta fórmula é enriquecida com vitaminas A e C, ricas em antioxidantes, ajudando a proteger seu corpo dos radicais livres.
- Boost Overall Wellness: Nossa tintura de graviola apresenta um complexo B potente (B1, B2, B3, B6 e B12) para ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia e apoiar a função cerebral. Combinada com as Vitaminas A, C, Biotina para cabelos, pele e unhas saudáveis, e 5-MTHF (a forma bioativa do folato) para promover a saúde celular ideal.
- Tasty Original Flavor, Easy to Take: Nossa gota líquida de graviola vem com um sabor original de graviola, tornando-a uma adição agradável à sua rotina diária. A forma líquida permite fácil consumo e ajuste de dosagem.
1. Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a prevenir doenças.
2. Aumento de Energia: O complexo B melhora os níveis de energia, combatendo a fadiga.
3. Saúde da Pele e Cabelo: As vitaminas A, C e Biotina promovem um cabelo saudável e uma pele radiante.
4. Proteção Antioxidante: Combate os radicais livres, contribuindo para um envelhecimento saudável.
5. Fácil Consumo: A forma líquida permite uma dosagem flexível e saborosa, ideal para qualquer rotina.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 ml (aproximadamente 30 gotas) de Soursop Multivitamin Liquid Drops diariamente. Pode ser consumido diretamente ou diluído em água ou suco. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade dos ingredientes. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Otis Y. –
Vitimans with a little kick.
I like the flavor, taste like apple juice.. A,B,C complex which is good for winter.
Britt Powell –
I haven’t tried Soursop before, so I can’t comment on this vs other brands but this has a very tart, sour flavor to me. The dropper doesn’t hold a full serving, so it takes 3-4 goes. I wish that it was one shot because I’m not a fan of the flavor. I’m hopeful that I will get to see some health benefits with continued use.
DC –
I could love this for the taste alone. Each droplet full sends a sour chill down my spine. Has essential vitamins that my body has found beneficial.
Sebastian –
Unlike others I did not find the taste anything but fantastic. It is somewhat tart but not at all sour like a kid’s candy that makes you pucker. It is superior than many B combos by using two methylated forms of folate and b12, and dispersed in a liquid which is easier to absorb. They could have perhaps improved the formulation with some more active forms of the other included vitamins like for b6 ( P-5-P) but overall still a pretty great supplement.
AmazonReader –
Got this for my father in law, who has a weakened immune system. I chose this particular brand because of the combination of soursop with other vitamins and minerals that work to boost the immune system. The drops are easy to take and the amount of soursop in this particular brand is higher than in others. Like most supplements, it will take a while to feel the effects and it is still too early to know just how well it works, but such is the nature of supplements.
Bach Goetz –
I love soursop, I lived in Hawaii previously and it grows there in places.. what an amazing fruit, the health properties are astonishing from both the leaves of the tree and the fruit themselves. This product is a combination of both and I’ve noticed it feels great digesting it. I suppose I’ve noticed some internal inflammation that has subsided with the use of this product, I’m very sensitive to my body and how it feels, so I know I’ve felt a benefit, it’s sometimes hard to know exactly how I’ve benefited. But nonetheless, I’m confident this is a great product and will continue using it into the future.
Steve Stacy –
I’ve been using this mentholated multivitamin liquid with Graviola, Sour Stop, and Bitters for a week now. I was drawn to it because of its promise to support immune health, hair, skin, and brain function, and I appreciate that it’s in liquid form for easier absorption.
The taste is tolerable—though the bitters and menthol combo might not be for everyone—and the dropper makes it convenient to measure. However, I can’t say I’ve noticed any significant changes or benefits so far. That said, a week might not be enough time to fully assess its effectiveness.
I’ll keep using it to see if results show up with more time, but for now, it’s just okay. It might work better for others depending on their specific needs or deficiencies.
Kamaron –
This is a great liquid multivitamin and seems to be made very well. It recommends refrigeration, and while the liquid is cold it’s rather thick. I like to put it in my water bottle along with a powder probiotic I take daily. I have not tasted it straight; I have only mixed it into my 16oz water bottle, but I can say that it doesn’t produce a noticeable flavor change to my 16oz of water/kombucha mix. You can’t tell it’s in there at all.