Descrição do Produto: Gotas de Melatonina com Raiz de Valeriana – Suplemento Líquido de Melatonina com 5-HTP
Descubra a serenidade em segundos com as Gotas de Melatonina da Ultra6 Nutrition. Nossa mistura especializada garante uma entrega rápida e eficiente de melatonina líquida, proporcionando relaxamento sem a habitual sensação de letargia. Diga adeus às dificuldades para dormir e abrace a tranquilidade com nossa fórmula de ação rápida. Com um sabor ousado e resultados profundos, as gotas de melatonina para adultos oferecem uma experiência de sono inigualável. O sabor robusto que permanece após o uso é um sinal da garantia de uma noite repousante. Deixe para trás os comprimidos sem graça e embarque em uma jornada saborosa rumo a um sono profundo e restaurador.
A eficácia líquida supera os comprimidos, pois nossa fórmula assegura a absorção ideal de ingredientes-chave como a melatonina (próxima a 3mg), oferecendo uma alternativa superior aos comprimidos. Diga adeus aos resultados insatisfatórios e abrace o poder da tintura de melatonina e valeriana para uma experiência de sono revitalizante. Desenvolvido como um auxílio para o sono para adultos, esta solução versátil é um favorito na Amazon. Ao aproveitar as propriedades calmantes do 5-HTP, Flor de Maracujá e outras ervas, nossa fórmula garante uma noite de sono tranquila para todos.
Com qualidade confiável, nossas gotas de melatonina são fabricadas nos EUA em uma instalação certificada pela GMP. Priorizamos a qualidade, aderindo a rigorosos padrões de fabricação para entregar gotas de sono para adultos em que você pode confiar.
– Ação Rápida: Proporciona relaxamento em poucos minutos, ideal para quem tem dificuldade em adormecer.
– Sabor Agradável: O sabor robusto torna a experiência mais prazerosa em comparação com comprimidos tradicionais.
– Melhor Absorção: A forma líquida garante que os ingredientes ativos sejam absorvidos de maneira mais eficaz pelo organismo.
– Composição Natural: Enriquecido com 5-HTP e ervas calmantes, promovendo um sono mais profundo e reparador.
– Qualidade Garantida: Fabricado nos EUA em instalações certificadas, assegurando um produto seguro e confiável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se agitar bem o frasco antes de usar. Coloque 1 ml (aproximadamente 30 gotas) sob a língua 30 minutos antes de dormir. Mantenha as gotas na boca por 30 segundos antes de engolir para maximizar a absorção. Não exceda a dose recomendada e consulte um profissional de saúde se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Josh Yates –
I have avoided taking products to help me sleep because when I have, it always seems like the next morning is rough. A friend recommended this product to me, and I am so happy that I gave it a shot! Going to sleep is not really a problem for me, but staying asleep is. Especially if my mind starts racing when I do wake up in the middle of the night. This product has definitely improved my ability to stay asleep or to go back to sleep if I do wake up. I also love that I don’t feel like I’m in a fog when I wake up the next morning. I’m very happy with my decision to try this out.
Zaspy –
I was very skeptical about this product actually working, but to my surprise, it works VERY Well!
Since New years, I had been having trouble going to sleep due to anxiousness & random night anxiety that appeared out of nowhere!
At first, I began taking a prescription pill called zanaflex that would make me fall asleep about 2 hrs after taking it and sleep about 5-6hrs. Although it didn’t leave me feeling groggy, my sleep wasn’t as quality as it was before the anxiety started with the pill. After a few months, I stopped the zanaflex cause it was giving me tremors & make me feel jittery before putting me to sleep. From there, my doctor recommended me a stronger medicine, but I refused due to the potential side effects and the high risk of addiction that came with it.
