Gotas de Vitamina A Seeking Health – Olhos
As gotas de vitamina A Seeking Health – Olhos são um suplemento inovador que visa proporcionar um suporte essencial para a saúde ocular. Com uma fórmula concentrada, essas gotas são projetadas para melhorar a visão e promover a saúde dos olhos, oferecendo uma solução prática e eficaz para aqueles que buscam cuidar de sua visão de forma natural.
Com ação antioxidante, as gotas ajudam a proteger os olhos contra os danos causados pelos radicais livres, que podem comprometer a saúde ocular ao longo do tempo. Além disso, a vitamina A é fundamental para a função visual, contribuindo para a manutenção da visão saudável e a prevenção de problemas relacionados à idade, como a degeneração macular.
As gotas são formuladas com lecitina de girassol, que garante uma absorção eficiente, potencializando os benefícios da vitamina A. Este suplemento não apenas apoia a saúde dos olhos, mas também contribui para o fortalecimento do sistema imunológico e a saúde da pele e da garganta, tornando-se uma opção versátil para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável.
- Suporte à saúde ocular, melhorando a visão e protegendo contra danos.
- Ação antioxidante que combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde a longo prazo.
- Fortalecimento do sistema imunológico, ajudando a manter as defesas naturais do corpo.
- Saúde da pele e da garganta, proporcionando nutrição e proteção adicionais.
- Fórmula livre de alergênicos comuns, segura para pessoas com sensibilidades alimentares.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 1 gota diariamente, preferencialmente acompanhada de uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. Agite bem antes de usar e consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação. Este cuidado garantirá que você esteja utilizando o produto de forma adequada e segura, maximizando seus benefícios para a saúde ocular.
Mels –
I’ve struggled with chronically low readings on certain vitamins including A, since having bariatric surgery 9 years ago (BPS/DS). I was taking huge doses of dry vitamin A to no avail – I could never budge out of the low 300s (ideal vitamin A range 360-1200 ug/L). I started taking 2 drops of this and holding under my tongue for awhile before swallowing ~5 days a week. My labs skyrocketed from an all time low of 130 ug/L to 580 ug/L within 6 months. Given the number of servings per bottle, great price, plus the very apparent efficacy, I cannot recommend these enough!
YPrince –
I have suffered from constant acne breakouts for as long as I can remember. I am now in my mid-40s (female), and all of a sudden my face exploded with cystic acne along my chin. Huge bumps that literally didn’t go away for a month. The more I worried and stressed about it, the more followed. Even my children were asking what was going on. I was crying to my husband and everything (I was just a mess). It was embarrassing (more than usual since I have always had some sort of facial breakout going on at any given time). Being African American it left really ugly discolored scars that were hard to cover. I had tried Accutane in my 20s and it was like a miracle cure, but like most people have said, during the treatment the severe dryness (cracked corners of my mouth and lips), it was pretty extreme. My face was like the desert (BUT CLEAR!) However after I finished the treatment, my skin was completely clear for about 4 years. Slowly the acne creeped back in. On a whim, I started searching about Accutane and its relation to Vitamin A. I had been using my own treatment (cotton ball with straight apple cider vinegar on acne areas, followed by few drop of straight tea tree oil, followed by coconut oil) that I stumbled on. It was controlling the progression, severity, and the outward appearance of my skin, but I still had the hard nodules underneath. Everything I read said exercise extreme caution with Vitamin A. Well, I started with 10,000 i.u. or 2 drops – Acne did not respond with 3 days at that dosage. Still nodules under my skin. I then bumped it up to 20,000 i.u. or 4 drops and within 2 days the soreness of the acne areas subsided, then in 4 days they started shrinking, then after 7 days my skin was completely clear. I was impressed, but not convinced it would continue to work when I REALLY needed it. The real test was if it remained clear during (that time of the month…sorry guys…but the ladies will appreciate this). I continued the 20,000 until that time (about 2 weeks), then did 25,000 for first 2 days of (that time), then I stopped taking it (since I felt like I was pushing it) and my skin has remained clear. I am convinced it works. It does build up in the body, so it wouldn’t be a good idea to have a prolonged higher dosage based on what I have read. In total, I have used it about 1 month without adverse reaction, but I will say at the 25,000 iu for those 2 days, my lips and skin started really drying out. That’s why I backed off and stopped taking it. After a few days, I may start a maintenance dose of 10,000 iu or maybe not. I will pay attention to my body and use it only as needed during the times in the month that I struggle the most with breakouts. Don’t be tempted to go to extreme dosages, start low and ease up to find the right amount for you, then once you get some significant relief, cut back on it.
JeriOwl –
I’ve had specialized lab testing performed which indicated that despite supplementing wisely, I was still deficient in key nutrients including vitamin A. I was stunned, I eat LOTS of carrots, sweet potatoes, etc and I take a cod liver oil supplement. How could I still be deficient on A?! This obviously caught me off guard. I recently came across Seeking Health vitamins and Dr. Ben Lynch’s website due to my MTHFR genes. When I saw these A drops it was a no brainer to give them a try.
Within the first week or two I noticed my vision clarity noticeably improved. ANYTHING that improves vision is worthwhile continuing! Vitamin A is an oil soluble vitamin which means that it can build up over time. I still have no idea WHY I tested deficient on A after taking SOO many beta carotene supplements and eating beta carotene rich foods. It DOES explain why I am always craving carrots and sweet potatoes.. obviously I’m needing more vitamin A than I am either eating or processing from beta carotene into vitamin A. Anyway since I’ve began taking the Vitamin A drops, my odd cravings for sweet potatoes has all but vanished. Maybe I just wasn’t properly absorbing the beta carotene? or maybe I wasn’t converting it properly? Either way, I KNOW I’m feeling better overall, my vision has retained the new crisp clarity and my skin is taking on a new glow with fewer blemishes. I’m back to buy a few more bottles because obviously this form of vitamin A is working for me when other forms apparently were not, per lab testing.
A family member has been dealing with probable C Diff but due to gall bladder issues was not doing well with taking supplements in other forms. These drops are sooo concentrated that he’s been successfully using these drops to improve his nutritional status, as well. The skin on his feet, shins and calves were thickening, turning scaly and darkening. Since beginning this new supplementation protocol, his legs are visibly healthier, too. He was reporting issues with night vision, another symptom that Vitamin A needs to be supplemented. Overall he’s showing improvement so I’m satisfied we’re on the right path.
PNWer –
I’ve found these drops to be an easy way to take my fat-soluble vitamins. This is a very neat and reasonable way to get the vitamin A that’s crucial for our well being.
While I’ve read reviews complaining that it’s hard to get one drop onto or under the tongue….PEOPLE! Nothing could be easier. Get some product into the dropper,and when you squeeze the bulb,EXACTLY one drop will come out.
Unlike liquid vitamin D,(which is truly tasteless), this vitamin A does sport an acrid taste. This is NOT a big deal. One drop is a tiny amount,so you can easily “chase”your dose with a bite of food or sip of drink. The taste doesn’t linger or fight with other flavors, so please don’t deny yourself this excellent supplement!