Descrição do Produto: Trace Mineral Drops by LyteTrace 100ml x 200 Porções
Descubra o poder dos minerais essenciais com o LyteTrace, um concentrado líquido de minerais traço que promete revolucionar a sua hidratação diária. Com 100 mL e impressionantes 200 porções, este produto é a solução ideal para quem busca equilibrar o pH do corpo e repor os minerais que muitas vezes faltam em nossa dieta. O LyteTrace é um concentrado iônico, livre de sódio, desenvolvido através de um processo natural e exclusivo de concentração solar que leva, em média, dois anos para ser concluído.
Com 79 elementos verificados, incluindo minerais e oligoelementos, o LyteTrace foi criado com o objetivo de enriquecer a água filtrada do dia a dia. Reconhecido como seguro (GRAS) e testado por terceiros, este produto é a escolha perfeita para quem se preocupa com a saúde e bem-estar. Os minerais presentes no LyteTrace desempenham funções vitais no corpo, como a produção de energia celular, a estabilidade elétrica das células, a contração muscular, a condução nervosa, a densidade mineral óssea e a regulação do tônus vascular.
Transforme sua água em uma bebida isotônica simplesmente adicionando uma porção de LyteTrace a 32 oz. de água. Cada garrafa de vidro contém uma quantidade impressionante de porções, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão uma forma prática de se manter hidratado e saudável. Além de água, o LyteTrace pode ser adicionado a smoothies, chás, bebidas carbonatadas, alimentos, banhos, xampus, sabonetes, jardins de vegetais, e até mesmo na água do seu pet. Se você é sensível ao sabor mineral, uma dica é adicionar um toque de limão ou um pouco de suco!
– Reposição de Minerais Essenciais: Ajuda a restaurar os minerais que podem estar ausentes na dieta moderna.
– Equilíbrio do pH: Contribui para a manutenção do pH ideal do corpo, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser adicionado a diversas bebidas e alimentos, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
– Segurança e Pureza: Produto Non-GMO, Vegano, Kosher e Gluten-Free, garantindo qualidade e segurança.
– Efeito Energizante: Melhora a produção de energia celular, ajudando a combater a fadiga e aumentar a disposição.
Para utilizar o LyteTrace, adicione uma porção (aproximadamente 0,5 mL) a 32 oz. (cerca de 950 mL) de água filtrada. Misture bem até que o concentrado esteja completamente dissolvido. Para uma experiência ainda mais saborosa, experimente adicionar ao seu smoothie ou chá favorito. O LyteTrace também pode ser utilizado em banhos ou na água dos animais de estimação, proporcionando benefícios minerais de forma prática e acessível. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Jeremiah –
This review is based on my initial impressions as I have only used it once. I can’t say for the time being if I’m getting any benefits.
The bottle (glass) comes well packaged so I wouldn’t think there would be breaking issues. The dropper has measuring lines that are very easy to read. There isn’t any problem knowing what the serving size is.
As for the taste, I don’t find it that strong and don’t feel I have to mix it with anything but that is certainly an option.
My only complaint (minor) is that the directions say take as needed but I’m always cautious with any supplement because I don’t want to take too much. So I’ll limit it to one serving per day.
Lori E –
Easy to replenish electrolytes without breaking my fast. Will order again when I’ve used up my last bottle.
faith narkiewicz –
It’s a Great product, I’ve used in past. BUT, it leaked out into packaging and seller won’t return my message
squad404 –
I use a Zero Water filter for all my water. It removes EVERYTHING. After some research I found that I need/should be putting good minerals back into the water. This stuff makes the water taste more like water. I can’t speak to health benefits as I have only used this for a day. If I transform into a super hero from this, I’ll update.
Overall, not bad … better than any (re)mineralization filter we have tried and tested. We use the drops to supplement our demineralized water produced by the reverse osmosis system.
These drops DO raise the TDS in water. They do NOT change water’s pH level.
The prescribed dosage of 0.5 mL per 32 fl oz or 2.0 mL per Gallon (128 fl oz) raises TDS by 240 PPM. It is easy to overdo it. For us the half of suggested dosage was enough to increase the mineral content in our RO water by 120 PPM.
Now, a bit about those marketing mambo-jumbo claims …
“RESTORE PH BALANCE LyteTrace balances the body’s pH with essential minerals that perform numerous vital functions in the body …”
“WATER’S BFF Just add one serving (0.5 mL) of LyteTrace to 32 fl oz. of water to create an isotonic beverage that adds essential minerals to water and balances the body’s pH.”