Instead, I decided to purchase this product. Because, I was such a skeptic (due to some similar drops like these that didn’t work), I decided take this with 1 Benadryl every night. The concoction worked perfectly for months! I would fall asleep easy, sleep decent, and wake up feeling good. Things were going good until one day, I caught a stomach bug. I decided not to take the drops during that period, due to the magnesium because I know magnesium can have a diarrhea affect, I didn’t want it to worsen my flu symptoms (I’ve never experienced diarrhea symptoms on these jobs I was just worried because of the flu). So during the flu period, I just took Benadryl and noticed right off that it took 4 hours for me to go to sleep after taking it plus I didn’t sleep for no more than 3 hrs. At that point, I realized that the drops is what helping me sleep!
After the flu, I only started taking the drops and I haven’t looked back! They put me to sleep in 30 min – 1hr and I sleep for a full 8 hours. If I wake up to go to the bathroom, I don’t worry about if I’ll fall back to sleep like I did on the zanaflex or Benadryl alone, I always fall right back into a peaceful sleep. Furthermore, I’m DREAMING again! I’ve always had vivid dreams, but after I started taking the zanaflex & Benadryl I didn’t dream/ couldn’t remember them.
Needless to say, I am a believer in these drops and I hope nutrition 6 don’t mess with this formula at all, cause it’s perfect as is!!!!
D Redding –
I have struggled with insomnia for years and tried everything under the sun. Over the counter sleep aids, melatonin, etc. Nothing seemed to work. Often when I tried to sleep my mind would race from one thing to another like a hamster on a wheel. It was not unusual for me to be awake until 4:00 in the morning only to fall asleep for two hours and then start my day. Bummer. So I didn’t have much hope for this. But it works. I have taken it every night since it arrived and I have slept soundly for 7 hours every night. I usually get into bed and take this right away, then read for about 20 minutes (sometimes less) until I’m sleepy. My mind remains calm and sleep comes quickly when I shut my Kindle. Such relief to finally find something that works.
Rose Garber –
I have tried a lot of different natural sleep supplement blends and this one is one of my least favorite ones I have tried. I’d heard from people that liquid blends had helped them fall asleep faster but this one did not have that effect for me. I am someone who has problems falling asleep not staying asleep so I can’t speak to whether this blend helps with staying sleep. But, it did not help me fall asleep at all and tastes terrible. Further, the taste lingers in your mouth and it took me several sips of water to get it to go away. I would not recommend this sleep supplement
Meghan Happy –
I have used this supplement for quite some time now. I have had sleeping issues for most of my adult years and have trouble both falling asleep and staying asleep. This supplement REALLY helps you fall asleep quickly, it doesn’t do the best job helping you stay asleep but that also could just be me. I have tried every vitamin, supplement, thing under the sun to assist with sleep and this is probably the one I found most helpful. I do not feel drowsy AT ALL the next day. I am giving it a lower star quality only because I do take about 3 x the dose (which is just one dropper) since the melatonin amount is so low in one dropper. I am someone who’s been taking melatonin for almost 20 years, so my tolerance is higher. If you are new to taking melatonin, then I recommend starting with the original dosage. Great product! Highly recommend 🙂
k. –
This was my third time buying this product and I have it on subscription. The first two times I was very happy with the product. It worked amazing, and quickly. This time the product seems off. The second I opened it (too late to return) I noticed a bad smell that I hadn’t experienced with prior bottles. The taste is equally as bad. Very like a cow patty…
I don’t know what’s up but I don’t feel safe continuing to use this product, at least this batch. The safety seal was intact when the product was received.
Christine M. –
Amazing! I’m a light sleeper. Have never slept well. Tried everything natural and prescribed. This has no side effects. One dose is enough for me. 2 definitely sleep thru the Alarm clock. As others stated, you can get up go pee and get back in bed and go back to sleep. No more tossing and turning. Even had my daughter try it. She Doesn’t sleep very well either. This worked for her too. No it doesn’t taste great but hold it on or under your tongue for 10 secs and wash down w water. Well worth it.