Descrição do Produto: Strauss Naturals Heart Drops – Natural Misletoe
Strauss Naturals Heart Drops é um suplemento natural à base de visco, uma planta conhecida por suas propriedades benéficas para a saúde cardiovascular. Este extrato concentrado é formulado para apoiar a função do coração, promovendo a circulação sanguínea saudável e ajudando a regular a pressão arterial. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes naturais, as gotas de visco da Strauss Naturals são ideais para quem busca uma abordagem holística para o bem-estar do coração. O produto é livre de aditivos artificiais e conservantes, garantindo uma experiência pura e eficaz. A embalagem prática permite fácil dosagem, tornando o uso diário simples e conveniente.
1. Suporte à Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a manutenção de um coração saudável e melhora a circulação sanguínea.
2. Regulação da Pressão Arterial: Ajuda a equilibrar a pressão arterial, promovendo um sistema cardiovascular mais estável.
3. Ingredientes Naturais: Formulado com extratos de visco, sem aditivos químicos, ideal para quem busca produtos naturais.
4. Fácil Dosagem: A embalagem em gotas permite uma administração precisa e prática, facilitando o uso diário.
5. Apoio ao Bem-Estar Geral: Além dos benefícios cardíacos, pode contribuir para a sensação de bem-estar e vitalidade.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 30 a 40 gotas de Strauss Naturals Heart Drops diluídas em água, duas a três vezes ao dia. Agite bem antes de usar e mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Alex –
Jp –
Jkrobi –
Would definitely buy again.
Kev –
Good price.
D. Davis –
If you are at all queasy about the smell of garlic, you might want to take pause before buying this product. When the package arrived in the mail, I brought it in to open it, and even before I opened it I could smell one of the worst smells I’ve ever smelled coming thru the packaging materials. It smelled not so much like garlic smell x 5, but rather smelled like “rotten” garlic times 5! I took the bubble wrap off of the metal container and the smell only got stronger. But when I opened the metal container which held the actual bottle of the heart drops, I couldn’t believe how bad the smell was! After a while I finally worked up the courage to put some of the drops into about 4 ounces of water (I later tried other liquids such as lemon water, soda water, – anything to combat the stink). But it didn’t matter what I used to mix the drops with, after swallowing, my mouth smelled (and tasted) as bad the the horribly smelly product I had just taken. I pushed myself to take the drops for a week. Rapidly chewing the strongest peppermint gum I could find immediately after taking the drops, but nothing worked to get the nasty taste out of my mouth. Very few reviewers will talk about the nasty taste and smell, nor about how strong and powerful it is; but I want the buyers to beware. I spent around $70 for the product and ended up throwing it away because I absolutely could NOT cope with the stink and the smell. The drops may be healthy for the body (I won’t argue that), but OH MY, you will have to summon all your fortitude to ingest something so foul smelling. Please purchase at your own risk.
Alaska –
I have been taking Strauss Heart Drops for 27 years! I started at age 42 when I heard about these from a friend who recommended them. I was diagnosed with high cholesterol and heart issues back then. Altho I agreed to try the Rx Lipitor for cholesterol from my doctor…I used it for one month and quit because it made me feel achey and blah. Later on I changed doctors when I moved out of state. I started the heart drops at that time. Here I am, age 70 and have visited my cardiologist every other year with tests of my arteries and etc.. Doc tells me I’m doing great! I have taken vitamin supplements all these 27 years faithfully. No Rx drugs at all. I took a metabolic typing test online where it tells you what vitamins your body type needs. They are made specially by a company for this purpose. Not found in stores. My cholesterol is still high. Its hereditary in my family. My good HDL is very high in the 80 and 90’s which takes out the bad LDL. I’m doing well even I don’t take Rx for cholesterol. Just EXERCISE regularly, try stay away from fatty foods and eat more MUFA fats. (monounsaturated fatty acids..avacado, almonds, olive oil, dark choco.) theres 5 major MUFA fats). So my rating of Strauss Heart Drops on a scale of 1-10 would be an 11. They work! Heart Drops has helped my circulatory issues. Health is expensive. If you don’t spend it taking quality supplements, you spend the money at the doctors and hospital. Diet is important, and exercise. Its the #1 Rx.
Peter1340 –
I have been a Strauss customer for over 25 years now . I watched it help my Dad recover from a heart attack which destroyed 58% of his heart in 1986 . Enzyme count was off the charts at 5800 . He set some records for sure .
Best thing I can say to anyone is , my Dad is still alive today and I credit these heart drops . He started after being on pills for 10 years and being poisoned to the point they sent him home to die . He gradually stopped taking his pills after a year and his health made a total turn around . That was when I started taking these drops , January 1995 . I’m 52 and have never had a single health issue . I am the only one in my family who took these drops regularly ever since , and the only one not to have a serious issue . Ironically , all the issues my family had are treatable with Strauss drops . I think these drops have shielded me against the heart issues , blood pressure problems , and cancers that run in the family . My blood work is perfect and my blood pressure a steady 114/72 ish .
I have never diluted it
I ALWAYS drop it under my tongue and leave it as long as possible . Sometimes 10 mins . This will guarantee it gets in the blood stream for maximum effects , just like a nitro pill application .
Don’t forget to take the drops once you start . If you pay attention to the difference in your health , you won’t anyways
Boots –
I listened to Dr. Strauss years ago on the Power Hour and kept this product in the back of my mind in case I ever needed it. I don’t do doctors. I’m 63 and not on any medications. I am overweight and over the last couple of years, I noticed my ankles and feet constantly swelling. Last Fall of 2022, on vacation, my ankles swelled so badly I got extremely worried as I know that can be a sign of heart issues and circulatory things. I had been taking the drops but not consistently, however, I did take them on vacation with me but hadn’t taken them. I took a mega dose that evening and the next morning, my ankles were normal and they had been swollen really bad all week. 6 months ago, I had also noticed tightening in the chest and my heart would race. I found it hard to breathe and i literally thought I was gonna die after laying down for the night. So I began taking 3 droppers in the morning and 3 at night with my magnesium. My ankles never swell anymore, my heart feels fine and I don’t feel like something is sitting on my chest. So in my book, it’s worth every penny. I remember the doctor saying you could drink it in tomato juice or something like V-8 juice. You totally can’t taste it that way. But now, I just put them in a very small glass of water, stir it and take my other supplements at the same time. No, it doesn’t taste good but you get used to it. It is expensive but for me, it’s totally worth it. And I would assume everything that goes into the product probably isn’t that cheap to make. I have wanted to try other things, but I’m afraid the heart stuff may come back so I’ll continue on Strauss Heart Drops. And BTW, I do the original flavor. In my opinion, it’s well worth the money.
Aimz –
my partner swears by this supplement. he wont go without it.
Todd –
Just switched over to this, been using another for years, (healthy hearts club) but it has become hard to get……..Taste will get some getting used to, hopefully this will do the job……..