Descrição do Produto:
As Gotas Líquidas de Vitamina D para Adultos da Vitaminer Shop são uma solução prática e eficaz para quem busca fortalecer o sistema imunológico e garantir a saúde óssea. Com 10.000 IU de Vitamina D3 vegana por dose, este suplemento é ideal para veganos e vegetarianos que desejam manter níveis adequados dessa vitamina essencial. A fórmula líquida permite uma absorção rápida e eficiente, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária. A Vitamina D3 é conhecida por seu papel crucial na regulação do sistema imunológico, além de contribuir para a saúde dos ossos e dentes. Com um sabor neutro, as gotas podem ser facilmente adicionadas a bebidas ou consumidas diretamente, tornando-se uma opção versátil e conveniente para todos.
1. Suporte Imunológico: A Vitamina D3 é fundamental para o funcionamento adequado do sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções.
2. Saúde Óssea: Contribui para a absorção de cálcio, essencial para a manutenção de ossos e dentes saudáveis.
3. Fórmula Vegana: Ideal para veganos e vegetarianos, sem ingredientes de origem animal.
4. Absorção Rápida: A forma líquida permite uma absorção mais eficiente em comparação com comprimidos ou cápsulas.
5. Praticidade: Fácil de usar, pode ser adicionada a qualquer bebida ou consumida diretamente, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 ml (equivalente a 20 gotas) por dia, preferencialmente com uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. As gotas podem ser administradas diretamente na boca ou misturadas em água, sucos ou smoothies. Agite bem antes de usar e mantenha o frasco em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Natalie Fx –
Have you ever drank water from a cup that just had orange juice in it, without having rinsed out the cup first? That is what this product taste like: a vague and kinda icky ghost of orange flavour. It would have been preferable if they didn’t add the flavour at all, but just made it tasteless. Or perhaps added some lemon instead, because at least then it would taste bright and citrusy with the stronger lemon than with faint, fake orange taste. I didn’t have any issue with the bottle leaking, and the sprayer works fine. Overall, I like this product for not being a pill. But the taste is just unpleasant to me, hence the 4 stars.
GSAussie –
Awesome product 👌
I have had very low Vitamin D levels for a couple of years despite taking >10,000 IU of oral vitamin D prescribed by my physician. After starting this, my Vitamin D levels began returning to normal. I spray it in my mouth under the tongue and hold it there for a while before swallowing. You do want to be careful because the pump is somewhat forceful and I have had it hit my mouth and splash out. I do recommend this product and reorder this brand regularly.
Valarie Barnes –
I bought this because it was supposed to have an orange taste and if is disgusting sunflower oily taste. I couldn’t even cut the taste with espresso it lasted for hours and upset my stomach I wish I could return this my entire family tried it and none of the 4 of us could stomach it more than 2 doses I threw it away because I couldn’t return it wasted money!
Amazon Customer –
My vitamin D was at 14. Res test in 3 months so hopefully with this it goes up. It’s like during vegetable oil, but it’s such a small amount not to bad.
Shannon –
Love this stuff, the taste is earthy, but easy to take daily
nicole –
Great product.
Mary T. –
after reading product reviews and learning that Nature GenX is one of the best and least expensive vitamin D supplements on the market, I decided to try it. My first bottle arrived and had leaked out in the bag. Not a problem, their great customer support had a replacement sent out the following morning. it arrived without problems. Nature GenX comes in a pump so it is in liquid form. Which is great for those that have pill swallowing problems. There is basically no taste, its affordable, easy to take, plus a great customer support team!!! WINNING!!!!
S. Langer –
Using, but chase with almonds to get rid of flavor.