Descrição do Produto: Pure Therapro Rx Vegan A-D-K Drops – Suprimento para 3 Meses
O Pure Therapro Rx Vegan A-D-K Drops é uma fórmula inovadora que combina as vitaminas A, D3 e K2 em uma solução líquida de fácil absorção, ideal para quem busca uma suplementação prática e eficaz. Com uma composição 100% vegana, este produto é enriquecido com Vitamina A (Palmitato), Vitamina D3 lipossomal (Pureshine) e Vitamina K2 (MK-4), proporcionando uma sinergia poderosa que apoia a saúde óssea, imunológica e cardiovascular. Cada frasco contém um suprimento para três meses, garantindo que você tenha acesso contínuo a esses nutrientes essenciais.
A Vitamina A é fundamental para a saúde ocular e o funcionamento adequado do sistema imunológico. A Vitamina D3, por sua vez, é crucial para a absorção de cálcio e fósforo, promovendo ossos e dentes saudáveis. Já a Vitamina K2 desempenha um papel vital na coagulação sanguínea e na manutenção da saúde cardiovascular, ajudando a direcionar o cálcio para os ossos e evitando sua deposição nas artérias. A forma lipossomal das vitaminas D3 e K2 aumenta a biodisponibilidade, garantindo que seu corpo absorva e utilize esses nutrientes de maneira mais eficiente.
1. Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções.
2. Saúde Óssea: Promove a absorção de cálcio, contribuindo para ossos e dentes mais fortes.
3. Saúde Cardiovascular: Ajuda a manter a saúde do coração, evitando a calcificação arterial.
4. Fácil Absorção: A tecnologia lipossomal garante uma absorção superior das vitaminas.
5. Fórmula Vegana: Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, sem ingredientes de origem animal.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 ml (equivalente a 20 gotas) do Pure Therapro Rx Vegan A-D-K Drops diariamente. O produto pode ser administrado diretamente na boca ou misturado a uma bebida de sua preferência. É aconselhável agitar bem o frasco antes de cada uso para garantir a homogeneidade da solução. Para maximizar a absorção, consuma o suplemento junto com uma refeição que contenha gordura saudável. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Dean Nash –
“NEW & IMPROVED LIPOSOMAL FORMULA: Our new formula utilizes 100% liposomal liquid Vitamin D3 & K2 for maximum absorption. You’ll notice it is a different golden color, and has a light sunflower flavor and aroma. By making our formula liposomal, we were able to keep the serving size 5 drops and lower the amount of the MCT (carrier oil). This enabled us to reduce the size of the bottle and box to be more environmentally friendly while providing the SAME concentrated DAILY DOSE as before!”
Phyllis Proctor –
Helps with energy
Jennifer –
This is so easy to take, has no flavor, and it’s a great value.
C. L. Ortiz –
I ordered this a year ago and we absolutely loved it. It was truly flavorless, and my highly sensitive child had finally found a vitamin she didn’t mind at all. We reordered it when we were running low over the summer, ordered the larger bottle, but didn’t open it until last week, only to discover it was rancid. The oil was chunky and yellow, foul to smell and tasted terrible, despite the expiration date being over a year away. It was long past the deadline to return the product, so we swallowed the $50 loss and ordered a new bottle, reordering the exact same size as the first time just to be safe, and hoping that it was a matter of the weather: maybe the bottle we ordered the first time got too hot in a shipping container somewhere along the line. Well this one finally came today, with an expiration date of 2026. The weather was cold all week, with a high today in the fifties, but has not been freezing, so no excuses for the fact that this bottle was exactly the same as the last one: yellow grainy rancid disgusting mess. This one is going back, and I give up. Guess I’ll need to find another brand, because I’m done trying this one.
Amazon Customer –
I have used this product since winter 2019 and it has always worked great. I just reordered and I got a smaller bottle, with cloudy liquid, with crystal like stuff in it. I wonder if the formula changed? The dosage is the same so I think they are offering less for the same price. Too bad. I am going to use what I have. I hope I get the same results as before. It would be nice if the company explained what is going on.
Cath Griffits –
Awesome product. Improved my vitamin test after 3 months.
Lindy Kinney –
I had bought the B12 of this brand first and absolutely love the flavor, but most of all, o love that for the first time in years my B12 has been above the low market and is actually just at the bottom of the high market. So I ordered the ADK thinking it would taste good and give me good results on my blood work. I only did one purchase, so I am not really able to determine if it helped booste my immune system like the B12 did. I went back to my BioTe ADK supplement as I have taken it since around 2012 to current and I have had good results on my labs. This product is easy to use. I keep it in the refrigerator and take it along with my B12, Omega pill, an iron supplement and another overall immune booster. I do believe this brand delivers a great quality product. I just wish they could work on enhancing the flavor.
Amazon Customer –
Feel beyond the great feeling of health. You will eliminate standing free radicals in your system and experience a perfect day ahead. You will see better, feel better and be the best throughout the day. Elderly people need the iron and extra boost in health. This is the one for you by far.
Keith –
Glad I found it. Important to have nutrients balanced with other accompanying related nutrients. Megadosing vitamin D without at least K, much less A or others, can end up actually being dangerous.