Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder revitalizante das gotas de Niacina da HoneyCombs, uma forma líquida de vitamina B3 que oferece uma solução prática e eficaz para o suporte à saúde e ao bem-estar. Com 80mg de Niacina equivalente por dose, este suplemento é ideal para quem busca uma maneira simples de incorporar a vitamina B3 em sua rotina diária. As gotas são formuladas para serem livres de álcool e não contêm organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), garantindo um produto puro e potente.
- SUPORTE À SAÚDE: Os suplementos de vitamina B3 Niacina são essenciais para a saúde e manutenção da pele, língua e sistema digestivo, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
- APOIO À ENERGIA: As gotas líquidas de vitamina B proporcionam uma liberação lenta de Niacina, que o corpo utiliza para diversas funções vitais, ajudando a manter os níveis de energia ao longo do dia.
- AUMENTO NATURAL DE ENERGIA: O extrato de vitamina B3 pode apoiar a digestão e o metabolismo, convertendo carboidratos, gorduras e proteínas em energia rica, permitindo que você desfrute de um apetite saudável e se sinta menos cansado.
- PURAS E POTENTES: As vitaminas líquidas da HoneyCombs são fabricadas nos EUA, sem adição de enchimentos, conservantes artificiais, cores ou sabores, e são isentas de glúten, soja, leite ou ovos.
- GARANTIA DE SATISFAÇÃO: Temos a certeza de que você vai adorar nossas gotas de Niacina. Se não estiver satisfeito, você pode devolvê-las dentro de 30 dias após a compra para um reembolso total, sem perguntas.
1. Suporte à Saúde da Pele: Melhora a aparência e a saúde da pele, contribuindo para uma aparência mais radiante.
2. Aumento Sustentado de Energia: Proporciona energia de forma gradual, evitando picos e quedas bruscas.
3. Facilidade de Uso: A forma líquida permite uma dosagem precisa e fácil, ideal para quem tem dificuldade com comprimidos.
4. Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Produto livre de substâncias artificiais, garantindo uma opção saudável e segura.
5. Satisfação Garantida: A política de devolução oferece segurança na compra, permitindo experimentar o produto sem riscos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 ml (aproximadamente 20 gotas) de HoneyCombs Vitamin B3-Niacin diariamente. As gotas podem ser administradas diretamente na boca ou misturadas em água ou suco. É importante agitar bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade do produto. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplemento, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Bobbie –
Didn’t help
detroitme –
if anybody has Ichthyosis, please try this. he mixes it with a non irritating lotion and rub it on. I read in a old 1970s book that niacinamide cures Ichthyosis. we have tried every topical ointment out there. this is a very expensive process because the bottle does not last long. now investigating why this would work. why would his skin be deficient in niacinamide? my guess is it has something to do with intestinal microflora.
Kim B –
I will say that I did not use it for it’s intended use. Instead I mixed it with my facial lotion…it did make things a bit oilier but none the less moisturized (if you are acne prone or have sensitive skin I would throw some caution with this). I’m giving it 4 stars for topical use and not for it’s intended use.
Alex –
My duckling couldn’t walk and was losing feathers, he’d almost fall over while just sitting. In a matter of a week, my duckling made nearly a full recovery. His legs stopped wobbling, he was able to walk and move around like the other ducklings, and his feathers grew back. I could not recommend this product more!!
Pen R. –
Great for my ducks, just very high priced.
Maxine Randall –
This was a very good product. I like it very much it blends well with your face creams for me about 14 days a bit of brightening. I didn’t want anything too strong around my eyes and I wasn’t sure about this, so always consult your doctor.
I only let it stay on about an hour and then wiped off with water around my eyes. One again ask your doctor what’s best for you.
Alexis Winter –
I am using this product differently than its intended use. This makes for an AMAZING topical serum because it contains only the necessary ingredients; Niacinamide, water and glycerin.
For anyone that does a quick Google search on niacinamide, they will come to find that there are many products on the market today that utilize this ingredient for skincare due to it’s many different benefits. Niacinamide helps build cells in the skin while also protecting them from environmental stresses, such as sunlight, pollution, and toxins. Treats acne. Niacinamide may be helpful for severe acne, especially inflammatory forms like papules and pustules. Over time, you may see fewer lesions and improved skin texture. I feel it also helps with anti-aging.
However, these mainstream niacinamide based products are filled with unnecessary added fillers, chemicals, fragrances, or preservatives; I just couldn’t find one that had clean ingredients. Because I couldn’t find a serum with this primary ingredient that was clean I decided to experiment with an oral product. AND BOY WAS I NOT DISAPPOINTED. This feels so silky on your skin. I’m going to try it as a make up primer next because of the way it glides on the skin, so I would like to see how my foundation (organic) and finishing powder looks on top of this. I realize that everyone uses different make up so it might blend differently?
Also FYI, it says niacin on the front but it is in the form of niacinamide. Make sure that, if you don’t get this product, you find one that is in THIS form as there are three main forms of niacin (vitamin B3): Nicotinic acid, Nicotinamide (niacinamide), and Inositol hexanicotinate.
Hopefully this helps!
Luis Augusto Federighi –
Excellent product. Differently from what the seller’s answered bellow, this is NIACIN, the ACID form of B3 (also known as nicotinic acid). It’s extremely useful because it has vasodilation property, controls cholesterol, controls Labyrinthitis, besides curing pellagra. This is NOT niacinamide, the AMIDE form of B3, cheap and almost useless, except for curing pellagra and helping with skin whitening. The great majority of B3 being sold is niacinamide (cheap and useless, I repeat). People should educate themselves more, when it comes to health.