Descrição do Produto: Black Elderberry for Kids Liquid Drops
Descubra a poderosa proteção que a natureza oferece com as gotas líquidas de sabugueiro negro para crianças. Com um extrato 10:1 de sabugueiro europeu, este xarope é uma maneira deliciosa e prática de fortalecer o sistema imunológico dos pequenos. As gotas são fáceis de administrar, podendo ser adicionadas ao suco favorito, a um smoothie ou até mesmo consumidas diretamente. Com um sabor de frutas que encanta as crianças, é uma solução que transforma o cuidado com a saúde em um momento prazeroso.
As nossas gotas de sabugueiro são formuladas com o mais puro sabugueiro negro europeu, proveniente de árvores que prosperam há séculos. Cada gota é uma concentração de antioxidantes, oferecendo proteção durante todo o ano, seja na sala de aula, no parquinho ou em casa. Além disso, são isentas de açúcar, tornando-as adequadas para todas as idades da infância. A embalagem vem com um conta-gotas prático, garantindo a dosagem exata para cada criança.
A qualidade do nosso produto é inigualável. Testado em laboratório e verificado, nosso xarope é vegano, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (não-GMO), e é livre de glúten, alérgenos, soja, nozes e laticínios. Sem adição de cores ou sabores artificiais, as gotas são seguras e saudáveis para os pequenos.
– Fácil de Tomar e Eficaz: As gotas são uma forma saborosa e conveniente de garantir que as crianças recebam os benefícios do sabugueiro.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico das crianças, proporcionando proteção durante todo o ano.
– Ingredientes de Alta Qualidade: Feitas com sabugueiro negro europeu puro, garantindo a melhor qualidade do início ao fim.
– Sem Açúcar: Ideal para todas as idades, sem adição de açúcar, tornando-as seguras para os pequenos.
– Fórmula Segura e Confiável: Livre de alérgenos e produtos de origem animal, garantindo a segurança e saúde das crianças.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se administrar 1 a 2 gotas do produto diretamente na boca da criança ou misturá-las em uma bebida favorita, como suco ou smoothie. Utilize o conta-gotas para garantir a dosagem correta. As gotas podem ser tomadas diariamente, especialmente durante períodos de maior exposição a vírus e bactérias, como durante o retorno às aulas ou em épocas de resfriados. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a eficácia do produto.
rayzer –
So with all that’s happening I’ve been taking all my vitamins and what not. I came across an article in Men’s Health that Elderberry is great for boosting the immune system and came across this pure organic liquid from Amazon. Thanks to Prime, got it in a day thank you Prime! Package was sharp and liquid was contained in a glass dropper bottle. Instructions says to drink 3 pulls. I take it that you squeeze and then let go inside the bottle and a small portion will stay in the tube (do it and drop it in your mouth 3 times. The taste is pretty good like a berry/grape flavor. It’s been about a week now and I don’t know if it’s working but I feel great. It’s a good source of additional natural protection from virus and supports your immune system. I did notice that in 3 pulls you get you the equivalent of 200mg of Elderberry. This company also offers a capsule type where you get 1200mg (6 times more potent) which I may try after this one is used up.
Liza –
When I first encountered the Elderberry tincture on amazon, I was impressed with the look of the product, as well as the product description. I have used elderberry several times in my life for immunity boosting and I was happy to see it available in an easy purchase format. Upon receipt of the product, I found the packaging professional and appealing. It looks like a quality item in a glance. The dosing suggestion was clearly marked and easy to understand.
The product was tasty, easy to dose, and made me feel like I was getting exactly what was promised. I am unsure if they worked becasue I haven’t gotten sick lately, but that should be a sign of success.
A Coleman –
The purple bottle drew my attention, it was nice and big too, the instructions were a little confusing cuz it said take 3 pulls and when I tried to use the dropper it only filled up 1/4 of the way like maybe there was a hole in it or something, not sure if it really works but I was giving it to my whole family and my son got a fever and it went down within a few hours without any fever reducer and stuffy nose and it only lasted about a day so I’m hoping it was this stuff that helped him through it so I will say about 4 stars overall
Muzik Notes –
Its simple packaging didn’t really catch my attention but the words organic and vegan did! I was hesitant to try it first as i thought it would taste like medicine but it actually tasted good! The directions “take 3 pulls” was not clear to me at first but i finally got what it meant. I find this more convenient over the capsules which was what i used to take. They were big and i had to take them twice a day. With this, it’s like having a treat or dessert! I can’t review its effectiveness since i wasn’t sick when i started taking this. All I can say is that I work in healthcare and is exposed to sick people daily and i haven’t even had one day when i don’t feel good. No colds, no cough, no respiratory issues whatsoever. So maybe it works!
TheyCallMePapa –
I love the taste, I like that’s it keto friendly. I hope it works, it still to early to tell
rayzer –
This tastes sooo good, like berry pie!! I am stocking up on immunity boosters due to Coronavirus so I wanted to try this one and I can tell that it helps. These elderberry drops are now my new favorite addition to my immunity boosting collection … I will definitely keep this product on hand from now on. Also: Bonuses for me are that these drops are organic and made in the USA!
I really can’t think of any downsides…these drops made me want to plant my own elderberry bush lol! Just don’t expect to be able to rely on elderberry drops alone, have your arsenal ready (echinacea, goldenseal, vitamin c….). These work for me, but as part of a “team effort”, not stand alone. (I have a weak immune system.)
Overall I was very happy with this product. Nice elderberry flavor, minimal ingredients. It was easy to dispense with the included dropper. I am not one to use essential oils or salt lamps or anything along those lines. But with the proof of elderberry showing a shortened life of colds I knew I had to try it. I am convinced it works. I did get a cold while taking this, the symptoms were much milder than any cold has ever been in the past. I’ll be a customer for life.
MeganP –
This is good stuff. It has 100mg of elderberry per 1 mL. From what I saw, that’s the highest concentration out there. PLUS, this product is Non-gmo and also Vegan.
Nice packaging, nice bottle with 1mL dropper, and at 60mL the bottle lasts about a month.
One question though. Seriously…
If there is elderberry in it, why is one of the ingredients “Natural Flavor”??? Seems the actual berry would be the flavour…..
Susan –
I would order this again. I love that it’s organic, sugar free and vegan! It tastes amazing (contrary to what others told me to expect) and I had no side effects that I can attribute to the product what so ever. I can’t speak to cold and flu relief as I didn’t have a cold or flu when I started using the drops. I hope that it has been boosting my immunity but, I’m not sure how I would tell that given that it is allergy season and I suffer with sinus issues. I feel no differently using the product now than I did before I started using it. That said, I can appreciate that prevention is an ongoing process and I will continue to take the product as I have enjoyed the experience so far.
D. Bell –
I was very curious to try the product, and once I tried it, I was pleasantly surprised. It had a very pleasant and fruity taste. It was easy to administer from the dropper bottle, and whether I took it straight by mouth or put it in water or even flavored water, I was quite happy with the taste. Using the recommended Dose, the product seems to be a good value for the money. It lasts quite long even using it daily. As far as the immunity support, I have not really been sick or under the weather since I’ve been using I was very curious to try the product, and once I tried it, I was pleasantly surprised. It had a very pleasant and fruity taste. It was easy to administer from the dropper bottle, and whether I took it straight by mouth or put it in water or even flavored water, I was quite happy with the sweet berry taste. Using the recommended dose, the product seems to be a good value for the money. It lasts quite long, even using it daily. As far as immunity, I feel like I have felt fine, with no health problems, since I’ve been using it.
A great product that I will continue using.