Descrição do Produto: Refresh Celluvisc Lubricant Eye Gel Drops
O Refresh Celluvisc é um gel lubrificante para os olhos que se destaca por sua fórmula original em gotas, projetada para proporcionar alívio eficaz e duradouro para olhos secos, ardentes e irritados. Com 30 unidades em embalagens individuais, este produto é ideal para quem busca conveniência e higiene no uso diário. A sua fórmula em gel oferece uma consistência mais espessa, que se adere à superfície ocular, garantindo que a umidade permaneça por mais tempo, aliviando o desconforto e proporcionando uma sensação de frescor e conforto prolongado.
Os olhos são uma das partes mais sensíveis do corpo humano e, frequentemente, são afetados por fatores como poluição, ar condicionado, uso excessivo de telas e alergias. O Refresh Celluvisc atua diretamente nesses problemas, aliviando a secura e a irritação, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem a distração do desconforto ocular. Este produto é o número um recomendado por médicos, com mais de 30 anos de experiência, segundo a pesquisa de recomendações da Ipsos Healthcare de 2021. A confiança dos profissionais de saúde no Refresh Celluvisc é um testemunho de sua eficácia e qualidade.
– Alívio imediato para olhos secos e irritados.
– Fórmula em gel que proporciona um efeito lubrificante duradouro.
– Embalagens individuais que garantem higiene e praticidade.
– Recomendado por médicos, com uma longa história de eficácia.
– Ideal para uso em ambientes com ar condicionado ou poluição.
Para utilizar o Refresh Celluvisc, comece lavando bem as mãos. Em seguida, segure o frasco com a tampa voltada para cima e incline a cabeça levemente para trás. Puxe a pálpebra inferior para baixo e, com cuidado, aplique uma ou duas gotas do gel lubrificante no olho afetado. Feche os olhos por alguns segundos para permitir que o gel se espalhe uniformemente sobre a superfície ocular. Repita o processo conforme necessário, respeitando a frequência recomendada pelo seu médico ou conforme a necessidade de alívio dos sintomas. Evite tocar a ponta do frasco em qualquer superfície para manter a esterilidade do produto.
JP –
Fair price, easy to use plus excellent job of lubricant for extreme dry eyes that I have
KC –
It is supper great for dry eyes. My daughter eye always dry and feel hurt because wear Contact lenses. Doctor recommends to use this eye drop… it is work well.
Kindle Customer –
These work pretty well. I like that they are a fairly thick gel. I do not like the fact that each vial doesn’t hold very much. I used to use Restasis in vials like these and could use each vial for 2 days.
mine –
When I saw the eye dr a few months ago, I was told to try a product of this type. I had zero experience with gel drops. I am was impressed with the easy transition to the different system for use. Each dose is in a plastic vial and somehow holding something smaller with gel in it allowed me way better aim. The drops are soothing right away. The first use was a delight. The more I use this product, the less dryness issues I have over all. This product has been a welcome relief and a game changer for me! My dry eye impacts affected my vision entirely too much! I have so much more functionality and hope for my sight now after years of sadly resigning myself to allegedly normal age related degeneration! I really appreciate the new lease on life I feel now! Thank You For Helping Me!
Spock –
This works really well for me to use at the end of the day when I’m done watching TV and I’m done working on my computer or my phone. I tried it during the middle of the day and it was a little too thick and took a little too long to disperse so I have use this one for just before bedtime.
Beth Bailey –
Post cataract surgery with dry eyes. Works great
Cheryl –
After having eye surgery in my left eye, it started to become very dry, dry to the point where it would give me a headache on the left side of my head. I tried many brands of eye gels and I’ve concluded that Refresh Celluvisc works the best for dry eyes. I also like that it is preservative free and one application lasts for hours. Good product and no more painful dry eyes = no more headaches!! So glad I found Celluvisc!!
UPDATE: Refresh tells me the vials are #4 plastic, and that’s something that most recycling programs accept. So…recycle them!
UPDATE: the only downside for me (other than all the unrecyclable plastic) is that the gel is so thick (which I like) that it forms “sleep” in the corners of my eyes and dry flaky deposits on my eyelids, I can see them, they create tiny spots in my vision, and I’m always pulling/rubbing my eyes/eyelids/lashes to get rid of them.
I’ve got dry eyes, have had several eye surgeries, often it feels like there’s a grain of sand in my eye, allergies make them itch and burn and redden, a thinning cornea in the corner post-surgery so I also have to use a doxycycline ointment – I’ve got it all.
I’ve used bottled drops for centuries and they’ve never worked well for me — they just get diluted and dry up too quickly. I’ve tried the gels, which are much longer lasting, but the problem with all of these I think is the preservatives — too often the drops/gels make my eyes burn for a while after using them. This stuff does not — it feels immediately soothing, no stinging, it’s thick enough to last for hours. It does blur my vision for a few minutes.
My only concern is all the plastic — I can get two doses out of each vial, so I have to use only one vial a day, but still 30 of those vials adds up to a lot of plastic. They’re the only reason the drops can be preservative-free, but I think Refresh ought to have a program where you can return the empty vials to them. As far as I know, no recycling program takes them — I can’t find any identifying triangle with a number on them, and besides they’re probably too small. Still, Refresh needs to recycle their plastic — it could even save them money.
Amazon Customer –
I’ve always bought eye drops bottles that have to be thrown away after a month. Because these are single use vials, I need to use only one at a time and the pack lasts long. Also, the drops are gel so they are very soothing for dry, tired eyes.