As Gotas Líquidas de Quercetina da marca Quercetin Drops são um suplemento inovador que oferece 1000mg de quercetina em cada dose, sendo quatro vezes mais potentes do que os comprimidos convencionais. Este bioflavonoide é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes e anti-inflamatórias, proporcionando um suporte robusto ao sistema imunológico e promovendo a saúde geral do corpo. Com uma fórmula que combina quercetina líquida com bromelina, sabugueiro, zinco e vitamina C, este suplemento não apenas fortalece as defesas naturais do organismo, mas também contribui para a saúde da pele, função cerebral, circulação sanguínea, suporte ósseo e melhora da função muscular.
As gotas são fáceis de absorver, tornando-se uma opção conveniente para quem busca uma maneira prática de incorporar a quercetina na rotina diária. O sabor delicioso de abacaxi torna a experiência ainda mais agradável, sendo uma escolha ideal tanto para adultos quanto para crianças. Além disso, o produto é orgânico, não transgênico e livre de alérgenos comuns, como laticínios, nozes, glúten, trigo, soja, milho e açúcar, garantindo segurança e qualidade.
1. Suporte imunológico avançado: Fortalece as defesas do corpo contra doenças e infecções.
2. Múltiplos benefícios para a saúde: Melhora a saúde da pele, função cerebral, circulação sanguínea e suporte ósseo e muscular.
3. Sabor delicioso: O sabor de abacaxi torna o consumo do suplemento agradável.
4. Seguro e natural: Feito com ingredientes orgânicos, não transgênicos e veganos.
5. Fácil de usar: Conta-gotas graduado para medir a dose correta com facilidade.
Agite suavemente o frasco antes de cada uso. Para adultos, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 conta-gotas (2 mL) diariamente. Para crianças, a dose indicada é de 1 conta-gotas (1 mL) diariamente. Caso não consiga obter uma conta-gotas cheia (1 mL), utilize mais conta-gotas para alcançar a dose recomendada. É aconselhável consultar um médico ou profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso do produto.
Taste great, is easy to take, and gives energy, and helps the digestive system.
Jean Martin –
Product purchased for anti- inflammatory .
Only problem see 2 days.
Very pleasant taste.
Shipped quickly.
Nala –
Item: “Quercetin Liquid Drops – Quercetin Supplements 1000mg – 4X Stronger Than Pills & Capsules – 5 in 1 Quercetin with Bromelain Elderberry Vitamin for Immunity Health Respiratory Health Skin Care- 2 Fl Oz”
It tastes kind of like what I imagine pineapple syrup for ice cream would be like. It’s yummy, though a little mild – I’ve had another pineapple liquid vitamin before that was a bit thicker and had a slightly stronger flavor, and I wish this was like that.
It has a thin consistency and drips out of the dropper readily, so if you’re not careful it’s easy to have a drop or two trickle out down the side or land on the counter or something, and then it becomes kind of sticky.
The dropper has measurement markers on it, which is really helpful so you don’t have to try to visually estimate if you’ve gotten close enough to something like “use half a dropper”. It has from 0.25ml up to 1ml, in 0.25ml increments. I put it into a little cup from cold medicine so I don’t contaminate the dropper by taking it directly from that.
I haven’t had any negative side effects from taking it; I hope it helps keep me healthier, long-term. I’ve been taking 1ml rather than 2ml like the serving size says, because when I read about quercetin it sounds like that’s the amount that is generally used. I’ve had a different quercetin previously that was 500mg per day (versus this one’s suggested 1000mg).
The bottle came in a box sealed up in plastic, and it had a plastic tamper seal around the cap, too.
The one I got in July 2023 has a manufactured date of June 15, 2023 and an expiration date of June 14, 2025.
Kelly –
I have only been using this for a week so not sure of impact on health yet but I like it. In the evening I put it in my sparkling water. Its very light pineapple tasting.
D. Bruton –
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This Quercetin is so easy to take! I love the pineapple flavor. It’s a fairly thin liquid – like a very thin syrup. This is my first time taking Quercetin and so far, so good.
The adult dose is 2mL. That would be the same as 2 full droppers. This bottle uses a simple dropper that is easy to use and easy to read. The dropper easily fills up to halfway – or .5mL, so I just take four of those. The liquid does sometimes drip out of the dropper, but I haven’t had a problem with that. You could drop it into a small cup with water if you want to dilute the taste. I like it straight.
I am mainly taking this for the Quercetin, but the other ingredients are a bonus. Bromelian is supposed to help with absorption. Vit C is always a plus for me, and it also has elderberry and zinc.
In the ingredients, it lists “organic fruity extraction.” I guess that’s the pineapple taste. Funny.
This bottle should last one month if you are taking the adult dose.
Nadette W. –
Delicious way to take your quercetin. I feel confident the beneficial effects will be seen soon.
super seller awesome fast service
guillermo marsiglia –
Lo recomiendo