First, the isotonic beverage is a bit like that proverbial corinthian leather. Nobody can see it or feel it.
Second, the pH balance the claims above make is about your body’s ability to balance its pH level assisted, perhaps, by the minerals these drops provide. The drops do not actually change water’s pH levels, they change the TDS (mineral content) levels only.
We have tested both qualities before and after using calibrated professional testing equipment.
ZoomAddict –
Filters can get things like fluoride/chlorine/bad stuff out, so filtered water is good, right? It isn’t that simple. Filtered water usually removes particulates, and this is just plain dangerous long-term. Especially if you drink a lot of water or buy things made with filtered water (like grocery store tea, soda, etc).
Consider that -ALL- of the particulates are removed from RO (reverse osmosis) water, ZeroWater, water used to make grocery store drinks, etc. Short-term this isn’t a problem, your body will pull minerals from several locations, including your brain & bones. Long-term these particulates are things your body absolutely MUST HAVE to function. The trace minerals in LyteTrace (and the macro minerals like calcium/magnesium/potassium) are things you just can’t live without long-term. And the trace minerals in what we eat/drink have been decimated. Due to factory farming techniques the minerals your grandparents got in their food are now severely diminished. These are just a couple of the reasons is why we need LyteTrace, but this is only half of the story (the other half is macro minerals).
If the highly filtered stuff mentioned above is how you get your hydration the time is now to re-revaluate. Over years your food and water will leech macro and trace minerals from every part of your body and end up causing multiple deficiencies and result in nasty things (like brittle bones, dementia, etc). And if you think bottled water, or water that has been highly filtered and then run through a “polishing filter” to add minerals back, is healthy you genuinely do need to reconsider. If you take everything out (like RO filters/Zerowather/etc filers do) the minerals your body absolutely requires (trace and macro) are not added back (or added back in anywhere near the right proportions). Most of the time what is added back is just a minuscule percentage of the macro minerals and none of the trace minerals. So yes, most of us need LyteTrace… AND we also need effective macro mineral supplements.
Problems caused by a long-term lack of trace and/or macro minerals will rarely be identified by your doctor. They develop slowly (over a period of years) and all your typical doc will do is treat the symptom. Really, if you are drinking “mineral-removed” stuff without adding minerals back then please take the time to Google what a long-term lack of calcium/magnesium/ potassium and lack of trace minerals will cause (and it is worth noting here again that LyteTrace only adds the trace minerals back not the three macro minerals). This is important unless you eat a LOT of salad. As an example, an adult needs 3,500–4,700 mg of potassium every day. Most adults in the USA get less than 1000 mg. Since potassium is absolutely vital to good health, and it is likely you are not getting nearly enough, think maybe you need a potassium supplement? Magnesium, same deal. Most are deficient, I would recommend using Magnesium Threonate (since it is the only one that crosses the blood/brain barrier). Most of us get plenty of the other major macro minerals (like sodium, phosphorus, etc) in our diet.
The bottom line: Yes you need LyteTrace, and you need to figure out how to get the macro minerals that are not in most diets (potassium/magnesium/etc). That “healthy” filtered water you are drinking will, over the years, just plain ruin your health (unless you are one of the lucky 1% that has genes that can cope with almost any nutritional deficiency). The good news is, mineral deficiencies are easily and completely preventable for those who take the time to figure out how to get trace AND macro minerals. So have at it folks, with LyteTrace or a product like it you’re minerally halfway there. And if this has been helpful thumb it up so others will read what they need as well.
Justin P –
I add Lytetrace to my RO water. It adds a slight mineral flavor which I enjoy.
I am 50 years old. I began having, serious, joint pain in last 5 years or so. I was tired of treating symptoms! I decided to try/add this to add to my daily, multi-vitamin, krill oil, d3-k2, supplements. They ALL worked well. I was still having, VERY-slight, joint pain…. although, compared to pain before, it was nothing!
This trace mineral has pretty, much stopped it all. All of the other vitamins did what they are supposed to but I continued to have feelings that something was missing. I watched YouTube and a doctor there mentioned trace minerals. I researched, internet for days and decided to try. THIS WORKED! Previous to taking the d3-k2 I couldn’t walk up and down stairs without, having, HORRIBLE, PAIN in my hips and knees! Whenever I got out of bed I was thinking “Just how should I move my legs first without aggravating my joints or sockets?”
This worked. Pain free. Taking walks now!
Even my saliva taste fresh! I didn’t know that would happen! My teeth feel stronger. My nails are damn near TOUGH, Although pretty! 😊 My skin is not drying out and it has a glow/shine! I could go on… I AM VERY HAPPY!